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Posts posted by bouche

  1. You don't copy everything. The Win98 cd has alot of crap that you don't want to copy. Just find the folder that has all of the .cab files in it, and it should be titled win98.

    However, there are so many versions of the install disc, it could be called something else.

    I think you can use the following commands to copy the entire win98 directory too your harddrive, including all sub-directories...

    --->if D is your CD-ROM

    cd d:

    cd win98 (or whatever the cab directory is)

    copy *.* c:\win98 /S

    the /S should copy all subdirectories as well.

  2. It kind of sounds like you don't have any CD-ROM drivers loaded for the command prompt.

    How are you booting your computer to install win 98?

    - Find a pc with win 98 on it and take a floppy and make a boot disc.

    - boot your pc to the command prompt

    - make a directory called "win98"

    - find the win98 directory on your win98 cd and copy everything in there to the folder you made (there's probably other folders in there you should copy too)

    - then run setup.exe from your hard drive.

    it'll install win98 from your harddrive and won't have any problems finding the disc.

  3. Gotta jump in here with some fact...

    Phil and Friends in fact existed well before any TOO stuff...

    where's the proof?

    Right here...


    Phil Lesh And Friends

    September 24, 1994

    Berkeley Community Theater, Berkeley CA

    Phil Lesh and Friends (acoustic with Phil Lesh, Jerry Garcia, Bob

    Weir and Vince Welnick)

    Old Walkin' Blues, Lazy River Road, KC Moan, Duprees Diamond

    Blues, Childhood's End, Masterpiece, Attics Of My Life, Cassidy,

    Bird Song, Throwin Stones

    Listen to it here...

  4. If you remember your Phishsanctuary name-tag, I think we'll be making more of those again for Sanctuarians. They were a lot of fun to put together and they certainly looked great with any outfit.

    The ability to live like your avatar outside of the computer will almost be like virtual reality!

  5. If it weren't for the Beatles, I'm not sure if I'd be playing guitar. But in a grander scope of things, I think that there was more to the beatles than just the Beatles.

    The 4 were fantastic, but without the direction and production of George Martin, they probably would not have honed their skills or developed in the way that they did. He took his musical knowledge and classical experience and injected it into the Beatles.

    As well, the snow ball of the Beatles Invasion in America only exploded a ton of bands that mimicked all that the Beatles were, to a lesser degree. That still happens, but with crappy bands and musicians being copied.

    How many N-synch's are there, or girl-pop w/dancers?

    The Beatles created incredible life-long lasting music that spans generations. I'm sure people will be listening and studying the Beatles a few hundred years down the road, much like our society does with Shakespeare, Mozart and Beethoven.

  6. I picked up guitar in grade 6 and took some intro course to the guitar, but my fingers were to small and week to press the strings down, and I eventually stopped. I was playing songs like "Pick a bail of Cotton" and "She'll be comin round the mountain", and of course "House of the Rising Sun".

    In Grade 10 I got a hold of a basic piano book from the Brennan's, and learned alot of beatle melodies like... Yellow Submarine, When I'm Sixty-Four...etc.

    As far as full songs went, I mainly remember learning my first note-for-note solo. The Get Back solos off of Let it Be had me obsessed.

    I learned that tune with solos and from there, I just kept learning all of the Beatles that I could.

  7. Certainly set up your Toronto watch, but you can also go into the Event listing and select Ontario, and Toronto in the drop-downs to create this link...


    If you click on that, you'll see that nero is playing the Comfort Zone on the 23rd of November.

    Jimmy Swift, GTB, and the Erin Smith Band are all this week, however Erin Smith is at C'est What. We finally got to see them at the Come Together Fest on Labour Day, and they are a fantastic band. Looks like a great week!

    I also heard that Silver Hearts is quite an amazing musical experience. I think they are coming to Ottawa shortly too, and I fully expect to be there.

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