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Posts posted by bouche

  1. Is there any screenshots anywhere? I went to the site and all they have is a sign-up. I'd like to see at least a briefing on it.

    I guess they have a prototype for the game in flash. Seems odd. They're testing it, THEN they're going to build the game. I guess it'll be years before that ever comes around.

  2. not really a pickup line, but there is a gizmo that is indispensible. Carry a lighter. even if you don't smoke.

    It's incredible how many cute girls smoke and have no lights. There's nothing worse than a hot girl asking you for a light and you DON'T HAVE ONE!

    You may find yourself either just saying 'no', in dismay, or you instantly start scambling through your pockets going 'i SHOULD have one here some where.' and then proceed to run around trying to find a lighter from someone else and then offer it to her.

    You could also be near a good-lookin lady and you notice she needs a light. That's a great time to step up to the plate with your fancy lighter AND your conversation.

  3. Hey now.

    If anyone wants to create a custom avatar, you can do so in your profile.

    However, please follow these guidelines or it will be removed/replaced.

    - nothing dirty. If you need a definition of dirty, just check with treyter. If he likes it, it probably is [Wink]

    - width no bigger than 90 pixels

    - height no larger than 90 pixels

    (the smaller ones are 45 x 45)

    - image size no bigger than 5 KiloBytes or 5000 bytes

    The image can be hosted anywhere, so you only need to put in the URL for the image. You don't need to send it to me.

  4. Yeah, that's what I thought you did.

    I honestly can't believe this crap actually goes on. I try and imagine the dude who actually orders someone to put up these listings and wonder if there is any morals at all. It's all fuggin crazy.

    Do you think it's actually possible that people think they can capitalize off of phish tix beyond these first 4 shows?

    Are we going to get conditioned now to think that $70 US is a fair price to pay for a shitty placed ticket for phish now, thanks to the elevated prices of these numbnutzes?

    I'd like to hear what Michael Moore would have to say about this fiasco.

  5. There are a number of different reasons for everyone. I've found that they are as tight, talented, and 'professional' sounding as any killer band I've paid mucho bucks to see.

    I remember seeing them for the first time and noticing all of their time changes going on. I've always been a sucker for things like that. I'll find myself trying to pick out the different time changes, and I'm sure some other people do that too. (GM eh?) But, that was only the eye-opener to their talent.

    They also sound great, as GM said, the tunes get stuck in your head, and that can be bad, but when it happens from a grass-roots group and you aren't pissed off that it's in your head, it's something special.

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