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Posts posted by bouche

  1. Hey 2nd.

    For most people, 4 cities is plenty, so that's really all that was designed for. Now, as new stuff is getting worked out, we'll be allowing for a even more customization and search capabilities.

    For now, you do have the option to do as kev and mark suggested. The 'Event Listing' in the Jambands menu will list everything in Ontario if you want it to. Just select Ontario and hit search.

    Here's a direct link...


  2. It's very ironic that the only time in the night Tissue-Man was needed, he was in fact part of the tragedy. I guess booze is to Tissue-man as Kryptonite is to Superman.

    This is Tissueman at full-power...surrounded by his pooper-friends...

    Smutman Snake, The Carver, and Low-Red-Alien


  3. You might think that this drawing was created by a little kid. I mean...who draws with crayons besides kids? Catphish! That's who!

    She drew this lovely piece for Dogatthestation who hasn't been around in a while. Where the hell is he?


  4. Nightmare on Elm Street scared the begeezuz out of me!

    That was when I first saw it way back when it first came out. Nothing has scared me in a movie in a really long time. I don't think scary movies are ever scary anymore.

    How many times can a phone ringing make you jump in your seat at a theater before it gets old?

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