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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. Watched this documentary last night on TVO. Fascinating, disturbing, eerily similar to current events. I highly suggest taking the time to view it. It's on again; http://www.tvo.org/TVOsites/WebObjects/TvoMicrosite.woa?b?8976221200549772000 Jan 17th @ 1am on TVO A look at some of the seminal events in America in the 20th century, through the eyes of former Secretary of Defense, Robert S. McNamara. Why was this past century the most destructive and deadly in history? Are we doomed to repeat our mistakes? From the firebombing of 100,000 Japanese civilians in 1945, to the brink of the nuclear catastrophe during the Cuban missile crisis, to the devastating effects of the Vietnam war. The Fog of War is essential viewing for anyone who wants to understand how the American government justifies the use of military force. Combining extraordinary archival footage, recreations, newly declassified White House recordings, and an original score by the Oscar nominated composer, Philip Glass, the film is a disquieting and powerful essay on war, rationality, and human nature. http://webcast.newswire.ca/archive/MMNR/tvo/jan2007/humanedge300.wmv http://theologyinthevineyard.wordpress.com/2007/01/12/the-fog-of-war/
  2. Raptors were starting to suffer with ticket sales = possibility of losing some money. For the Leafs this is never the case, and most likely won't change.
  3. Comin' to TO for this one too Ollie? Should be a blast. Let's party.
  4. Hey Mark, You're right ... nice to have DSO there, but shit, i'm sure a whackload of bands and that venue will be a perfect mix anyways Wonder who it's going to be.
  5. Come on out. This is going to be a great show. "Turn It On Again" makes their Toronto debut on Sat Feb 9th to perform the amazing 1982 Three Sides Live Tour! Stay tuned for pre-show meet & greet deatails!
  6. Damn ... that's a real bummer. There's no way that we can make it on Labour Day weekend since it's when Darlene has to prep for school (teacher) and be setting up her class, etc. Guess I'll have to hope for some other weekend (not in August either) for GFest, or wait until '09. Fuck it was fun last year! Maybe we'll hit the Great Blue Heron Festival again instead. Great times there too: http://www.greatblueheron.com/
  7. I heard Healy on the Fan this morning. You gotta take what he says with a grain of salt these days. He sounded like a slick politician trying to bring down an incumbent. He's gunning for JFJ's job and was laying heaps of blame on him, while essentially kissing ass and saying it wasn't ownerships fault
  8. Thanks for posting about the recall. Just saw a coworker with one of those mugs. She said she already had replaced it once last week ... because the handle fell off! I told her to raise hell with Starbucks since they were giving her a product with a safety recall!!! Free coffee free coffeee free coffeee free coffeee free coffeee free coffeee free coffeee free coffeee free coffeee free coffeee free coffeee free coffeee free coffeee ....
  9. HA! My LeafsTV Curse worked again ... Everybody who has LeafsTV (whether it's bundled in, or subscribed) should be demanding to have it removed. Next home game had better have a lot of BOOOOOs pouring down from the stands. These guys don't deserve much respect at ANY of the levels ... management, coaching and players. They've given up. Pathetic.
  10. Grabbed a few things last night and got blistering speeds with my connection. Was pulling a couple of torrents averaging about 350 down each ... sometimes higher. I'll have to try seeding a few things to make sure I can keep up a decent ratio on this site. It's looking good so far ... Too bad I missed the XMas free leeching (like i missed it on OINK last year)
  11. LOL I just checked NHL.COM for some midnight comedy. Noticed that the Leafs allowed a 4 goal 1st period. Wow, what a comeback from a shutout the night before. ELEVEN UNANSWERED GOALS over the last 6 periods!? Damn ... Sundin is getting cheaper as a bargaining chip and JFJ should be packing right NOW.
  12. Wow ... what's next? This is getting crazy. I thought the CBA was going to keep things under control!? This is going to turn into a league for megalomaniac billionaires to cock-fight one another. Should be fun to sit back and watch. Bettman will sneak out the back door before the big collapse like the rat he is. NOW is the time to sell MLSE to that billionaire who's actually interested. I don't want my wife's pension squandered
  13. See what happens when you're not allowed to drink at work? Avatars are confusing me ... braids, cute dogs, goalies, etc. they melt into a dream
  14. Dude, nothing to do with the Habs. Remember, I grew up a Habs fan (and still they are my "first" team) I've owned more Habs sweaters over the years and attended more games at the Forum than MLG. I don't trash Les Habs.
  15. LOL ... yup, but sometimes it's better to get a game misconduct and get kicked out so you can just go home (or to the bar) a little early
  16. and by "chill"' date=' you mean "order in a hooker and do coke off the room key"? [/quote'] Could it mean anything else??? We're talkin' Buffalo, man
  17. What? Well it sure looks like you're agreeing with what Downie did here. So, Blake brought in on? Words, man ... words!!! Most humans understand the great wisdom of "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." If NHLers responded with sucker punches and violence to what all their opponents say about them on, and off, the ice the game (since that's OK by you) they'd be running out of players at this point. Please, justify it again for me ... you say something nasty to/about me, then I come over to your work while a couple of people hold you down and I punch the shit out of you. It all OK since you "brought it on"? As everyone around stands looking at me disgusted, I then look back and SMILE at them just like Downie. Maybe I get a fine, but then you're OK with me since I will have served my punishments and then I can go out 4 days later and do it again. Yup, now I know why Booche wants to pull his hair out reading some of your posts!
  18. Yup ... he is Hey, I was laughing at the Sens (most of 'em, not all) and I'm laughing at the Leafs right now. So fucking what?
  19. you can always get a room at a Buffalo Airport hotel super cheap on Priceline and just chill for the night when your flight gets in (i might do this the next time)
  20. It ranks 9th in the states for obesity, so it may not be as hard as you think http://healthyamericans.org/reports/obesity/release.php?StateID=TN Wonder what these guys sound like
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