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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. Jan 31 The Town Ballroom Buffalo, NY On Sale 11/14 PERFECT
  2. The humour is very in the moment. For instance, they did What's New In Baltimore last night and they tossed in a few Buffalo references. Ray White intro'd a tune talking about how he had bought a shirt in Buffalo. During one segment they ask for a random word/sentence, which Ray then freestyles a new set of lyrics with while the band jams (last night was "Police lights flashing with ladies dancing in silhouette" ... a story Dweezil had about being on a flight talking with LL Cool J ) The musicians in this band are top-notch. Such a treat to see this complex and wonderful music being honoured in the live setting. Go and see them next time they are close.
  3. One of the most amazing experiences I had in relation to Remembrance Day and the sacrifice that was made by so many was when I was in Europe. My wife and I drove to Normandy and visited Juno Beach and one of the Canadian Cemeteries. After traveling around for 2 months, I never would have thought a beach and a cemetery in a foreign country would make me feel so at HOME and so unbelievably proud and patriotic being a Canadian. With fewer and fewer veterans alive from that time we have to preserve their/our history and make sure that the youth understand what happened. Every day I wear a gold ring that was issued to my grandfather as thanks for his service in WWII (officer on a mine sweeper). When I was in Normandy he was still alive. I called him from there to say thank you. I can't tell you how much it meant to him and to me. (A few years later they made a commercial out of it ... for Bell i think ... total coincidence) In Flander's Fields In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flander's fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, tho poppies grow In Flander's fields. Liet. -Col. John McCrae The Canadian Cemetery at Cintheaux contains the remains of 2,959 Canadian soldiers who helped free France from Nazi oppression.
  4. There was a story recently about a 'large' man who fell a few stories out a window or something. They say that his body armour (i.e. fat) saved him! Now, how do we all become Peter Griffins?
  5. So does a buddy of mine. He works for GFS ... you?
  6. Was there a game tonight? Guess I didn't miss much of anything. I spent my time and money on some quality entertainment in Buffalo at the Zappa Plays Zappa gig. If I had been stupid enough to pay for Leafs TV I'd be writing a letter to cancel and also ask for a refund for anything paid so far. What a joke. I don't even want to watch the highlights.
  7. Hey, Got yer DVD (it's a double ). PM me and we can work out the details. Great show tonight ... really different from the last two at the Hummingbird Centre. Gotta go to bed now.
  8. Very interesting article. We all know that professional athletes choose to play, but the after effects seem extra shitty for former football players: http://www.mensjournal.com/feature/M162/M162_CasualtiesoftheNFL.html
  9. ROFLOL ... now THAT is a wonderful thing. Now if I could only photoshop a picture of a pilon lying in a hospital bed ...
  10. Great story ... thank you.
  11. why couldn't they take one of their old OINK databases and sent out invites to a bunch of old members
  12. http://www.thestar.com/article/273880
  13. I want this installed in my house dammit!
  14. WTF? Isn't "Ebony" supposed to highlight people who are African-American? This guy is a white dude:
  15. Really Weird Indian Condom Commercial - Watch more free videos
  16. one of the most frustrating things in sports are top-calibre players who are constantly injured. Everyone has seen their potential, and then it continually gets placed on hold. Forsberg's comments didn't sound too hopeful, but it'd be great if he could come back.
  17. It's a Neil morning ... then on to some Zappa
  18. WOW! This one looks great too. Damn, these Phil shows are great. Wish I could have attended more than one on this tour. Second set is more than 2 hours alone!!! Wharf Rat seems like an odd choice for an encore, but I'll take it. Now, where are those recordings?
  19. Too bad for Forsberg. It would be nice if he could recover and play again. Sucks to see a guy go out when he still had some good years left in him. Hoping for a possibility that he could still come back though As unfortunate as it is, it hardly gets me to the level of crying though. dave-O did this news really hit you that hard??? I'd hate to see how you survive watching the evening news!
  20. Jamming phones could be very controversial if there isn't fair warning to people so that they know (i.e. in a movie theater an ad would come on saying that there is a jammer present). I think that RFID jammers/firewalls could be useful too: http://www.rfidguardian.org/index.php/Main_Page http://www.boingboing.net/2006/12/06/personal-firewall-fo.html
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