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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. That's right, even if a lot of it can be recycled. However, the bigger plus for maintaining an old car is that it decreases the need to PRODUCE so many new ones. The energy, resources, material, byproducts, from producing 6 or 7 new cars far outweighs any sort of evil that could come out of the 20 year old tail pipe.
  2. Yup, and no rewards for car owners who DON'T buy new cars every couple of years. Shit, why don't i get some sort of break for owning a 20 year old car??? I keep it tuned to minimize emissions. I could have gone through 6 or 7 "new" cars if I had been leasing. What's better for the environment?
  3. It's a bus stop ... we drive by, pick you up if you want a ride, and that's when it all begins Yo, Neal! Take a left at perception, then straight on through past reality ...
  4. Hey, everyone said let's celebrate 4/20 last Friday ... nobody said to STOP!
  5. Booche = Captainsunshine =
  6. Why don't you just lease one of these?
  7. That was an amazing scene. So well shot (pun intended ). That's what I'm talking about! I can't wait to see 28 Weeks later now. Thanks for sharing that. I had no idea there was a sequel on it's way http://www.28weekslatermovie.co.uk/
  8. Hey, have fun, just don't get high and DRIVE : http://adage.com/video/Player.php?s=OjEwNDc6N2VmZjNmMmQ6MQ
  9. Don't be surprised if they make HEAVY use out of Facebook and Myspace too! Beware about what kind of shit you put up there. Great way to get dirt on somebody ... in some roundabout way the gov't is probably helping fund Facebook, etc. for these reasons. Bullshit
  10. from boingboing.net Canadian professor denied US entry for taking LSD in 1967 W sez, "Vancouver psychotherapist Andrew Feldmar has been barred from entering the United States. The reason? During a random stop-and-search at a US/Canadian border crossing, a Google search of his name led to his article from the Spring 2001 'Janus Head: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenological Psychology, and the Arts.' In it Feldmar describes two acid trips he took under the supervision of his graduate advisor in psychology -- in 1967. This turns out to have been enough to earn him a life-time ban under the grounds of 'admitted drug use.' "Feldmar *was* told he could apply for a waiver, and that after a year, and at a cost of around $3,500, he had a '90% chance' of its being granted. "Oh -- and he'd have to go through the process each time he wanted to travel to the US." The official said that under the Homeland Security Act, Feldmar was being denied entry due to "narcotics" use. LSD is not a narcotic substance, Feldmar tried to explain, but an entheogen. The guard wasn't interested in technicalities. He asked for a statement from Feldmar admitting to having used LSD and he fingerprinted Feldmar for an FBI file... Feldmar was determined, in the months after the aborted border crossing, to turn things around. He was particularly determined because the idea of not being able to visit his children at their homes was unthinkable. Link
  11. I must have seen every episode of WKRP at least 5 times. I used to watch it every day, along with SCTV, before the butchery happened There have long been problems with getting these shows out there. A lot of it had to do with the changing rights laws for a lot of the music being played. Fuck, it was supposed to be a radio station! Don't overdub it with some canned royalty-free cheese that doesn't fit the scene. Johnny Fever did have a copy of Steal Your Face in his apartment. I loved The Specials poster that was in the booth one season (i was big into the Two-Tone label back then). Still love the scene when Carlson comes in to talk to Fever and says "are those dogs?" whilst Pink Floyd's Animals is playing . Also, Flytrap taught me about the makeup of an atom wayyy faster than any of my teachers did (remember, the neighbourhood, the pros, new boys, elected ones, etc.) Don't let school conquer you, you can conquer it. ps - i still think that "nucleus" is Swahili .
  12. Worrying that the refs are going to start calling "even-up" penalty calls against Vancouver (i hate that). Go Canucks Go
  13. Swifty, I'm in the same boat (well RV hopefully ). We've done a festival with with the kids for the past three summers. At that one, we brought along a pop-up trailer. It was perfect. My buddy sold it though, and now we no longer have it This year, we are going the route of an RV. I'm still waiting for confirmation, but we're getting it through a friend of my sister's type deal. THe rental places are a bit pricey, but for the comofort and luxury it just might be worth it. Ask everyone you know if THEY know anyone with an RV ro camper that they might want to rent out to you. Privately you may do better. Leave notes on RVs you see parked around town that you are interested in renting, place an ad somewhere, put one of those little cards up at the entrance to a supermarket, etc. Maybe you could save a few bucks by renting one stateside? I'll let you know if I come across anything.
  14. Shit! Sorry about that. I just tested the disk to make sure that it had a visual. My bad I haven't even watched Babel yet. I did notice that there are some subtitle files. I'll have to tweak it a little and see if i can get it to work. I'll be happy to send you out a new copy, along with some more entertainment on the disc.
  15. Ouch. Sorry about that. I am not a reader of that site, believe me. I was just linked to that article via another site. Getting on a message board around those parts, is asking for trouble though. It'd be like being stuck in a room with O'Reilly, Coulter and Pat Roberts (along with a couple of other morons for good will) and trying to have a rational conversation. Sorry for the pain I have made you suffer ... if you ever see/meet me at a show, please remind me and I will get you a drink for the troubles (or test you for drugs ... by partaking in a little herb )
  16. A good friend of mine works for the WWF. She works the climb every year. If you see her (blonde) and she has a nametag on with the name Elaine ... say hi! Tell her you know Kevin. Can you believe that some people have gone up those stairs carrying refridgerators/appliances? Firefighters go up in full gear too! The later in the day, the more it stanks too Good luck and enjoy the view from the top.
  17. Right on. You probably got one of the higher grade dream systems. Good stuff. Can't beat the price when you win one!
  18. was that the system that BestBuy was selling cheap a couple of weeks ago??? $249 instead of $499 or something? I ordered one, but was disappointed when I found out that only the European versions of the model were able to play DIVX files! FUCK. I promptly returned it. Other than that, it was a great little system for a smaller room.
  19. TICKETS NOW ON SALE! http://nlqp.inticketing.com/evinfo.php?eventid=15963&sid= $148 + $10.38 service fee 4 more unforgettable 4th Of July nights with-DSO family & friends! Umphreys McGee, Keller Williams, The Greyboy Allstars, Wookiefoot, Kimock's Zero, JGB Band, much more! Well, what are you Grateful for???
  20. Finally got around to watching Children of Men last night. I enjoyed it. I love the "euro" look/feel of the flick. The lack of a score and only using songs sparingly added to the "bleakness" of it all. I love "what if" scenarios and this one worked well. This one seemed relatively plausible. You don't want to think too hard, as some of it is a bit far-fetched if you think about the logistics of the world that they are living in. Darlene normally falls asleep while we watch movies like this one, and she was glued to it from start to finish (Finding Neverland put her to sleep in less than 5 minutes ). Just put it on and you get hooked. Next up ... Last King Of Scotland
  21. “I Don’t Care What the Judge Said!†Marijuana user found Not Guilty Juries in the United States have the power to effectively change law. In this case against a man for his 3rd possession of marijuana, a brave jury member stands up for marijuana users everywhere and convinces the jury to give him a 'not guilty' verdict. http://www.theconservativevoice.com/article/24518.html “I Don’t Care What the Judge Said!†April 22, 2007 02:00 PM EST “Look, Mr. Straun, John, can I call you John? We’ve been at this for 25 days. We’re all sick of this. We all want to go home. You’re the only one left. You’re the one keeping us here. I got things to do at home. I got to go to work and make a living. All of us do. The judge is mad as hell at us. You’re going to hang this jury. You’re going to make this three-month trial into a farce and waste of time. You have no right to vote acquittal. You heard the judge’s instructions. The jury is not allowed to judge the law, only the facts.†“The fact are clear as day, aren’t they?†Dillard ranted. “You even admitted that to us. The guy was found with marijuana in his car. That’s against the law. And the guy admitted the marijuana was his. What more do you need?†said Raymond Dillard, the jury foreman. Raymond Dillard was tall, beefy, in his 30’s, and he was getting mad, so mad he wanted to beat John Straun’s head in. Straun was a small, slim man in his 30’s, with a straight back, dark brown hair, large, steady eyes, and a firm mouth. He seemed not to care at all about all the trouble he was causing. And he seemed to be fearless. John Straun said, “I don’t care what the judge said. I happen to know for a fact that a jury has the right to judge the law. Jury nullification has a long history in this country. A jury has the right to judge the law, not just the facts.†Raymond Dillard and a few other jurors sneered. Dillard said, “Oh, are you a lawyer, Mr. Straun? You think you know more than the judge? What history are you talking about?†John Straun said calmly, “No, I’m not a lawyer. I’m an engineer. But in this particular case, I do know more than the judge. When I found out I was going to be on this jury, I did a little research about the history of juries, just for the hell of it. Most people don’t know this, but jury nullification has been upheld as a sacred legal principal in English common law for 1000 years. Alfred the Great, a great English king a thousand years ago, hung several of his own judges because they removed jurors who refused to convict and replaced these courageous jurors with other jurors they could intimidate into convicting the defendant on trial.†“Jury nullification also goes back to the very beginning of our country, as one of the crucial rights our Founding Fathers wanted to protect. Our Founding Fathers wanted juries to be the final bulwark against tyrannical government laws. That’s why they emphasized the right to a jury trial in three of the first ten amendments to the Constitution. John Adams, second President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, third President and author of the Declaration of Independence, John Jay, First Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, and Alexander Hamilton, First Secretary of the Treasury all flatly stated that juries have the right and duty to judge not only the facts in a case, but also the law, according to their conscience.†“Not only that, more recent court decisions have reaffirmed this right. In 1969, in “US. vs. Moylan,†the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the right of juries to judge the law in a case. In 1972, the Washington, D.C. Court of Appeals upheld the same principal.†Raymond Dillard said, “Yeah, if that’s the case, how come the judge didn’t tell us this?†“That’s because of the despicable Supreme Court decision in “Sparf and Hansen vs. The United States in 1895.†John Straun said. “That decision said juries have the right to judge the law, but that a judge doesn’t have to inform juries of this right. Cute, huh? And guess what happened after this decision? Judges stopped telling juries about their rights.†“The judge knows about jury nullification. All judges do. But they hate letting juries decide the law. They hate juries taking power away from them. That’s why judges never mention a jury’s right to judge the law, and most judges squash defense attorneys from saying anything about it in court. Remember when Jimmy Saunders’ defense lawyer started talking about it? The judge threatened him with contempt if he didn’t shut up about jury nullification.†“And since you asked me,†Straun continued, “I’ll tell you a little more about jury nullification. Did you ever hear of the Fugitive Slave Act? Did you ever hear of Prohibition? Do you know why those despicable laws were repealed? Because juries were so outraged over those laws that they consistently refused to convict people who violated them. They refused to convict because they knew that these laws were unjust and tyrannical, that Congress had no right making these laws in the first place. So, because juries wouldn’t convict, the government couldn’t make these laws stick. They tried for many years, but finally gave up.†“What do you think this mad War on Drugs is that we’ve been fighting the last sixty years? It’s the same as Prohibition in the 20’s. It’s the same principle. A tyrannical government is telling people that they can’t take drugs, just like in the 20’s they said people couldn’t drink liquor. What’s the difference? A tyrannical law is telling people what they can or can’t put in their own bodies. Who owns our bodies, us or the self-righteous politicians? Does the government own your body, Mr. Dillard? Do you smoke, Mr. Dillard? Do you drink beer?†Dillard nodded his head, “Yeah, I do.†“Well, how would you like it if they passed laws telling you that can’t smoke or drink a beer anymore. Would you like that, Mr. Dillard?†Dillard looked at John Straun, thought about the question, then admitted, “No, I wouldn’t, Straun.†John Straun turned to the others around the table. “You, Jack, you said you’re sixty-five years old. You like to play golf, right? What if they passed a law saying anyone over sixty-five can’t play golf because the exercise might give him a heart attack? You, Frank, you said you eat hamburgers at McDougals all the time. What if they passed a law saying fatty hamburgers give people heart attacks, so we’re closing down all the McDougal restaurants in the country, and they make eating a hamburger a criminal offence? You, Mrs. Pelchat, I see you like to smoke. Everyone knows that smoking can give you lung cancer. How would you like it if they passed a law banning all cigarettes? What if they could crash in the door of your house without a warrant to search for cigarettes in your house, like the SWAT teams do now, looking for drugs? Mrs. Pelchat, how would you like to be on trial like Jimmy Saunders because they found a pack of cigarettes you hid under your mattress?†“Do you all see what I mean? If they can make it a crime for Jimmy Saunders to smoke marijuana, why can’t they make golf, hamburgers, and cigarettes a crime? If you think they wouldn’t try, think again. They had Prohibition in the 20’s for almost ten years, till they finally gave up. The only reason they haven’t banned cigarettes is because there are thirty million cigarette smokers in this country who would scream bloody murder. They get away with making marijuana and other drugs illegal only because drug-users are a small minority in this country. Drug users don’t have any political clout.†Raymond Dillard sat down in his chair. The others started talking among themselves. John Straun started seeing heads nodding in agreement, thinking about what he had said. “OK, Straun,†Dillard said. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe Jimmy Saunders shouldn’t go to jail for smoking marijuana. Hell, probably most of us tried the stuff when we were young. Clinton said he smoked marijuana in college. Bush said he tried drugs in college. Probably half of Congress and their kids took drugs one time or another. O.K. we agree with you. But what about the judge. He said we can’t judge the law.†John Straun stood up. He was not a tall man, but he stood very straight, and he looked very sure of himself. He looked from one to another of them. He said, “If you agree with me, then I ask you all to vote for acquittal. You are not only defending Jimmy Saunders’ liberty, but your own. You are fighting a tyrannical law that is enforced by a judge who wants the power to control you. I told you that many juries like us in the past have disregarded the judge’s instructions. They stood up for liberty against a tyrannical law. Are you Americans here? What do you va!ue more, your liberty, your pride as free men, or the instructions of a judge who doesn’t want you to judge the law precisely because he knows you’ll find the law unjust? Will you stand with those juries who defended our liberty in the past, or will you give in to this judge?†“Here’s another thing to think about,†John Straun said with passion. â€What if it was your sister or brother on trial here? Do you know that if we say Saunders is guilty, the judge has to send him to prison for twenty years? I understand this is Saunders third possession charge. You know the “three strikes and you’re out†rule, don’t you? The politicians passed a law that if a guy gets convicted three times on possession, the judge now has no leeway in sentencing. He has to give the poor guy twenty years in prison. What if it were your sister or brother on trial? Should they go to jail for smoking marijuana, for doing something that should not be a crime in the first place? Do we want to send Jimmy Saunders to prison for twenty years because he smoked a joint, hurting no one? Can you have that on your conscience?†“Do you know that there are almost a million guys like Jimmy Saunders in federal prisons right now, as we speak, for this same so-called “crime†of smoking marijuana or taking other drugs? These men were sent to prison for mere possession. They harmed no one but themselves when they took drugs. How can you have a crime without a victim? When does this horror stop? It has got to stop. I’m asking you all now to stop it right here, at least for Jimmy Saunders. The only thing that can stop tyrannical laws and politicians is you and me, juries like us. If we do nothing, we’re lost, the country is lost.†“I’m asking you all to bring in a not-guilty verdict, because the drug laws are unjust and a moral obscenity. I’m asking you all be the kind of Americans our Founding Fathers would have been proud of, these same men who fought for your liberty. That’s what I’m asking of all of you.†John Straun sat down and looked quietly at Dillard and all the others around the table. They looked back at him, and it seemed that their backs began to straighten up, and they no longer complained about going home. They were quiet. Then they talked passionately amongst each other. Fifteen minutes later, they walked into the courtroom and sat down in the jury box. When the judge asked Raymond Dillard what the verdict was, he was stunned when Dillard, standing tall, looking straight at the judge, said “Not guilty.†Over the angry rantings of the red-faced judge, all in the jury box looked calmly at John Straun, and felt proud to be an American.
  22. Great photo entitled "Female member of Mursi tribe in Southern Ethiopia" -- a woman with an AK47 and an iPod.
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