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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. very cool. THanks for posting. I love alternet.org
  2. That RPM show was a HOT ticket too. I remember you going and my buddy Glenn Tucker going to that one. RPM is now the Guvrnment and The Warehous is Koolhaus. Shitty security at both ... they're used to the club freaks
  3. That is def not a Classy Tie! He really doesn't do himself any good by the way he acts in public and reacts through the media. Maybe he's still bitter about Stronach dumping him Tie, make like your brother and Dash.
  4. It's only a problem if you make it one. God want you to eat that wafer that you will have an allergic reaction to ... it's His will. God wants you, the alcoholic, to drink that wine and get back to binging ... it's a "test" and His will. If you experience any ill side-effects from the "Original Recipe" then you have not truly accepted Jesus into your heart and are succumbing to the temptations of Satan (even though God created "it all"). It's so easy.
  5. Hopefully this image will link here. For some reason, the knuttz.net site seems to block this sort of posting
  6. If somebody was telling me that I had to "eat" the body of Christ, and "drink" the blood of Christ, I'd much rather have it taste like yummy chocolate and a big glass of milk than a tasteless wafer and shitty wine . Your comment on making performance art out of people consuming this choco jesus is great. It would open up some interesting conversations. It would be an image of sacrifice, consumption, and bliss. Chocolate does release endorphines (sp?) and affects one's mind. What better way to commune with God? What would all the poor christians do who are allergic to chocolate? I guess it would be deemed God's will and they would DIE. Sucks to be them I suppose.
  7. There have been plenty of chocolate Jesuses before. Is it just because this one is life size? Is it because we see Jesus' chocolate penis? He did have a penis, didn't he? Who's going to eat it? What does it mean if you did eat it? Does it have a cream filling? Is it because it's dark chocolate and not white 'chocolate'? I think I had better call up 1-800-ASK-GODD and find out. Why is it that "wafers" have the monopoly on representin' the body of Christ? Why can't some yummy chocolate get in on the action. Didn't God create chocolate? That chocolate jesus is bad, but companies like this are Kickass Christlike: http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://chocolates.tripod.com/C983.jpg&imgrefurl=http://chocolates.tripod.com/christian.html&h=427&w=328&sz=111&hl=en&sig2=25xpyeV4y15OaS3_1SOvyg&start=69&um=1&tbnid=FLP6wRBKr-ZS3M:&tbnh=126&tbnw=97&ei=rE0SRu6kIZaEgQL9jNnLDA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dchocolate%2Bjesus%26start%3D60%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN
  8. Theme: Songs About Going To The Bathroom! 1. Biz Markie - Toilet Stool Rap 2. Deltron - Good Hygene 3. Ween - Don't sh!t Where You Eat 4. Day Glo Abortions - fuÇk, My sh!t Stinks 5. Patti Smith - Pissing In A River 6. Cartman, Kyle and Stan, Cowboy Timmy - Mr Hanky the Christmas Poo 7. Adam Sandler - The Longest Pee 8. Frank Zappa - Why Does It Hurt When I Pee? 9. 10. 11. 12.
  9. Puts on a great show. His voice hasn't changed at all (or so it seems) over the years. I got to see him at the Vote For Change concerts from a couple of years ago (Cobo Hall, Detroit ... w/ REM and Springsteen) and had a blast. I wouldn't pay HUGE bucks to see him at the amph. He'd be perfect to listen to on a nice warm summer night down by the lake though I ain't no fortunate son,
  10. http://www.jewishinstlouis.org/content_display.html?ArticleID=211418
  11. http://www.cosimocavallaro.com/ http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/03/30/chocolate.jesus.ap/
  12. TIme to open a pub! Or at least sell kind brews out of a cooler on a skateboard before the game
  13. i'm getting drunk as fuck too. go get a pepperoni, some chips, killer trailer park weed and a piss jug and you're good to go
  14. This week’s collaboration with Cellar Image of the Day brings us this amazing picture of a solar eclipse in 2006: This photo was taken last year by Miloslav Druckmuller and Peter Aniol from the Libyan desert. It is a composite of 231 photos taken with a battery of 5 cameras on a variety of telescopic lenses ranging in focal lengths from 200mm to 1680mm. The multiple shots were necessary to catch different aspects of the eclipse that one shot could not. One camera’s exposure must be set to capture the face of the moon. Another must be set for the coronal rays, one to capture stars….etc etc. Notice how far the coronal rays flare out!! This small picture really doesn’t do it justice: to see how amazing the pic really is, go to Cellar Image of the Day: Link. http://cellar.org/iotd.php?threadid=13753
  15. new theme: songs with silver in the name 1. David Sylvian - Silver Moon 2. Neil Young - Silver & Gold 3. Fleetwood Mac - Silver Heels 4. The Yobs - Silver Bells 5. Jethro Tull - Silver River Turning 6. Burl Ives - Silver and Gold 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  16. I guess you can only do that if you're sitting down
  17. If it wasn't April 2nd, i'd think it was a joke. THere's gotta be a story behind this one.
  18. New theme: Repetitive Refrain Injury: Songs whose titles have a word repeated at least once 1. Frank Zappa - Five Five Five 2. The Grateful Dead (Traditional) - Iko Iko 3. Andrea True Connection - More, More, More 4. Bob Dylan - Dead Man, Dead Man 5. Black Flag - Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie 6. Rheostatics - Rain, Rain, Rain 7. Dylan - Lay Lady Lay 8. Anne Murray - Put Your Hand In The Hand 9. Tom Waits - Down, Down, Down 10. The Police - De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da 11. 12
  19. Avery had an amazing game last night, that's for sure. HOWEVER, I can't believe what a FAKER he was in drawing that 'roughing' penalty. Did you see him grab his face like he got highsticked or something? The replays clearly showed that no part of Tucker made contact with his face. Whatever the case, it was a pathetic outing for the Leafs. Nothing like the past 6 or 7 games where they have really been playing well. In some ways I'm almost glad that they got trounced ... bigger wake-up call to finish off with a great 3-game run. My hopes: Sundin gets the monkey off his back early in the first period tomorrow night. That opens the flood gates and everything starts to gel again. ::another hit from the bong:: BTW ... i still DESPISE McCabe. Fucking -5 for the night?!?!?!? For $5million a year we get a -5 defenseman. I wish they played on a base salary with bonuses for performance.
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