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Everything posted by bokonon

  1. The Saturday Globe and Mail book section has a piece on Camille Paglia, whom Birdy recommended to me. Interesting stuff, thanks Birdy!
  2. Happy Birthday Deb! You are a prophet in my church of hedonism. Thanks for making it through another year, cheers to many more.
  3. Speaking of hats.....I stole someone's at Frontier Town on Labour Day. It's black and kinda like a small cowboy hat. It's made of felt. I don't know who's it is. I drank a lot of everything that weekend. If it's yours, I'm sorrry. I've still got it.
  4. Today is another day. Today is the day for whiskey and Tim Burton. It's a chill day today. Last night was worth at least three of partying.
  5. That was a wicked show, the whole thing. Loved that DJ! (you can put that last sentence in "things Lex never thought she'd say") Good tunes, good vibes, good times. Awesome.
  6. Neil Peart's drums.... holy fuck do I love old, tall, skinny drummers!
  7. bokonon


    God, I love the Flaming Lips.
  8. I'm not making it home for this one, but somebody pinch Mark's nipples for me!
  9. bokonon


    I slept twenty hours on wednesday and had all sorts of crazy assed dreams. Lots about being very thirsty and finally getting a drink after a shitload of effort.
  10. What about when you eat curry?
  11. I'm an American Yogi, I achieve perfect balance through a caffeine and alcohol regimen. Now who's got my heady E for the Wassabi and CP shows this weekend?
  12. It's Friday Fuckers!! I'll party, I'm hyper as hell. Can't wait for the show!
  13. bokonon


    Superstack kick ass! Balls out rock with brains behind it. Those brains belong to some very nice people, too. They consistently put on a really great, high energy show. I am thoroughly impressed by Superstack. Superstack......FUCK YEAH!
  14. Totally addicted to facebook
  15. bokonon


    What do I identify with? Hmmmmm....let's see. I dress like a mod, listen to heavy metal, eat like a hippie and dance like a rabid chinchilla. I'm just confused and attracted to the pretty colours I think. I don't know, I don't really think about my motivations for doing something that is intrinsically enjoyable. Why do you like the first warm day of spring? Shows are hugs for my ears.
  16. bokonon


    I'm a devout and regularly practising hedonist. This scene is a big part of my philosophy of living. Eat, drink and be merry are wonderful things to do. Listening to good music with a bunch of people that just want to play and have fun is a great time. I just find it disturbing how people in Toronto don't dance. Standing still and listening to music is just not as fun as dancing and getting rowdy.
  17. The show was a barrell of rowdy monkeys! My legs hurt from dancing and my liver hurts from hanging out with Band Whore. The show was a wicked mix of old classics and new tunes. They had a guest keyboard player named Pat which was a nice touch, I love Jomomma with keys.....now if we could only get that woodwind back.....
  18. Hahahahah! My liver hates you but I love you!
  19. I've won two coffees so far and they were both from the same location (Yonge and Davisville) on the same day (March 13)
  20. I heard rumours your sister might be coming...but I hear a lot of shit. (check the Chameleon Project thread )
  21. To get over a slump I fully take advantage of my devotion to hedonism. Eat good food, listen to good music, do yoga, hang out with friends, read something interesting or dance, just don't sit there and do nothing, it makes me feel worse.
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