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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. I must admit that I respect a nation that stands up to the Master of Hegemony. This evens the balance of power a little, and that actually makes me feel more safe. It makes me feel like there is a chance that the culture of greed and individualism isn't going to take over the entire world. When countries other than the United States have the power to destroy the world it also means they have the power to impact the world in other ways without fear of being outgunned. I'm really hoping that North Korea is going to be like a shop-keeper that has a gun under the counter hoping never to use it, but knowing they can if it's the last resort to defend themselves.

  2. Q: How many hips does it take to make a hippy happy?

    A: The number's not important, it just matters if they can gyrate.

    May your hospital stay be filled with hot nurses, many visitors bringing food and cool roommates.

  3. I went to a couple of camps with the Christadelphians. They preached that you shouldn't associate much with people who didn't believe in "The Truth", and if you had to, you were to be actively converting them at every opportunity. If you want to go do anything outside of your house (providing you are finished doing your daily bible readings) you must do it in conjunction with the Church or at least with other church members. Every day of the week there was something at the church so you never had an excuse to have any sort of secular activities. Your entire mind and being had to be devoted to "The Truth". It sucked.

  4. I did it again, trying to see what the description was for my Pirate name and I like what came up instead! I didn't get the same name as the first time I did the test, but it must take a try or two to be accurate! ;)

    Dread Pirate Bonney!

    Like the famous Dread Pirate Roberts, you have a keen head for how to make a profit. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!

  5. Some topics have a light blue font in the forum list. Is this a special feature that I don't get or is this a bug?

    And I'd also really like the hover text back. I'm getting carpal tunnel in my clicking finger.

  6. Pastafariiiiiii!!!!!!!

    but nothing compares to finding another true believer!!!!!

    I invite you all over for the Holy Meal on this sacred day. I like to add tofu and broccoli plus a boatload of hotsauce to my Mr. Noodles. Top that with a slice of veggie "cheddar cheese"...

    Yarrr!!! 'Tis a hearty meal, to be sure!

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