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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. Sunday, Bloody Sunday-U2

    Soul One-Blind Melon

    Don't Worry, Be Happy-Bobby Mcpherin (I am not kidding, it reminds me of something crappy. Whenever I hear it, at first I'm sad, and then I feel like a dilhole for feeling sad at such a lighthearted song)

    Something Stupid-the version with Nicole Kidman (It reminds me of something really fun that I did with someone whom I now pity.)

  2. I called the Travelodge on King St. W the day before I wanted to stay there and I think I paid about $100. No annoying websites or stupid fenagling or shit. Call hotel, arrive at hotel downtown, get cheap rate. Good times. Happy Lex.

  3. For the past year I worked at a store where the manager hated closing shifts, so that made me never out of bed much before noon. I really started missing the mornings and feeling like everyone else was so much more productive than me! By the time I was done work I couldn't do regular errands because browntown shuts down by eight, so I worked and drank. Granted, this was fun for a while, but I'm glad it's over and I get to see the sunrise sometimes.

  4. Who hates Americans? Half my family's american. I don't like George Bush's nuclear policy. Never said I hated Americans. Yep, I'd like to see the world disarm itself but I don't see that happening anytime. Call me paranoid, but I lock my doors to prevent intruders. Nations have the right to do the same. It's just a shame that the most powerful nation in the world has the scariest kind of lock which forces all other nations to obtain the same device because of the tactics used by its government, ie. invade and destroy all those that don't comply with their demands.

  5. yes, you've chosen quite a role model!

    yes, he's my favourite role model....i'm sure i wrote that somewhere above.

    um, maybe not. Nowhere did I say that I agree with how he runs his country. I said that I appreciate the fact that he's standing up to the US nuclear policy. Has reading comprehension degenerated so much that people only understand sweeping generalizations and not specific points?

  6. I'm just wondering how these people think the natives are not being just. They're just using land that is theirs. I met the Six Nations treaty keeper and he has all the documents that show a large portion of southern ontario is all theirs, legally. If the natives want to keep that one small piece of land from being developed because it is environmentally sensitive then I say all the power to them and they have every right to be on the so called Douglas Creek Estates. I really don't understand what the march organizers are saying, or what their stake is in it. They legally own their property and are allowed to occupy it. They also have no stake in the area and just want to protest against natives in general. All they are looking for is media attention to promote their viewpoint.

  7. I was just listening to the CBC and heard Kim Jong Il talking about how he is doing the nuclear tests not to attack anyone but to protest American agressive and opressive policy. To me it sounded like he was basically saying that America shouldn't be the only nuclear power. Call me naive but I really believe him.

  8. I can't explain it, but I always associate the first snowfall with the Terrapin Station album - which otherwise I avoid, hating the production on it - but when I see that first blanket of white, the first thing I want to do that morning is here the first snare crack going into Estimated Prophet, and lie in bed until the Terrapin's all finished (gawdawful strings and overlays and all). I've lost count of how many years this has been the case.

    The first day I ever drove by myself was the first snow of the year and I was listening to that album!

  9. Ooooh, way to put a bummer on the party in Dover ya jerk!!! Just kidding, good job on applying the first aid and being cool while doing it, the world needs more people that can handle situations like that.

    For me, Friday 13th is usually a very good day. So far (I've been awake for an hour) I have had one totally unexpected and unexplained good thing happen, and I haven't left home yet. :)

    Happy Friday 13th!

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