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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. Ting is awesome! We get a lot of migrant farmers from Jamaica and Trinidad here in Brantford so the grocery store near where I work has a whole aisle of Jamaican food, it's awesome. And we also get lots of fun Jamaicans to talk to on Thursday and Friday nights when they come in to town to do their shopping.

  2. I find Toronto people to be friendly enough. Maybe you're just scary. ;) People strike up conversations with me all the time when I'm there. In stores, on the subway and even just on the street. It's just like anywhere, some people are scared and some people are friendly.

  3. I had interview number two last Thursday and am anxiously awaiting news. I think the interview went well, but we shall see. Does anyone know if it's legal for someone who only has a g2 to sell new cars? I know there is some sort of special license you have to get to sell cars. You have to write an exam to get it, but that was one of the concerns.

  4. That is an awesome point and I totally agree. My theory on why they don't do this is that they are indoctrinated by said oppressive regime to believe that the fault lies entirely with big bad North America, and not at all with the regime that controls their nation and its people.

  5. I got to work at about two that afternoon. I don't watch TV and I was listening to CDs at home and on the way to work so nothing seemed awry to me. Kitchener was totally normal until I got to work and my co-workers told me what happened. I didn't believe them. It took several newscasts over the radio to convince me they weren't messing with me Perhaps it was just my inability to comprehend the notion that North America isn't the insular pocket of the world where nothing bad happens and we are free from any real worry for our entire lives. I had thought that North Americans don't have to worry about bombs and terrorists, we didn't have any major political problems.

    It was this day that I started to realize how much North Americans take from the rest of the world. We take oil from the middle east, we set up banana republics in the carribean, we try to export our values and lifestyle everywhere and we force our pollution on the entire planet. If I wasn't North American I would be pissed off too.

    If someone has an unfair advantage, or is signigicantly better off than most of the people around them, the majority will always resent them. Especially if the riches were obtained through the sweat and blood of the poor. As the rich use more resources the poor have less to survive on.

    On some level I respect the people who are trying to stand up to the oppressor. It isn't right that North America abuses the power and wealth it has.

  6. and there is a real/noticable segment of the population that either is on welfare or unemployed or works in low level factory jobs, that do nothing but sit on thier porch, drink, pop out babies and smoke crack.

    It's true, he has been to Browntown. In fact, this sentence is in our tourism brochure.

  7. Just out of curiosity, how many is 100 hundred? Is it ten thousand? ie. 100x100 :P sorrry, couldn't resist. I have to admit that the police likely had a very small yet valid reason to be there. In most cites, noise bylaws can be enforced at any time of day, which I found out last week when the police hammered on my door at 2:30 pm for listening to swing music. My "stereo" is not particularly powerful either. I also live in one of the lowest rent buildings in Brantford so I know it's not the political clout of my neighbours that got the police here. Face it, if you're having fun and someone else isn't, it's probably illegal.

  8. best of luck.

    are jonas' friends in the west ever going to hear back from him? he just left and we have no idea what the fuck he's doing. not a very reassuring situation.

    Lol, yeah Jonas isn't one for making calls, just receiving them! :) He is here in Browntown, working at a production company. Mastershake and I are trying to convince him to finish school. He's happy and safe, which makes me very happy.

  9. partypartypartypartypartypartypartypartypartypartypartyparty










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