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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. I was part of the subject of this thread and therefore have a right to express my side of it. If he didn't want one of my adolescent outbursts he should have left me out of the topic and simply stated he has a bunny to give away.

  2. You should come see how awesome Browntown is, the downtown is booming, the music varied, the people well-off and educated! I can set you up with a vast amount of personal space in my huge apartment.....I can slide you in the cupboard between the water heater and my winter boots! Tee hee! I'm kidding a little, but we actually do get some good music in Brantford and if you do come this way I'd be pleased to help in any way I can. I love hosting people!

  3. I played this game on Christmas Eve with a bunch of old highschool friends. We thought we found more than 75 so we entered our answers on the website and we must have either been wrong or spelled some band names wrong because apparently we missed a few, but it was fun. aaawww, now you made me all misty eyed, i've gotta call them now!

  4. Has anybody ever received an advertisement on their cell phone or PDA via bluetooth? I'm just wondering about the frequency of this, my phone isn't bluetooth so I don't have any experience of this at all.

    I'm doing some reading for work, that's why I'm asking such nerdy questions (I swear!)

  5. I gotta go with my hometown heroes, i love Jomomma. They have had so many changes throughout their lifespan but the configuration they have now blows me away. They're tight and talented. They play their classics with a new heavier twist that I absolutely adore. They've filled the holes created by losing multiple pieces of the band and it now sounds way better than it ever did. I could dance to Jomomma twelve hours solid i bet. Their sound is laid-back intellectualism expressed through musical scales.

    This might be a little incoherent and rambling since I didn't get home from the Chameleon Project show until six am. I'm starting to develop a penchant for their sound too. Another band that I could dance to for hours on end. They're really giving me an appreciation for mass amounts of effects.

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