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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. I was at Two Doors last night and a poster on the wall said Caution Jam was playing tonight (Friday). Is this right? Can it be true? Is there something fun that doesn't happen every week going on in Brantford?

  2. i will not date another drummer, i will not date another drummer,i will not date another drummer, i will not date another drummer,i will not date another drummer, i will not date another drummer,i will not date another drummer, i will not date another drummer,i will not date another drummer, i will not date another drummer,i will not date another drummer, i will not date another drummer,i will not date another drummer, i will not date another drummer,i will not date another drummer, i will not date another drummer,i will not date another drummer, i will not date another drummer,i will not date another drummer, i will not date another drummer,i will not date another drummer, i will not date another drummer,i will not date another drummer, i will not date another drummer,i will not date another drummer, i will not date another drummer,

  3. I was searching for the physiological effects of psilocybin a little while ago and found that they are supposed to help in the long term with people who suffer from cluster headaches. A cluster headache is one that comes on extremely quickly and is incredibly intense, often causing collapse and temporary vision impairment and then leave quickly. I have been getting these for years and was relieved to know that they are a normal part of being human and nothing to really worry about. I was ecstatic to have the knowledge that my favourite drug is supposed to help curb their effects. Honestly I don't eat mushies enough to support this theory, but I've dosed a few times in the last six months and only have the odd headache that only lasts about a minute or two. If anyone has ever had a mild migraine for a day, the kind where you have to close the blinds, lie in bed and not talk or move, but no actual physical illness, imagine having that much suffering condensed in to a minute. It sucks if it happens when anyone else is around but at least it goes away quickly. It freaks people out though.

  4. So I'm listening to the CBC and I hear that JK Rowling (author of the Harry Potter series) apparently is ranting about models being too skinny and how she would rather a woman be funny, smart and charming a million times before being thin.

    I'm wondering what about women that are skinny naturally? Since I've gone vegan (five years now) and now that I hardly ever eat fast food (no more travelling with bands every weekend) I'm down to about 130, give or take a few depending on the season. I've had numerous people comment on my weight, anything from the "you look great!" to "are you sick?". My answer, I eat well and I exercise. It's a very secret and complex formula that no one seems to know about. There aren't any diet books about it at all. I eat constantly. I hang out with several two hundred pound men and I eat as often and usually similar portion sizes to them. However, I'm eating veggies and they're eating.....well, what typical North American men eat. I am very healthy and I feel great. So what's so wrong with being skinny? I also get lots of people thinking I'm still in high school because of my body type (and baby face) when in fact I'm 25. I was vegetarian for five years before going vegan so I haven't ingested a lot of those beef hormones that would make me very hippy and buxom. I'm lean and solid muscle. I'm actually at the top end of the healthy range of the BMI charts, almost in to overweight for my height (5'5") but I still get people asking me why I'm so skinny. I'm not fucking skinny! I just don't look like the majority of women and what the fuck is wrong with that? I like the way I look and even if I didn't there's not much I could do about it other than start eating shitty food again. That's not going to happen. So please, before you jump to the conclusion that every skinny woman is trying to look that way and must be starving herself to conform to the super-model ideal, give your head a shake! I might be skinnier than a lot of others in my age group but it doesn't mean I give a shit about what the fashion industry says I should look like. I love food, I love sleep and I love being active, it's not fucking complicated. I'm healthy. And I like to think I can be funny, smart and charming occaisonally too.

  5. Good lord, I really hope Canadians don't view marijuana as a "Drug" like many Americans seem to. Am I really that out of touch with the majority that I think pot is completely benign and less harmful than alcohol, when viewed on a macro scale? What a horribly clear example of the inefficiency experienced by multi-party governments. Is a couple grams of pot really worth this much debate? What a fucking waste of my taxes. I'm supporting a government that doesn't coincide with my philosophies at all. I gotta find me a good old fashioned black market job. I'm good at sales, anyone hiring?

  6. In my entire life I've only had cable for one year. Now I've been selling ExpressVu and Personal TV for about six months and ogling all these specialty channels and I finally caved and got some digital cable.

    I have to agree, there is some total shit on tv. However, this week alone I have seen an interview with Chuck Palahniuk, a documentary on Canada's coyote problem, an expose of Frank Lloyd Wright, a few episodes of a wicked show called Don't Forget Your Passport (obviously a travel show) and a documentary where I actually watched a woman die of old age! There are so many amazing ideas being explored on television. It is an extremely powerful and pervasive form of communication completely creating a global village. TV can really help expand your mind if you use it properly. If TV is misused then it becomes a problem, but personally, I think digital cable is one of the best purchases I've ever made. I have learned a ton this week that I otherwise would be oblivious to. Don't get me wrong, I have also watched a lot of Family Guy, the Simpsons and this wonderfully ridiculous show called Iron Chef, (My Iron Chef cherry was popped with the episode with the vegetarian buddhist monk on the yam theme night) but I like the brainy stuff too.

  7. Although capitalism has some inherent flaws, I see no problem in working for your own personal gain, without worrying how much your work is helping everyone else. As long as you're not maliciously harming anyone else (other than the fact if your work is better than someone else doesn't get the job) than I think individualistic capitalism is an ideal situation. Basically, capitalism could be beautiful if people weren't assholes. Maybe we could breed out the asshole gene.

  8. I have not seen the movie How To Go Further, but that is what the book is based on. I have however read The Rebel Sell, upon advice from Mastershake in fact (love that articulate post there! :P ). One of the funniest sentences I've ever read is in there....something involvind sitting in the dirt and tying macrame. But I totally see the point that capitalism loves counter-culture...but what is so inherently wrong with capitalism? I would love to see some huge monster corporation that makes a bajillion dollars selling environmentally sustainable products. We could call it Hempsanto as a play against Monsanto. I wouldn't even care if it was a monopoly, as long as it made quality products that were produced in a "green" manner. Maybe if I open a restaurant I'll call it McVegan's! But of course there will be no milk on my fries. And I'll make shitloads of profit and take over the landscape of the world. I'll have little Nicaraguan children clambering for my tofu wraps. In fact, their price will be an indicator of the relative prosperity of the nation in which they are being sold. I'll be a world dominatrix vegan monopolizer. (he he, I said dominatrix) I really don't see what's so bad about capitalism. This view is a result of the Rebel Sell and Ayn Rand. I just see something wrong with making profit the only goal. Quality products that are sustainably produced. I'm gonna take over the world.

  9. Wicked thread idea, I thank you whole-heartedly, sorry I don't believe I have anything to contribute, sad but true..

    maybe i do. I'm sure everyone has heard of Blood, Sweat and Tears, but also I think that not many people have really listened to them much. I think they're terribly under-rated or under-appreciated.

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