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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. Hey! I get out of the Browntown vortex on a regular basis and I don't even have a car!!! Oh yeah, and if anyone wants to teach me how to paralell park I'll be your designated driver for a year. Totally serious offer. PM me for details.

  2. There are four people (myself included) who work at my store. We get along great, it's just the customers that piss me off. Lately, people who laugh hysterically at things that just aren't funny have been really getting on my nerves. I mean, I'm a really giggly person, I laugh at lots of stupid shit, but "I used to have a Motorola and then I replaced it" does not deserve high-pitched squeels. Also, when I ask how you are, the phrase "i'm just looking" is not an appropriate response. You can say "I'm fine, I'm checking out your prices compared to the other eight jillion cell phone stores in the mall." That totally makes sense. But just looking is not a state of being. And no, I can't identify your cell phone by the description it's a flip phone and it's small and silver. They're all fucking small and silver! I have no fucking clue what kind of car charger you need. If your phone's in the car go fucking get it you lazy fucker! Also, if you get assessed a security deposit after your credit check don't ask me why. I would guess it's because you suck at paying bills on time. Don't get angry at me about it. Pay your fucking bills!

  3. Just relax, don't worry so much, have faith.(from my tall and mellow guru)

    And this too shall pass.(somewhere in the bible)

    True friends help to build you up, not hold you down.(Betty Smith, in a roundabout way)

    Have your own convictions and let others have theirs.(the most demonstrative teacher; experience)

    The point of life is to create something beautiful.

    (that one came to me in a dream, as ridiculous as that sounds)

  4. Rogers home phone is great if you do a lot of long distance because they have the flat rates. Also if you activate a cell phone and a home phone with Rogers you will get two months of free home phone service plus save five percent off your total bill for as long as you have your home phone and cell with Rogers. Also, if you add and more products like cable or high speed you will save more. Three products saves you ten percent off the total bill and four will get you fifteen. That pretty much pays for a small cell phone plan.

    These super deals and more are available at your local Wireless Wave! I highly recommend the cute bald chick for sales in the Browntown area. :P

    Also, Rogers just released a shit load of new phones, some are pretty cool, especially the Motorola SLVR L7

  5. If you're looking for a good way to keep dreads clean I did a controlled variable experiment. I've had dreads twice for two years each. First time I did not use tea tree oil and when I cut my hair there was blue mould in my dreads.Time number two I sprinkled a little tea tree oil on my head before my shower a few times a week and let it seep in to all my dreads using the shower water as a vehicle and no mould or any nasties when I cut off the last ones.

    The experiment is over and the electric razor is now my favourite hair product. :cool:

    oh yeah, and carbolic soap is a good mosquito repellant.

    And no soap is a good woman repellant.

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