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Everything posted by bokonon

  1. Why would you resent being called "from Brantford"? It's not like you can choose where you were born.
  2. bokonon

    I just read

    The first Vonnegut I read was Hocus Pocus and it got me addicted, so I'd definitely recommend that one. Also, if you like the collection of random writing style of Wampeeters... try Palm Sunday.
  3. If you guys want semi-locally (Brantford....and yes, there's alcoholics that work there, but they do good work!) made roadcases I know a person.
  4. I am not an alcoholic, I never get the shakes any more! Now if only I could find me some of that workahol.
  5. I'm sorry for causing a kerfuffle! I just remember when the big music store downtown changed over...i was kinda sad and i don't play any instruments.
  6. A whole box of free Relix?!?! Oh my god, just think of all the 'heady colour'.
  7. Didn't Waterloo music get bought by Long and McQuade's a few years ago? But congrats on the new job. Retail's fun, especially if you like the product you deal with and the people you work with.
  8. bokonon

    I just read

    Oh, and how can I not make a nod towards America's overt sexuality. America....FUCK YEAH!
  9. bokonon

    I just read

    I have to say that I thoroughly enjoy American lit. Simple diction and prose expressing profound ideas. Humble, useful and often funny.
  10. bokonon

    I just read

    I give you six months until you're an official member of the Humanists of Canada. The first time I read Vonnegut I was pretty young, (grade 8 maybe) and one of my teachers wanted to take my book away from me. I thought it was pretty funny given the fact that Vonnegut makes a lot of fun of book-burners.
  11. Happy B-day! You kinda look like YATS. And that pic has got to be Frontier Town...the grouping of trees and porta-potties looks so familiar.
  12. Sorry, I'm a tad grumpy this time of year.
  13. Fuck you, you fucking fuck! It's grey and shitty where I'm at today. I've had a cold since October and my skin's so pale I can see my veins...all of them.
  14. Revolution created with no paraphernalia.
  15. i don't know what your talking about here. i mentioned several paraphernalia free methods about 2 or 3 posts ago. Exactly. My point is that Earth Hour paraphernalia is counter-productive.
  16. That's a very old argument and i don't buy it. Awareness can be achieved through means other than paraphernalia.
  17. The marketing shit was all on a black background with a big blue "60"and some small white writing at the bottom. I saw t-shirts, flyers and billboards. And I live in a small town of eleven thousand.
  18. bokonon

    Nickleback News

    I must admit that I didn't read the article before posting, so I must agree that he was driving like an asshole and deserves to be tried. However he has not been found guilty yet, according to the article. It's just that unconstitutional evidence (the police officer had the driver blow in his face as a breathalyzer test) has been allowed to be submitted at his trial (which was scheduled for Wednesday) I still stand by my statement that .08 is not that much. (But I still think it is a good legal limit, I do not condone drunk driving) As for his business and his music, if you don't like his policies don't work with him, if you don't like his music don't listen to him. We don't all need to be super-heady, indie loving, experimental jamband freaks, do we? Some "hippies" are just as insular and exclusive as loft-living yuppie dinks.
  19. You know what I think is ridiculous? All the posters and t-shirts and billboards created to promote earth hour probably caused more pollution than the paltry amount conserved by turning off the lights for an hour. All Earth Hour achieved was green marketing. It was completely counter-productive.
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