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Everything posted by bokonon

  1. bokonon

    Nickleback News

    I used to work for BADD: Bikers Against Drunk Drivers. But they're shady.....shady bikers....who knew?
  2. bokonon

    Nickleback News

    I also find the hatred odd. I mean it's obvious that they suck. But if you don't like a band there is a very simple solution; don't listen to them. And as for the other shit, 1. Who cares, I'd like to change my last name too, what's it to you? 2. You know damn well you'd do it too. 3. .08 is not that much. It's pretty easy to get that reading and feel fine. I would bet most people have driven at that point and worse, it's just we haven't been caught. Don't get me wrong, I'm not justifying drunk driving. I think it's an asinine thing to do, but people don't realize how little you can drink and get to .08. (And please spare me the smart serve guidelines, I've got my smart serve already)
  3. bokonon

    I just read

    My brain's on vacation so I'm reading some fantasy trash. I love Charles De Lint. Anyone else admit to this?
  4. Actually, a daycare is not a bad idea...could be lucrative, too. I didn't know Snack! was still around, that's fuckin' awesome, haven't seen them in years! I really hope I can make it this year, I was far, far away last year.
  5. Give it to a homeless person.
  6. What was Escher referring to in your signature?
  7. I have a camera. Come to my house.
  8. Okay, so Good Friday is when Jesus gets put on the cross, right? So right now we're drinking beers and such things in celebration of the torture of one really neat guy? (whether or not you're religious you have to admit that Jesus was probably a pretty cool person)
  9. You just gave me a craving for a Captain Black (whussy cigar, I know) and a frig....be back in twenty mins....
  10. That's fucking funny. I thoroughly appreciate your humour (and helpfulness).
  11. Card catalogue.....hilarious! They forgot to mention anything about fashion. Kids today are pretty lucky as they aren't expected to wear plaid jumpers or argyle sweater vests like we were in the early eighties.
  12. Wait a second.....there's sex going on here and I didn't know? WTF?!?! I'm coming to the sexy politics forum and hopefully I can help stop the inbreeding!
  13. Yep. I agree. Except it's not going to happen because Tibet has absolutely no sway economically and money is what motivates the world.
  14. I don't often check the other forums as I have a tab open in my browser for all the sites I use frequently throughout the day, one tab for jambands is enough for me, any more and I wouldn't be able to read the titles of the tabs.
  15. Was this seminar sponsored or somehow influenced by religious people? It sure seems fishy (in the INRI sense) to me.
  16. That really sucks and I am sending some good vibes your way. It does sound like you and Hud had lots of fun together. And don't forget, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, so Hud is still around in some form.
  17. They still make John Player Specials and they still come in the same box. Those things are as strong as rez butts for chrissakes!
  18. Obesity and its related health problems take more of our tax dollars than smoking. But it's just not socially acceptable to bother someone for being obese.
  19. I change my answer, I want to be Paul Mcartney's wife....for a couple years.
  20. And here I was smoking for my health. Well fuck, now there goes my health regimen.
  21. [color:purple]Actually it's Jesus. And shouldn't that be a semi-colon?
  22. My uncle made his bucks flipping houses in Vancouver through the boom period there in the '90s. Pain in the ass but some good money in it. My parents flip houses too. They give lowball offers, put a bunch of work in to reno and landscaping and still leave with good profit. Totally a pain in the ass but you can make money at it.
  23. somebody's searching for porn and doesn't want to be busted!!
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