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popo weenie

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Everything posted by popo weenie

  1. Inside the box, under the doll’s head, were three pounds of marijuana. i knew a guy that had a friend in washington that would send him xmas presents and would call him and say take off the head ,take off the head the lad said what for he said take off the head and sure enough he took the head off there was his treat a new pot
  2. chatting with you a lot. Its dangerous to drink the stuff from 11 in the morning though! 11 oh what about 8 a.m ah those cold remedy,s really work
  3. no alchol no hangover, for me anyway too much to enjoy and really like to remember it all no such thing as one drink on new years unless there is would like to hear all about it to me it,s none or the odd one like 1 3 5 7
  4. well nice to see you are happy with the site, it is great to have a spot to post and no one jumps down your throat ,,oop,s forgot lazlo ,hear he is a great lad, loves his toes ooh ohh Happy New Year to you lazlo can,t make it till 7 ok
  5. Actually, I was thinking of staying home and crying. ha ha thats what a lot of people do, i don,t as my mascara comes off and my lip stick
  6. what did I miss? probably the end
  7. Where are you? 14 hours ahead of us! Australia maybe? i think korea happy new year
  8. my first posting was to say whatever i said i am not good with a computer and was all over the board, i really was trying to figure out what to do and how to do with all said i am not much farther ahead but really enjoy it i love to see lazlo post crazy things as thats what it is or saucy happy new year
  9. I made a mistake trying to say this before and I wrote it in the wrong place. oop,s starting off the new year with a mistake Happy New Year to you and all the best to everyone Times Square was something else so was the Ryman, Lots of good ole Bluegrass music and of course Halifax
  10. It was a beautiful funeral, aired for over an hour without commercials IN THE FACE of all the ugliness going on in the world right now. It was awesome. glad you say that, honest to go i can,t say a funeral was awesome, he was quiet the lad no doubt and i loved his entertaining, and singing i just hate the look of coffin,s , especilly if someone is in them
  11. This is awesome. don,t quiet understand how this can be awesome, a lad lying in a coffin, then comes ford and saddam with a rope around his neck happy new year
  12. I'm not jumping on "Saddam bandwagon" or anti-corporal punishment view but this war in Iraq is a crime on humanity in so many ways...since Bush pushed his way into Iraq how many innocent lives have been lost? My guess is a few more than 148 and let's not forget that this is really all in the US quest for oil and all the contracts that go with it... totally agree this crazy war took a heck of a lot of lives as for this lad ,saddam better to see him rot in public in a hot sun, with a cage around him maybe bu=h tied at one end would help a lot with all the shi= that is going on over oil?
  13. RIP Kaya... This is a very sad day. oh my i am so sorry we know we are to think of all the good times when we face death,be it a mom ,dad ,brother, sister your dog is the same as you well know, wish i could take a small part of your pain as you grieve. all so many mixed emotion,s we have to go through when losing a loved one, hope all your friends comments help a bit, pain hurts so bad and there is no way to really put it in words,just let pain be and let tears come, it is all healing for you boy i wish i could help but will certaintly pray for you in this your time of grief god bless you rip kaya
  14. Sorry last post was me! what memories uh now for the flush ,please fix it wonder who really broke it?
  15. A very Merry Christmas everyone! It was very merry at my house merry christmas to all now who is going to fix the flush?
  16. don,t quite understand it all but i am very interested in the universe you must be very intelligent are you an astronaut?
  17. what a cutie looks a lot older than one beautifull eyes and sweet little face a big happy birthday holly
  18. I find it interesting that Rosie worships Tom Cruise. Is it possible Rosie is really Tom wearing a fat suit... think about it. she may bust up tom and his new so called new wife wonder where the boys are ,tom,s of course (rosie is one for sure
  19. Chung chung ching chung ching chow. vey wrong word,s, but then she is a fat ass , big mough ignorant pig so am i to even mention her name sorry
  20. OK so it takes very little to entertain me some of you may say. you said it but rosie is a fat ass and big mouth love trump myself she is a bit crazy, but then again what else can we expect on these crazy talk shows will have to call dr phil ha ha another one or oprah may be better oh what about dr sue?
  21. I didn't call you retard. knock that chip off your shoulder why are so you mean? must love it ,enjoy you mean selfish rotten self
  22. She has lost a lot of weight in the last two months, but the vet said that she would be 'okay' for a little while. My Dad and I decided to make 'the appointment' after Christmas. It would just be too hard to not have her around during that time. glad to hear you will have your dog for awhile longer, you never know ,time is precious as you know so enjoy the time you have with your dog and i am really feeling your sorrow and pain, you may have her longer than you think, hope so as it is very hard but maybe her ashes kept at her favorite spot may help ease your pain god love you
  23. better than another tommy cats wedding picture
  24. well well you still look like cousin sterling big time too
  25. sorry about you dog, really sorry hope you make out not too bad a hard blow for sure
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