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popo weenie

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Everything posted by popo weenie

  1. fush put that in a sentence heh lazlo do i have to brush one tooth as i really am in the habit of brushing them all,and i need a new teddy,not too many ruffles
  2. I'd like to see a whale jump. lots down here at the walmart, some even try to walk
  3. I certainly didn't laugh 10 times today!! did you try?
  4. Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin! not true as i have more dust now than when i had all my family home oops more skin fell off how does it get on the ceiling? and walls
  5. well quite a place to be in hope you enjoy your stay sending prayers to you
  6. Put on some fresh lipstick and brush your tooth cause I'm coming over. sorry i have more than one tooth i,ll brush them all ok want fresh or canned whipping cream for your toes ,a strawberry or two is nice come around 6 tonight do i have to wear my red high heels again?
  7. So I have a question for everyone: what do you look back on and laugh about, now that it's history. almost every thing ,especially with one sister she was a teacher and when she came home at night out father had a big gate which he kept closed she would blow the horn and we had to run and open the gate, and she drove through like queen victoria, then we closed it. now why and hell would we do that but i laugh so hard as i can see her as plain as day yet it was a grey austin
  8. i just bought a ticket for mule friday at a retail outlet...cuz i thought i'd be smart and pay less in advance (38.75+) than the 45 bucks at the door. my ticket cost 46.25!! i looked it up online and the same ticket costs 44.25 but i could have chose to pick it up at an outlet anyways...fuckin bastards 2.00 more i will send it to you and you can buy a can of pop or some pop corn
  9. One more reason I support mandatory euthanasia at the age of fifty. knew you would kick in sooner or later happy to know you are alive though what an hell is wrong with you ,not on the site or what? hope you are fine all the same country bumpkin
  10. I can't imagine growing up in a place like miramichi well it is this way if you were born here got married very young had children, made sure they didn,t stay after graduation. give them all the help you can and talk to them to go away to see the world , then you own your home and ,friends and still think it,s the only place to live , kind of like newfies afraid to leave, as you age beautiful you say oh i will meet a nice honest man and stay well i learned no such thing, so you live your life ,do what you want to hel= with the man part and move if you want as not a thing holds you back but yourself really more expensive to live some where else, now that is another thing or is it? every day i am moving and don,t do a thing about changing my life as i love excitement and music so it is entirely up to me to pick up my as= and get going huh and fast
  11. you are so right we are in a world of our own heh anyone want company as we were brought up to be afraid to leave ha ha my god thats a sin eh same ole talk same ole everything i will say if i was starting over away with newbrunswick,especially newcastle, they all know your business too
  12. It's funny how the article expresses surprise that the folks are happy and yet the economy isn't the best. I guess it's true most of the time but it's nice to see somewhere where money isn't the be-all and end-all. they are not very happy at all most are losing their homes, work wages are shitt= pulp mill is going to shut down again but then they live at fast food joints and play video games ,the ones that make high wages are stealing from the tax payers anyway oops ,a judge and ceo and a few others in jail for stealing big bucks, kind of hard to swallow
  13. Loc: ottawa Reg: 05/30/05 11/30/06 06:20 PM - Post#390079 In response to FreekerByTheSpeaker no, they don't. that's why they're happy thats funny as we are taxed to the gills and our new premier said he was to keep gas prices down hah it was at 88.9 today 94.9, ,we are in a place that they build new highways and 10 years later they put up the signs i,m moving to fredericton imagine i will have to after court on the 11th heh know of any good rotten lawyers that can,t be bought off. as mine retired as i was told by the city manager shi= face huh
  14. Coca-Cola would be green if colouring weren’t added to it. if your flush has rust spots pour a bottle of coke in it next morning clean all the rust is gone a dr. cleans his equipment with coke,tools that he operates with
  15. Quote:Women blink twice as many times as men their mouths open more also, very smart people women are
  16. Sam Roberts Band put on a fantastic show at the university in fredericton about 3 weeks ago
  17. i heard last night that Miramichi means land of the bad people! are you a bad weenie? ha ha know booche do you? we are very good caring people,but too many nosey ones, we have the regular dope people that the cops can,t get as the judge lets them off anyway i do have some very nice native friends also but the mayor is no well liked , that i could smash in the face but judge lor--- is his friend i have a nice weenie,ooh la la,don,t tell lazlo
  18. i'll prob read that one before i give it to him. funny sounds like me
  19. 50th are you sure? oops sorry i was thinking of my age i meant 500 posts
  20. made the 50th post today ha ha a lot of hard work to stay in the thread, thanks for informing me brad i think thats who it was aloha
  21. What are some cool gifts you have gave and or recieved? a beer opener that talks
  22. Do you ever have one of those days when it seems like the whole world is crashing down on you, and people are coming at you from all sides with problem followed by problem? That is all. try to not let other peoples problems become yours and it is very hard sometimes a soft heart has to harden a bit for your own piece of mind and usless use of energy hope your day tomorrow is better
  23. nothing wrong with kissing feet or toes hmhmhhmhm
  24. If gelatin is made from animimals? piglets at that very good for you
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