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Everything posted by peipunk

  1. Now THAT was amazing (Nash's goal). THIS is the Team Canada I was looking for!
  2. That and the whole Swiss power play was an amazing segment.
  3. How come :surprise: didn't make it into your post?
  4. Canada --> :surprise: <-- Ryan Miller
  5. This thread has been top notch, well done lads.
  6. I too was a part of the C-64 revolution. I remember upgrading to a 450 baud modem and thinking I was the absolute shit. I recently downloaded a C-64 emulator and a massive file of thousands of games, I actually spent quite a few hours playing one of my old favorites, basically a text D&D style dungeon crawler called Oubliette: When I first played this game, a friend of mine in Grade 8 had bought the datasette version that took 45 minutes to load!
  7. Googling "nut shots" at 2AM were you?
  8. I fucking know eh? The real hockey fans must be at home writing about the game on the internet.
  9. So if I am getting this right, people are angry that people are angry that people are angry about the Games?
  10. Woohoo, Islander Day! They should call it "Lets fucking gouge employers in the dead of winter Day!" Oh well, I know what I'm doing:
  11. Not everybody, I am excited as hell...I have a lot of friends from PEI that are there now, mostly bandmates and friends who are playing shows there. Have a great time, I wish I was going.
  12. peipunk

    pickup trucks

    Word on the street is you can mod them to accept both, although DB2.0 requires a special adapter.
  13. You're right! I'm sorry...how can I stay mad at you? <3
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