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Everything posted by peipunk

  1. "I can't drink enough fuckin' booze to pull myself out of this..." lmao
  2. Yes! I was waiting for someone to bring this up so we could all pile on. Ever heard of a SMRTPHONE DINGBAT?
  3. I know the game wasn't terrible, but it certainly didn't grab my attention like the last couple did. Manning had a few surgical precise throws throughout the game, but I wish he didn't throw that INT so that there could have been more drama for the ending. The Who was just weird...Roger's voice sounded better than I thought it would, Pete seemed really sloppy and uncomfortable to me. Fuck CTV and that horrible endless barrage of horrible commercials, I wanted to fucking hang myself. If they did a Pay Per View of an American feed with American commercials, I would buy it.
  4. Fuck! We won another one. Peaking too early.
  5. Pipe down there, Waffles.
  6. I'll drink to that! stay in school kids
  7. I was just gonna say that! You are probably hoping they lose a couple games to get back on track.
  8. I really try to stay out of these things because I am the worlds worst debater (I am sure to be crushed in a rebuttal of some sort here), but I try as much as possible to live by my signature (not the waffles part). It probably has a lot to do with where I am from and where I live, but I truly believe that the corrupt, bad people in the world are the exception to the rule (unfortunately some of the bad ones seize power in places and affect a lot more people). Doctors, teachers and politicians here where I live are my friends, family and neighbors. There is no way I will believe a vaccine that is widely supported and distributed like this does more harm than good.....no way. Sorry to blah blah blah, I blame Ollie! I will shut up now.
  9. Hahaha I think I'll just call you Waffles anyway....Waffles. killer
  10. WTF from Blackhawks right back to Leafs when they win? If I see you post anything pro-Leafs in here again, you will forever be known to me as "Waffles".
  11. Link to a list of all the people that were helped by the H1N1 vaccine.
  12. The thing I like the most about these trades is all the hilarious shit I get to read to help pass a groggy Monday. Thank you Brian Burke!
  13. Very true, very true, I guess the technology just makes it a LOT easier to be lazy. rofl
  14. Well I didn't get to see it but I can guess you were going to own my face.
  15. This has all the makings of a get-shitfaced-drunk thread.
  16. I think this has derailed a bit, I "think" the point Velvet was making is that, very generally speaking, without examples, we have much less ways to exercise our bodies and minds thanks to technological "tools". Of course a cashier needs a cash register and engineers need calculators.
  17. [color:purple]I'm sure they weren't aware of any photographers in the vicinity when this took place.
  18. You keep saying this as if its a bad thing! I'm just jealous. As well you should be. :::cracks a lobster claw and dips it in Old Sam:::
  19. I'll go with uBad. copyright peipunk.inc
  20. You keep saying this as if its a bad thing!
  21. The "vinyl to CD" comparison is incorrect, please change your amusing banter to a "digital vs. physical" format please and thank you.
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