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Everything posted by AD

  1. i like his story about 'no dancing at the parthenon' ad
  2. i hate the sound of vomiting or dry-heaves
  3. MA is Mass, ME is Maine. Just for clarification. I've never heard the Riverport one, thanks for sharing it Heather!
  4. Oh, my bad. Whee!! So what's the best Gin east of Mass? The Went? or another gem?
  5. You spelled "8-17-97 The Great Went" wrong!!
  6. the sens skill competition is next sunday i believe... tickets are under $10 for everyone and free parking. should be fun. i'm gonna heckle spezza long time
  7. Just for clarification, Sufjan Stevens is NOT playing the dates mentioned in the first post above. Maybe change the title of the thread?
  8. Nope, that's for 'Castanets', another band on Asthmatic Kitty.
  9. Not me. Not a great title, but not terrible. I haven't listened too closely to the lyrics of the song, maybe it will shed light on it.
  10. anyone know why it was on a weeknight?
  11. Peter, Bjorn and John are on Conan tonight
  12. yeah i really dig them too. great sounds. saw an interesting record (vinyl) the other day - soundtrack of our lives and randy bachman, playing some bachman tunes. they play my favourite bachman song as well, Rock is my Life. Anyways......... carry on.
  13. I think Pearl Jam would be IDEAL for a festival like Bonnaroo. A perfect fit. I'd rather tour european festivals too though, so I can't blame them going over there. Maybe next year.
  14. after 4 listens it's definitely not at the level of Funeral for me. there are some standout tracks, the remake of No Cars Go is great, Ocean of Noise is a wonderful song, really like the almost mariachi horns at the end. There are some filler tracks - Neon Bible, geez that song is a buzzkill. Feels like it's missing the urgency and epics of the first disc... Where are the songs on par with Wake Up, Tunnels, Power Out, Lies... Doesn't sound as lush to me though. But maybe it's unfair to compare to Funeral... Such a great disc. Neon Bible is good, just not as good. But maybe it'll grow.
  15. Have you been watching 30 Rock? 'The Rural Juror'
  16. AD

    New Arcade Fire leak!

    this link might be a bit less cumbersome.. http://www.sendspace.com/file/lqdbpd
  17. Some kind soul leaked this album, get on this download fast, it won't last long AD http://rapidshare.com/files/13567597/Neon_Bible.zip
  18. Haha, I was chilled, just rebutting your point 'bra.' I'm not debating that they briefly broke up; that's common knowledge isn't it? Wanna try that sentence again? I don't know what you mean by whatever it is you're saying. Thank you! I look forward to your totally unbiased and objective review of his songs and his playing
  19. Western Fairgrounds? I was at the show. WooHoo!
  20. The Police exited at the TOP of their game, unlike all those other examples. They are the cream of the crop, reunion-wise. I hope they can live up to the hype.
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