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Everything posted by AD

  1. geez, tough crowd. i posted the same question on the oink forums and have had two responses, they are below, followed by my next question... my follow-up: what if i took the voip adapter out of the equation and plugged the modem straight into the computer? does anyone know if the voip adapter is essential for internet connectivity? (with mac addresses, ip stuff... i know i won't be able to use the phone :-) ) if i'm using a modem with no router, am i in theory getting around the problem of port forwarding since it's a modem and not a router?
  2. hey, good to know. thanks for that.
  3. I think Tucker got the message after the 5th goal or so
  4. i friend of mine who works in health care told me that regular PSA checks should ideally be started around 25 years of age. Seemed like a bit early to me, but then again I know nothing about this. Perhaps prevention starts very early..
  5. My point exactly ... the Sens should ship him out' date=' clear up some cap room, and strengthen their team even more! [/quote'] I think we'll need Alfie's potential firepower for the better teams in the league like Buffalo, Minnesota etc... Spezza can't get 5 points every night.
  6. What's your point? Even without Alfie the Sens can score 7 goals. The Sens destroyed Toronto, forget making excuses. Ottawa played waaaaaay better and are a better team, there is no doubt. I guess you are cancelling the parade in Toronto?
  7. hold up: Big Sugar is performing? Details please... This is big news if they are getting back together... And congrats on the nomination. I'm guessing you are all male?
  8. I've looked at all the common sites (OiNK forums, PortForward, Azureas Wiki etc..) and I can't figure out how to get rid of my NAT problem. (I should preface this to say I don't really know a lot about this side of the computer operations, networks, IPs, blah blah, the technical stuff) Basically, I can't get the NAT smiley face in Azureus to go green. I will try anything, and I hope you don't hate me for asking for help. Hehe. My setup is as follows... Cable internet (bought from CIA.com, supplied on a Rogers line) -> Motorola SB5101 modem -> Linksys SPA2100 VOIP Adapter -> Computer. Not able to login to VOIP adapter due to service agreement (and I don't have the login info). Windows XP SP2, Firewall is enabled, Azureus Right now my listening port is 65500. (But I have no idea what this means). Does anyone want to take a stab at helping me out? I would very much appreciate it. Sorry for being a newb... hehe. AD
  9. yeah, well... put on Side A of the debut album and tell me the party doesn't start immediately AD
  10. hahahahahhaaha i saw them in the gary cherone days.... ug. i never thought it was possible to hate Extreme more... Until Cherone was shaking his ass in the same room as me.
  11. there's a movement in the ontario legislature to have OHIP pay for PSA screening tests. At least there was. I haven't followed it for a while. AD
  12. Basher / Priceline.com got me a sweeet deal in Boston, if anyone is going for shows on this tour, why not stay in style, for cheap?
  13. Hopefully Tucker will eat a few knuckles.
  14. A related story - the title track of The Mars Volta's Frances the Mute was left off the album due to time constraints. It was released on an EP.
  15. My dinner tonight was South American Chicken. I bet some online casino would give me millions. If I hadn't smothered it in Sweet and Heat and downed it. AD
  16. AD


    Definitely here too. Many many neighbours pissed off when the crunch came in on the first track... What DVD is this you are speaking of?
  17. hmmmmmm anyone use both oink and soulseek? cuz i use soulseek... and have ears that are perked up right now....
  18. hmm.... interesting. the guys that did the radio call last night were awful. dave schreiber and someone else. went about 15 minutes in the second period without saying how much time was left. or had elapsed. making it hard to tell where we were in the game.
  19. then he goes to the box. he feels shame.
  20. they said that he did on the radio... did he not get one?
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