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Everything posted by AD

  1. well ok, that's what was put out there a week or two ago... and the lovely feathers website says they're TBA in Ottawa on the 16th only, no mention of the 15th. Anyways, sorry to hijack the thread about the Mavericks show. Just wish things would sync up. edit. their myspace says their at barrymore's on the 15th... but no mention of the show on the 16th. so things are all good for the slip show i guess... land of talk are amazing.
  2. jesus, that is a good lineup. so can anyone say if the lovely feathers are also opening for the Slip the previous night? spiral beach are gonna be huge, and jetplanes of abraham, besides from having the coolest name, are gonna do very very well. support ottawa bands!!
  3. if my opinion means anything here, i really like Acres a lot. ad
  4. AD

    Borat Movie Review

    the big screen really helps this movie in certain scenes. that's all i'll say. great movie.
  5. There are at least 3 great CD release shows happening Saturday night on Bank Street. 1. The Soiree and Alanna Stuart - Irene's - The Soiree is releasing their first full-length CD 'Birds'. These guys are getting better all the time. Look for recent stories in the Citizen, Sun, Xpress and on CBC Radio. Alanna Stuart is opening, there are rumours of a Pete Elkas sit-in but I don't really care about that. 2. Million Dollar Marxists, Embassies Of Denmark, Les Allumettes - Barrymore's - Local boys done good, their last CD got them all the way to Rolling Stone magazine and SXSW. Now they are concentrating on local affairs after spending the last couple years in the States touring. CD Release party. 3. C'MON, Weapons of Mass Seduction, The Nymphets - Babylon. If you've never seen C'MON, you've never heard rock and roll the way it was meant to be heard. They are (surprisingly) opening for local boys Weapons of Mass Seduction who are also releasing a new CD this night. I'll be at Irene's supporting my boys the Soiree, but might try to see C'mon at Babylon beforehand... AD
  6. Please send my best wishes if you do see him soon, been a fan ever since the Peter EP came out and have seen many ET, Elevator, solo shows since then. Love his stuff to bits.
  7. you guys are blowing my mind. those are cool stories. i wish rick all the best, but i wish he would just keep making music and occasionally play a gig or two.
  8. The two times I've been to Bramasole I've found it disgusting. The last time I was there was perhaps a year ago on a weekday, had a really weak omelette I think... The Manx has excellent breakfasts in Ottawa, as does Von's and (surprisingly) The Lieutenant's Pump. Lots of benedicts there.
  9. Rick should really get out and play more, issues or not. His Elevator work and solo stuff is MILES ahead of Eric's Trip, and ET was the creme de la creme for a large portion of my life. Also, Julie with Shotgun + Jaybird at the Rainbow on Nov 12 in Ottawa, with Woolly Leaves and Poorfolk.
  10. our very own dave-o was there i believe. i couldn't make it out to this. tara's probably hanging off someone else's coattails musically.
  11. heard most of the album live last night, very impressed. some pretty standard stuff, but some really good interesting stuff too. his voice sounded better last night than all the times i've seen blue rodeo. i like the unintended too... but personally (IMO) rick white is more talented that the others and i greatly enjoy anything he does.
  12. that was an awesome show. keelor really suprised me, very strong new stuff, 3 or 4 blue rodeo tunes (day after day, diamond mine, lost together, hasn't hit me yet). sadies were a solid backing band (big shock there, ha) for Keelor. Fun show. Would go see Keelor again, even if the sadies weren't his band. AD
  13. It's a remake of a Hong Kong movie called Infernal Affairs Not that I know anything about the original, but a guy whose opinion I trust pointed out some differences that are interesting for those of us that have already seen it. SPOILER ALERT [spoilerq:1]If you haven't seen the movie, don't click this[/spoilerq] [spoilera:1]In anticipation of seeing The Departed, the much-acclaimed American adaptation of the Hong Kong film Infernal Affairs, I went out and rented Infernal Affairs 3 this weekend, having seen and thoroughly enjoyed parts one and two last year and wanting to wrap things up before seeing Scorsese's version. Whereas Infernal Affairs 2 was actually a prequel to the original, the third and final installment is a proper follow-up to the first film (though it only makes any sense if you saw the Hong Kong final scene and not the one shot for mainland China). It's a bit tough to talk about it without spoiling the first film, but I can say this - while it's something of a mess for trying to simultaneously expand on and ret-con the already convoluted and labyrinthine whack-a-mole plot of the first film, it actually manages to pull out a very strong and unpredictable plot out of it all and ends up being rather satisfying. Not as good as the first two, but still with more pluses than minuses. I don't doubt that part of my difficulty in following things was the 22- and 14-month gaps between seeing the original films and this one, but I still managed to keep up on the main plot points alright. As for The Departed, when a big studio film clocks in at 87% and 93% at Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes respectively, odds are pretty good that it's a good film - and it is. I was surprised how faithfully the plot followed the original films - I expected that they'd lift the premise and maybe diverge from there, but besides rejigging things to fit the new locale and characters it's quite faithful. And maybe that's why I wasn't overwhelmed by the film - I knew what was going to happen, and for a suspense-thriller, that's pretty much death. Which segues into the differences between the two. Whereas the vibe of the Hong Kong version was a slick, modern gangster film, Scorsese's vision is a helluva lot grittier, bloodier and all-around dirtier. Jack Nicholson's crew are old school street hoods as happy to beat the tar out of someone with their fists as put a bullet through their head (everyone in Scorsese's Boston is an excellent marksman). His characters are also more fully developed, which they had better be considering the film runs an epic two and a half hours. Matt Damon's mole is a bit of an exception to this, displaying less of the crisis of conscience than Andy Lau's Ming did and is more interested in covering his own ass than redeeming himself. Jack Nicholson is his typical scenery-chewing self as the mob boss but is certainly more threatening and debased than his HK counterpart was - probably too much so, but when was the last time Nicholson gave a nuanced performance? I think it was sometime around never. Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin and Mark Wahlberg are all good with what their given but not surprisingly it's Leonardo DiCaprio, Scorsese's muse, and his undercover cop who is given the richest backstory, making the mob part of his family history which he's trying to escape. Scorsese's film is different enough from Infernal Affairs that comparing them doesn't necessarily require one to be superiour to the other. As I mentioned, whichever you see first will ruin the plot for the other, but there's still plenty to appreciate in the execution. Which there's also plenty of. But one point where the original definitely comes out ahead is the stylishness of their climaxes, or at least the promo photos taken from them, as you can see above. Hong Kong's stone cold showdown versus USA's sissy fight? No contest.[/spoilera]
  14. Barrymore's. Anyone else in? Andre Ethier might be playing as well. Solid night of music. AD
  15. I wonder where Toronoto California is. Also, is it worth it to change the title of the thread?
  16. i can't see anything in the pic from peggy's cove... what am i missing?
  17. Looks like that's the case. Hey, misinformation in a thread about the Slip. Funny that.
  18. so I assume they'll be on the bill in Ottawa. Aloha, Brad Except that the Slip is booked on the 15th in Ottawa and the Feathers are booked on the 16th... The Lovely Feathers will draw a lot of people, regardless if the Slip is playing or not, and they are a great live act. So I hope they are sharing the bill. AD
  19. BARRYMORE'S!!! Praise Boognish!! This will be awesome. Soooo glad it's not at Maverick's AD
  20. Has anyone dealt with National Capital Freenet? (NCF DSL webpage) I'm sure some of you have, I haven't for a couple years, but now they have DSL service provided by Bellnexxia. I am thinking of switching to them due to major hassles and incompetance with my current ISP, CIA.com. (Do not even think about dealing with them, the price is low for a reason - shitty product and no customer service). Does Bellnexxia throttle speeds? I would ideally be using the connection for BitTorrent traffic, along with regular internet use. Any comments?
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