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Everything posted by AD

  1. Hmm. Fatal flaw in my sarcasm / cynicism there I suppose.
  2. To paraphrase the original news release: We are old dudes playing old songs reasonably and we couldn't draw enough people to a field outside Burlington at the end of a long weekend to make the show worth doing...
  3. Citizen review of last night
  4. Yeah, I raise my hand for the roll call.
  5. Heard a quote somewhere (NPR? CBCR3?) that in 2007 there were 47 million records sold in the USA. Last year (or maybe this year, can't remember exactly) the number is 5 million. Also found a relevant Vedder quote from Contact Music 2007: . "A lot of people are getting your music without having to pay, and it's only $12. "I ordered eggs at a little restaurant in Seattle and it was $9.50. I was thinking, 'You can't spend two extra bucks for a record that you put your heart and soul into?' "I think the problem is to charge more for tickets, which is something we've always been abhorrent to do; either that or you're gonna have to start accepting sponsorships, or start selling your music to Viagra. "I'm not sure how we'll do it. I'm glad we gave money away when we did - when it came in from making records. We kind of spread it around and helped people in our community and abroad in different ways."
  6. 1. Pearl Jam charged $100 for tix? When / where was that? I don't remember that. 2. My principles and opinions have changed a lot in the last 20 years, and I don't have a business / family to support. I think it's naive to criticize Pearl Jam for changing. Everyone reading this has certainly changed since the early 90s.
  7. Weather cancelled their flight. Both other shows are still on, 30 minutes later than scheduled though. Bang! at 6:30, and Heron at 8 p.m
  8. I've seen 7. 8 if you expand Jagger to include the Stones
  9. play suspended due to darkness
  10. TSN Epic match. 55-54 in the 5th set as I type this. Well over 9.5 hours of playing.
  11. Way to win the free tickets....
  12. Also June 25 at Raw Sugar w/ Glenn Nuotio + Catriona Sturton
  13. I think it was a great deal. For St. Louis.
  14. What was the call on the fake US goal? The place where I was watching had the sound off.
  15. AD

    Let's talk NXNE

    Mudhoney kind of sucked, X was awesome, then i went to bed and missed the secret Japandroids show at the Dakota. Kelp today!!
  16. AD

    Let's talk NXNE

    Ends at 11. Not possible to do both. Too bad, would love to see the stooges.
  17. AD

    Let's talk NXNE

    No, Pavement / BSS on the Island
  18. AD

    Let's talk NXNE

    Just X and Mudhoney for me. Gonna take it easy to rest up for the weekend. Saturday looks like a scorcher.
  19. doubt it (how would they make sure everyone had paid to see the comics short of cordoning off the whole area?), but I emailed them again to ask.
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