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Posts posted by scottieking

  1. ditto to most of the above with a couple of tips:

    -grab any and all resources your associate teacher has to offer. You'll thank yourself down the road

    -don't try to be your associate teacher. That being said, be aware not to do anything the associate wouldn't do (nice, double neg!)\

    -this one's tough but true. No matter how much the kids like you, you're still a student teacher and in the grand scheme of things, you may not be as important as you feel. I remember going back to visit my first school and being really hurt that I wasn't remembered/had made a smaller impact than first thought.

    -have fun. Go to shows. My second practicum I completed a rigorous Thurs -Phish/Auburn Hills >Fri Teach> Saturday>Birthday Celebrations> Sun Actual Birthday/Drive to Phish Rochester>Monday Teach - trust me, the pressure's off

    An aside: I met Hamilton in teacher's college and hit it off the first or second day. You may want to take that into consideration before listening to a word I've said! Good Luck.

  2. Marco - this is just what I needed


    B/R Duo - 3/10/2004 - Smells like teen spirit and Paranoid Android

    Iron and Wine - Our Endless Numbered Days - for 4 months straight

    Easy Star All Stars - Dub Side of the Moon - actually what it sounds like and more

    Bob Dylan and The Band - The Basement Tapes - if you don't own it, you wouldn't understand

    Phish - 3/31/1993 - if Coventry did one thing, it reminded me to enjoy the body of work from these individuals I've been collecting for over 10 years now. Listen to yours..... today!

    Watching: Too much Adult Swim Cartoon (Harvey Birdman, Sealab 2021, Brak Show)

    Reliving - My first year of teaching (5 years ago)

    Eating - more fibre

    Reading - Drop City - TC Boyle

    Watching - teenagers get weirder by the day

    Feeling - overwhelmed

    Drinking - every night to fall alseep

    Smoking - NOTHING (dry) see drinking for details

    Thinking - alot about the nature of long distance relationships

    Growing - laundry on my bedroom floor

    Loving - the notion of buying a new TV in a few weeks

  3. guigsy- hey sorry for the no-show last night. You know when you fall asleep while you have guests over pre-drinking before the bar that maybe you need the sleep instead. We should try to comminicate before all these Hamiliton events for car-pooling options. I'll call you next week.

  4. Meggo. Our plight has never been more desperate. The children must learn but the ministry documentation doesn't have a learning expectation for Neil. The good news for me is I teach in St. Thomas and if you ask most of the kids to scour their parent's CDs they may find some gems.

    Similar moment this week. I have this picture in my classroom Some kid is like "Is that Sir Stanford Flemming with Trudeau"


    First of all, where'd he get Flemming from? Second of all, tomorrow, Revolver. Stat.

    What are you teaching this year?

  5. To honest, I've been thinking about what to post here ever since I got home (which, relatively speaking from what I've heard is early) In so many ways this was truly, not in a positive or negative sense, an inbelievable experience.

    I want to start out by saying I was one of the lucky ones. Not just lucky but skillful. I was travelling with veterans and that in and of itself was a bonus. We had been in the line-ups before. We knew the score. Northern Wish,Nina(you used to have a code-name Pirahna something?),Tungsten Gruvsten, Denise (our only rookie), my girlfriend and myself made a formidable caravan. But we also knew a bad situation was brewing. I admit, I was the biggest kid in denial. But wiser heads prevailed and after great debate, at 1:00am we pulled off of Highway 5 and into the thing that made our weekend the best it could possibly be, Ed and Patty.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, Americans, individual have the capacity to be the kindest on earth because , like us, their freedom affords them this. Ed and Patty were one of the first people to take kids on their lawn, sought ZERO money for their land and provided us with fresh coffee and muffins every morning. They allowed us to turn this experience into a success. Our thanks go out to them hundred-fold.

    Back to my anger. As I woke up in the morning, looked at the beautiful Vermont landscape and saw that the line had progressed roughly an hour worth of people since we had pulled in (translation, we hit the exit ramp at 9:30am, they had at 10:30am, ya dig) I knew our decision was solid. But I just could'nt shake the feeling that we were missing part of a "shared experience" As Brad M mentioned, that whole camping with strangers, walking up and down Shakedown, I truly felt we were going to miss out.

    And then Mike Gordon came over the Bunny.

    And then all hell broke loose on the highway. Lawns began to fill up. People were confused, angry, hurt but most of all, damned and determined to get into the damn show. We had already decided the night before we were ready to hike and now, we had company!

    Except we never had to hike too far. Each and every trip, 4 total, back and forth, we ended up paying or getting for free a ride in a truck from some Vermonter (it really reminded me of the cab system in Thailand!) But still, very little time to sight-see as the world inside was mud and your primary concern daily was to get the tarp down inside the concert grounds and stay out of the mud. It would seem the shared experience was deperation and to focus on the music and the last few hours with the boys.

    The music. Where to start. I don't know what I excepted. Did I expect them to be able to roll back the clock? Did I expect them to transcend the moment and go out greater than ever? Did I expect the Chicago Symphony and dancers and Gamehedge and Harpua and one last 2001? Maybe. I'll tell you what I got.

    1)Not my favorite show, but maybe my favorite live Wolfman's.

    2)Not six solid sets, but a couple of doozies!

    3)Not a spectacle, but a couple of wicked light goodbyes from Chris K

    4)Not an explosive ending, but a rather sad and realistic breakdown of four humans trying to say goodbye to their lives as they know it.

    5)Not blind adoration for our GODS, but a sense that one member continues to struggle with his demons to the point that he will look back at his last performance with this band with a sense of embarassment and that while he could jam the fu©k out of everything (improv was ON!) he was so wasted that he couldn't find the focus to put his fingers in the places he had composed them to be so many years ago.

    6)Not a longing for more but the sense that the other three members should continue to play together, just in case.

    Would I suggest you download the CD's? Unless you slugged through it, your time is better spent seeking out better versions of your old favs and buy the DVD.

    All in all the experience was just that, a final trek in the sillier side of life, that sub-reality called the festival scene and Phish tour no more. I'm spent and look forward to musing more about this as the memories flood back (maybe even on this thread)

    History has taught us that very few things that are great end on a high note. What Coventry was, well, it was closure. Some of those old highs, fond memories but the sense that although they could go on, it was time, it was wonderful, and on our way we go.

  6. Hey folks! Scottieking returning from a hiatus of my own with a question for my peeps. Will the infamous Skankcity arise @ Coventry? Granted I'm sure this topic has already been done to death but I've forsaken ya'll for so long I'm out o' the loop. If you cats could post or email and let me know any caravaning or possible camping strategy I'd love to be in on it.

    Northern Wish, I'll call you tomorrow. Ottawa Skanks, check the Scottieking appearance on Tuesday Night in your town!

  7. Thanks.... Guigsy? Great to see you last night. Alot of credit goes to Paul Aitken as well for how well it held together. Not bad for never playing together eh?

    PS Londoner's. Alex P Keaton = The Old Rose and Crown - it had it's soft opening last night.

  8. Phish regrouping as a different entity, no. Page becoming a Trey band regular, maybe. Trey and Jon hamming it up in a bar somewhere, maybe.

    The second part has some real credence to it. It adds up and hopefully we'll never have to relive an Aug 9th ever again.

  9. yes but don't forget about the most powerful person in Canada, 'tube.

    Chuck Cadman. Wins as an Independent in Surrey BC. Former Conservative. He truly is the swing vote in your scenario.

    However, don't expect the Bloc and the Tories to see eye to eye on things anytime soon.

  10. This sucks!! I was so stoked for day two. From the official website:


    Los Angeles, CA - June 22, 2004 -- Even with what has been touted as the best line-up since its inception in 1991, with such eclectic and respected artists as Morrissey, Sonic Youth, PJ Harvey, and The Flaming Lips, among others, and the most competitive ticket prices in the marketplace for a tour this size, it was not enough to counter the weak economic state of this years summer touring season. Therefore, it is with the utmost regret that due to poor ticket sales across the board, the Lollapalooza, 2004 tour has been cancelled. This morning, tour organizers and concert promoters faced with several million dollars of losses, made the very tough decision to pull the tour.

    Perry Farrell, tour organizer, stated with his sincerest regrets, "My heart aches along with the bands, and all of our employees, whose hard work developed one of the most exciting and important tours that this nation was to see. My heart is broken."

    Marc Geiger, co-founder of the tour stated, "I am in utter disbelief that a concert of this stature, with the most exciting line-up I've seen in years did not galvanize ticket sales. I'm surprised that given the great bands and the reduced ticket prices that we didn't have enough sales to sustain the tour. Concert promoters across the country are facing similar problems. Many summer tours are experiencing weak ticket sales."

    Alex Hodges, Executive Vice President of HOB Concerts, commented, "In real terms, it's been a tough summer. Ticket sales have been mixed and often inexplicably soft. There are a number of contributing factors, and, as a result, many tours have been cut-back, rerouted or cancelled."

    Fans who have supported the tour and who have bought tickets nationwide will be given full refunds.

  11. Dream scenario as Hux says is a Liberal minority with NDP "support". Push the social agenda.

    If the conservatives can't form a majority naturally the Governor General has to ask the Liberals if they can form the government. They do not have to have a single shread of support to simply say "Yes, we can" and put it to the house. In the past, like in 1978, Trudeau simply defered to the PC's but he could have tried to make a go of it. Martin will try because honestly it's his last chance.

    Let's say it's a Conservative Minority or Majority. Honestly, they haven't even formed policy as a party yet. Wait until the fall when they bring their ad-hock party together and realize "hey, we agree on nothing" Conservative parties of the past have always been an effort to hold together conflicting levels of the right ideology and regional interests. Harper won't be able to handle the pressure and the country will never mandate ANYTHING by referendum. Constitutional change just scares everyone (see Charlottetown Accord)

    Personally, I hope those opportunistic fucks don't gain power (Michael Wilson and Don Masenkowski are licking their lips)but if they do, rest assured they'll never be able to pull it together long enough to inflict any real damage.

    Vote how ever you want, but make sure to vote.

  12. I've had the "music" for the CD for a couple of days now and have had two or three solid listens. Opinions are begining to form but something that really help me gain a new appreciation for the disc WAS the DVD. It reinnerated to me that no matter how "shit" it may sound, unlike Round Room, they put some time and thought into this project. As well, never under-estimate the control the producer had here. It was a shot at something different (and my2sense says that it's not radio play, secondtube ::)

    I'd say the only two real disappointments are The Connection and treatment of Scents and Subtle Sounds (I just can't let go of the Deer Creek Version from last summer) I too can't wait to see some of these new tunes pop up in the rotation this summer.

  13. For those of you who are TPB fans, Joe Schmo Fans or both Spike TV 10:00pm the latest installment with two schmos (guy and girl) who are duped with a Bacholer Type show. Jonathon Torrance plays one of the fake characters.

    For those who don't know, it's a reality show were only one person thinks it's real and everyone else knows it's fake.

    Get into it.

  14. My Favorites in Descending Order

    Slaughterhouse Five

    Cat's Cradle

    Breakfast of Champions

    Player Piano



    Mother Night

    Welcome To the MonkeyHouse


    what am I missing?

    Oh Deadeye Dick

    God Bless You Mr Rosewater (actually this one should go further up)

  15. It's tough to see your loved ones suffer with the fear and anxiety when you are in a position like your friend's. Be strong and let her know your fears. It sounds like she too is trying to use positive vibes to pull through. I can't stress enough how important this is. ((((scottiehug)))))))))

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