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Posts posted by scottieking

  1. Downloaded

    kings of leon - aha shake heartbreak (not out til Feb!!)

    Umphery's McGee -10/19/04? I think - SBD Matrix - Not bad - Great Police cover


    Medeski, Martin, and Wood - End of the World Party (Just in Case) WOW! I can't wait to see them after this. I hope they can bring this new texture to their to the stage

    Hey Schwa, how the Schleigho? Heard good things.

  2. music is music, just so long as it's there.

    I was raised on a crazy combo of 50's rock (key to understanding the musical workings of chord structures), classical (instermention) and ABBA (bad swedish disco).

    Sunshine and I used to love the "Hooked on Classics" Series. As well, try any 50's greatest hit combo.

  3. Meggo, you are merely the newest link in a chain of caring educators and your turn will come to return the favor not just to a new teacher, but maybe to an old one like me (or an even older one like Tonin, ha! Just kidding buddy)

    I've never known you to be anything but a ray of light, Meggo. See you at New Year's.

  4. Picture yourself in a boat on Vistula,

    With tarragon trees and mayonaise skies

    Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,

    A girl with the kal-ba-sa eyes.

    Cellophane wrapping in yellow and green,

    Towering over your head.

    Look for the girl with the spuds in her eyes,

    And she’s gone.

    Ludka in the sky with diamonds.

    Ludka in the sky with diamonds.

  5. Between this and Sin City, I couldn't be more excited. The Watchmen remains one of the greatest superhero stories told.

    Sin City is going to rock as well. Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez using Miller's comic books as storyboards. Get into it.




  6. I like U2. I have gone through periods earlier in life of loving them. I even liked the last album quite a bit.But with this album they have taken a step, maybe their final, in the wrong direction.

    Now granted, I'm a fan of experimental U2. I think Achtung created one of the few unimtatable sounds of the 90's. I think 80's U2 was one of the best gigs around.

    This album further tries to return to and recapture the old sound magic with the further watered down sound of the 00's band. Lyrics, predictable. Riffs, formulaic. Overall, after three listens, I got no love.

    They have not dismantled but built an atomic bomb.

    I think I need more coffee.

  7. What's your favorite word/saying lately? Is anyone else like me and gets stuck using a new word or saying alot during certian phases?

    Currently, I'm a big fan of "beep" as a negative response.


    Student:Mr. King, can we watch a movie today?

    Mr. King: Beep! Get back to your primary source analysis.

    This summer, "Yar" became a verb, noun, and a standard response in my circle and due to overuse, died a horrible death.

    As far as verbosity goes, cacophony has been slipping into my lexicon (I says pardon?)

    Any in your world?

  8. This CD is facing the problem that I often have in making compilations in that if you're like me, genre bending is good but extremely difficult. My latest fall mix - not yet made - is nearing completion but one of my favorite can't get out of my head tunes -Crabukkit by K-OS- isn't meshing with the vibe of more organic and slower nature of the mix (Bright Eyes, Sufjan Stevens, Rheos, Calexico).

    So is this a complex fusion gumbo or should we stay focused. Your call, Tonberry, and a great mix ahead.

    Polar Bears and Trees - Rheostatics

  9. Bright Eyes always gets me on the most emotional level but this song is killin me it's so true. It really captures the loneliness of the party scene. Download for your sweet sad song fix.


    Lua - Bright Eyes

    I know that it is freezin, but I think we have to walk. I keep waving at the taxis; they keep turning their lights off. But Julie knows a party at some actor’s west side loft. Supplies are endless in the evening, by the morning they’ll be gone.

    When everything gets lonely I can be my own best friend. I’ll grab a coffee and the paper; have my own conversations, with the sidewalk and the pigeons and my window reflection. The mask I polish in the evening, by the morning looks like sh!t.

    I know you have a heavy heart; I can feel it when we kiss. So many men much stronger than me have thrown their backs out trying to lift it. But me I’m not gamble you can count on me to split. The love I sell you in the evening, by the morning won’t exist.

    You’re looking skinny like a model with your eyes all painted black. You just keep going to the bathroom always say you’ll be right back.

    Well it takes one to know one, kid, I think you’ve got it bad. But what’s so easy in the evening, by the morning is such a drag.

    I’ve got a flask inside my pocket we can share it on the train. If you promise to stay conscious I will try and do the same. We might die from medication, but we sure killed all the pain. But what was normally in the evening, by the morning seems insane.

    And I’m not sure what the trouble was that started all of this. The reasons have run away but the feeling never did. It’s not something I would recommend, but it is one way to live. Cause what is simple in the moonlight, by the morning never is. What’s so simple in the moonlight, by the morning is so complicated. What’s so simple in the moonlight… so simple in the moonlight… so simple in the moonlight.

    Bring me more, Skanks, of life's sweet, sad music. I'm in the mood.

  10. It was Nov 8/01 when I

    a)first posted

    b)started the ole 5 disc rotation

    Now I know that 2 weeks ago thread is still going but here's something to do for fun. Go to archives and find your first 5 disc post and play something from it today. Here's my first

    Nov 8/01

    1. New Deal - new album, too good

    2. Tom Waits - Rain Dogs - found it at Music World for $5.99 - classic

    3. SCI - 3/10/01 - mmmm, soundboard

    4. Sloan - Pretty Together - sucker for a good harmony

    5. Rheostatics - Night of the Shooting Stars - their latest and IMO one of their finest


    1. Tom Waits - Real Gone - instant classic

    2. Rheostatics - 2067 - their latest and IMO one of their finest

    3. Slip - 10/15/04 - still can't shake it

    4. Phish -From the Archives 8/13/04 - mmmmm, soundboard

    5. Bright Eyes - new album, too good

    Scary, eh? Have fun with this.

  11. While checking out the Five Disc thread, I thought I was reading wrong when I noticed that a post I thought was Sunshine's was actually Sunshyne's, a newbie with the misfortune of choosing a pre-existing nickname and with the same person's pre-existing avatar.

    NOTE: This is in no way to be interpreted in a negative way but considering the confusion exhibited for years on the whole Booche, Bouche issue... a modest proposal.

    Sunshyne, welcome wholeheartedly to Sanctuary, but in the interest of me not confusing you with my sister, can we implore you to consider a change of name/avatar? :)

    Is this fair, Skanks? Can we help?

    PS After reading your profile, it looks like you and Sunshine would get along quite swimmingly! ::

  12. Not to hijack a thread but that pumpkin story is got to be one of the best of the year for me. I feel less and less sorry for the guy the further I get from it.

    He is still probably telling himself it was just beer.

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