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Posts posted by scottieking

  1. This one's a great one for that "I just ran out of sh!t and there's 15 minutes left"

    Write the word Basketball up on the board. Tell the students that there are 129 possible words you can make from only the letters in Basketball. Only those letters though, one s , two l's, two b's, one k etc. Current record holder, some kid with 89. By the way, 129 is a completely arbitruary number.

  2. I've already thrown some ribs in the crockpot but that doesn't count as I got that ready last night. But ribby goodness will be mine tonight.

    Update: Mindlessly surfing the internet and thinking that I should work on my taxes. May origanize my comic collection instead.... ::

  3. No, my school doesn't really have one, but the roads were so sh!tty and I live a half an hour drive away, I put in for an "act of nature" day. Being from the Bruce, I missed having real snow days so I made my own!

    Now the question is what to do with it? So far, it's been bacon and eggs, the Globe and Mail and two cups of coffee and dropping by here. Currently listening to Of Montreal for the first time (not bad, nice and light)

    Where to next?

  4. fu©k, I think I broke my finger teaching guerilla warfare today. Seriously.

    So to ease the pain, 5 disc. The Painkiller edition.

    Kings of Convinence - Riot on an Empty Street - Simon and Garfunkly

    Dead - 10/25/73 -mmmmm, Darkstar

    Bright Eyes - Lua - New albums going to be great

    Calexico - 4/25/2003 - holy wicked sbd

    Umphery's - 12/11/04 - My third SBD matrix from these guys, I'm offically a backer

    Honorable mention to Pink Floyd's Animals for getting me through the blizzard on the drive home today. Sheesh. What a day.

  5. Nice! I'm not sure either although I'd lean toward Plaskett. Metric have impressed on album (never seen live)

    Good news about the Golden Dogs though. Right in the middle of exam time so Mr. King can work off the hangover while they work on the essay question hehehe

  6. They sit and look at our trade surplus and upcoming future hostile take-over of key industries and resources by the world's greatest ideological juggling machine (the captailist communists? the communist captialists?) and quietly decide that in the grand scheme of things, getting some monks their "home" back falls short of priority -see Palestine for details.

    This is also the answer for why we don't push them on why carried out 90% of the world's executions last year.

    sorry, I'm super-cynical today.

  7. "I hate that commericial" is music to all ad persons ears. Why? Because you have just become the ad. I swear I was thinking about this again in regards to that Kit-Kat commerical. Here we are, selling it live on the Skank. So dumb, so immitatable, so annoying, so effective. Chances are without it you wouldn't even know about Kit-Kat peanut butter (did anyone see this sort of push with Kit-Kat Caramel)

    And when do we get to start taking about the marginalization of the male's ability to "decypher" the female mind in modern media? It's not because we are stupid...arrrgh, don't get me started.

  8. Hey Folks,

    I was just emailing this a former student of mine and thought I would share it with all Tom and non Tom Robbins fans alike. It is one of my favs from him.

    Love Mr. King

    You gotta have soul

    By Tom Robbins

    Mental Bungee-jumping may not be your sport of choice, but there's a cerebral ledge that sooner or later each of us has to leap off. One day, ready or not, we glance in a mirror, cuddle an infant, attend a funeral, walk in the woods, partake of a substance Nancy Reagan warned us to eschew, chance a liaison, wake in the night with a napalm lobster in our chest, read a message from the pope or the Dalai Lama, get lost in Verdi or lost in the stars - and wind up thinking about our soul.

    Yes, the soul. You know what I mean.

    Popular culture to the contrary, the soul is not an overweight nightclub singer having an unhappy love affair in Detroit. Nor, on the other hand, is it some pale vapor wafting off a bucket of metaphysical dry ice. Suffering, low-down and funky, seasons the soul, it's true, but bliss is the yeast that makes it rise. And yet, because the soul is linked to the earth (as opposed to spirit, which is linked to the sky), it steadfastly contradicts those who imagine it a billow of sacred flatulence or a shimmer of personal swamp gas.

    Soul is not even that Cracker Jack prize that God and Satan scuffle over after the worms have all licked our bones. That's why, when we ponder - as, sooner or later, each of us must - what exactly we ought to be doing about our souls, religion is the wrong, if conventional place to turn.

    Religion is little more than a transaction in which troubled people trade their souls for temporary and wholly illusionary psychological comfort (the old "give it up in order to save it" routine). Religions lead us to believe the soul is the ultimate family jewel, and, in return for our mindless obedience, they can secure it for us in their vaults, or at least insure it against fire and theft. They are mistaken.

    If you need to visualize the soul, think of it as a cross between a wolf howl, a photon, and a dribble of dark molasses. But what it really is, as near as I can tell, is a packet of information. It's a program, a piece of hyperspatial software designed explicitly to interface with the Mystery. Not a mystery, mind you, the Mystery. The one that can never be solved.

    To one degree or another, everybody is connected to the Mystery, and everybody secretly yearns to expand the connection. That requires expanding the soul. These things can enlarge the soul: laughter, danger, imagination, meditation, wild nature, passion, compassion, psychedelics, beauty, iconoclasm, and driving around in the rain with the top down. These things can diminish it: fear, bitterness, blandness, trendiness, egotism, violence, corruption, ignorance, grasping, shining, and eating ketchup on cottage cheese.

    Data in our psychic program is often nonlinear, nonhierarchical, archaic, alive, and teeming with paradox. Simply booting up is a challenge, if not for no other reason than that most of us find acknowledging the unknowable and monitoring its intrusions upon the familiar and mundane more than a little embarrassing.

    But say you've inflated your soul to the size of a beach ball and it's soaking into the Mystery like wine into a mattress. What have you accomplished? Well, long term, you may have prepared yourself for a successful metamorphosis, an almost inconceivable transformation to be precipitated by your death or by some great worldwide eschatological whoopjamboreehoo. You may have. No one can say for sure.

    More immediately, by waxing soulful you will have granted yourself the possibility of ecstatic participation in what the ancients considered a divinely animated universe. And on a day to day basis, folks, it doesn't get any better than that.

    By Tom Robbins Esquire, October, 1993

  9. I will only eat french toast with ketchup. My favorite thing on the planet is FT, ketchup, and bacon together. Sunshine too.

    I also enjoy Miracle Whip in my KD (makes it great cold)

    Tungsten taught me that peanut butter and onions on a burger wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

  10. [quote

    On the other hand it's great to hear that we don't need technology to fare well against the worst of our planets assaults on us.

    This is pretty much what I was impressed about, plus the image of the archer coming out to fire at the helicopter. Sort of a "fu©k off, we're better off than you'll ever be"

    PS Is Dr. Bruce TheophrastusBombastus getting angry and turning green and running around the house going "THORGNOR SMASH!!"?

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