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Posts posted by scottieking

  1. The night was so fantasic, start to finish. Driven by pure energy and emotion, both band and crowd were surging, driving, straight from song one. My overwhelming thought all night was GRANDSLAM.





    Johnny Joe>


    Holetown Charlie


    Solid start. LOVE the Johnny Joe, had never heard that one but thick and juicy.




    Auld Lang>


    Year of...

    Black Betty*>

    Voodoo Lady*>


    Voodoo Lady*





    Dr. Who>


    AHAHAHAHAHHHHHH! Mind boggling. Ween so fun. Monster 401 with the first Dr. Who I've heard since my first Whipping Post Bootleg. * with Velvet







    St. Thomas>


    Sgt. Peppers

    e: Condor>

    Steppin' Out>


    The last setlist was an emotional rollercoaster and executed with, without hyperbole, unprecedented energy and build. Dance like it's your last and pray that it wouldn't be.


    Thanks go to all the Ottawa crew who, as usual extended nothing but hospitality to me. Thanks especially to all the hosts of all the get-together's I attended.

    Thanks to the Nero extended fans and family who hugged and shared and made this more than just a New Year's party.

    And to the band, from a dusty afternoon set in Durham, across the province and back, with a dozen good times in between, Jay, Dave, Shane, Chris, Todd, your music will always stay with me but our friendships will be your greatest legacy. See you soon.

    Love Scottieking

  2. If you are like me (and the rest of the world) I think the magnitude of this earthquake is really starting to take hold. As I read my newspaper this morning, I became quite overwhelmed with emotion and awe.

    To start, the stories of surivial are just incredible. I've been to Thailand and can envision what the day must have been like just before the wave hit. I pray that my friends travelling are fine (one teacher I work with has a son he still hasn't heard from yet)

    Then the magnitude of the event. According to the Globe, the eathquake was so powerful it actually shifted the earth casuing it to wobble on its axis and to increase the Earth's rotation by a fraction of a second.

    But it all came crashing home to me in the picture of a young child , Karl Nilsson, age 7, holding a sign that says "looking for parents and two brothers". Stories of children wandering around alone, bodies washing ashore, complete chaos.

    I'm sickened and stunned and helpless. And yet, it was an earthquake, a tsumani and despite the lack of early warning systems in enpoverished nations, I have little place to throw my frustration.

    I'm overwhelmed by the hurt of the world. This most certainly stands to become a global defining moment. And all I can do is watch.

  3. I don't know about best, but if you want the one of the WORST Let It Grow's, check out 6/18/74 Louisville. One of my favorite Loose Lucy's but further down the set, Donna Jean redefines pitch bending. I'm not hatin, but this is one of those ones I pull out when I need a good laugh.

    So bad it's good!

  4. This is not fu©king fair nor funny! I start my Christmas holidays getting ready to get caught up on some TV I missed and my favorite source is gone. Not only that but Phoenix, Torrent Reactor. I missed the big court case, I guess, but these guys just folded like a cheap suit.

  5. The Esstential Series, from what I can ascertain, is a BBC radio 1 show that's been runnning for the last thirteen years or so. The copy I have is an FM rip and I had to section it myself. I d/l it from Suprnova about two months ago. It is a live set, chalked full of old school hip-hop and wicked cuts.

  6. Fragmented recollections:

    Solid pre-party, met and re-met so many kind Skanks. You guys got a great scene up there.

    Oh....the turkey bags...

    what a way to deploy the troops and invade the Lanc (seriously, that was serious strikeforce action).

    Great venue, reminded me of combination ski-lodge and Legion. So many familiar faces...the unoffical Southwestern Ontario Holiday Bash.

    Mike and Jeff, thank-you, twice.

    Nero, thank-you, 6 cities and a dozen times more. Carol of the Bells was my favorite yet. Your energy was off the charts. Echoes (shiver).

    Then off to Max Webster's for late night antics. Mary slaps on the Dig A Pony right when I needed it the most, lots of smile and singin along. Home to crash (thank-you Schwa) and of my last memory being...biting a glass piece?

    Jimmy's for the most unforgetable breakfast of 2004 and bobbin to Byrne all the way home.


    Can't wait for New's Years!!!!

  7. So I download Shareaza the other day to find some songs. Then I go to download a torrent. Shareaza takes over and is horrible for torrents. So I wipe both programs and re-install Bit Torrent. The problem seems to be that it can't create a file. Sometimes it says it can't find my temp folder. I'm looking for any suggestions. I'm stumped.

  8. Mr. King is one class anyway from entering a telephone booth and re-emerging as the bearded boogie machine known as.....


    Where to go before the show?

    And what's a show at the Lanc without a blinding freezing rain storm to get to it. sOOn!

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