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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. Don't sell yourself short buddy! If it weren't for christmas plans in Chatham i'd be there with bells on.
  2. WAY underused. he only did 2 or 3 songs in Hamilton (my brain is foggy but that seems right) Either way, i wanted more.
  3. Very cool Erin! Thanks for sharing
  4. One day in class the teacher brought a bag full of fruit. "Now class, I'm going to reach into the bag and describe a piece of fruit, and you tell what fruit I'm talking about. Okay, first: it's round, plumb and red." Of course, the little shit disturber Davey Boy raised his hand high, but the teacher, wisely ignored him and picked Deborah, who promptly answered "An apple." The teacher replied, "No Deborah, it's a beet, but I like your thinking." Now for the second. It's soft, fuzzy, and colored red and brownish." Well, Davey Boy is hopping up and down in his seat trying to get the teacher to call on him. But she skips him again and calls on Billy. "Is it a peach?" Billy asks. "No, Billy, I'm afraid it's a potato. But I like your thinking," the teacher replies. Here's another: it's long, yellow, and fairly hard." By now Davey Boy is about to explode as he waves his hand frantically. The teacher skips him again and calls on Sally. "A banana," she says. "No," the teacher replies, "it's a squash, but I like your thinking." Little Davey Boy is irritated now, so he speaks up loudly. "Hey, I've got one for you teacher; let me put my hand in my pocket. Okay, I've got it: it's round, hard, and it got a head on it." "Davey!" she cries. "That's disgusting!" "Nope," answers Davey, "it's a quarter, but I like your thinking!"
  5. I work for a German company and am charged with purchasing from time to time if it is technical stuff. I have, on several occasions, been ordered to buy said technical device/machine from Germany regardless of price to help support the Motherland. Good policy if you ask me...especially if other, better economies around the world are doing it.
  6. One day Davey Boy and a woman were in their bedroom making love. All of a sudden a bumble bee entered the bedroom window. As the young lady parted her legs the bee entered her vagina. The woman started screaming, "Oh my god, help me, there's a bee in my vagina!". Davey Boy immediately took her to the local doctor and explained the situation. The doctor thought for a moment and said, "Hmm, tricky situation. But I have a solution to the problem if young sir would permit". Davey Boy being very concerned agreed that the doctor could use whatever method to get the bee out of his wife's vagina. The doctor said "OK, what I'm gonna do is rub some honey over the top of my penis and insert it into your wife's vagina. When I feel the bee getting closer to the tip of my dick I shall withdraw it and the bee should hopefully follow my penis out of your wife's vagina." Davey Boy nodded and gave his approval. The young lady said "Yes, yes, whatever, just get on with it." So the doctor, after covering the tip of his penis with honey, inserted it into the young lady's vagina. After a few gentle strokes, the doctor said, "I don't think the bee has noticed the honey yet. Perhaps I should go a bit deeper". So the doctor went deeper and deeper. After a while the doctor began shafting the young lady very hard indeed. The young lady began to quiver with excitement, she began to moan and groan aloud, "Oh doctor, doctor!" she shouted. The doctor, concentrating very hard, looked like he was enjoying himself. He then put his hands on the young lady's breasts and started making loud noises. Davey Boy at this point suddenly became very annoyed and shouted. "Now wait a minute, what the hell do you think you're doing?!" he blasted. The doctor, still concentrating, replied: "Change of plan, I'm gonna drown the bastard!!"
  7. hahaha, i really like this one: It got crowded in heaven, so, for one day it was decided only to accept people who had really had a bad day on the day they died. St. Peter was standing at the pearly gates and said to the first man, "Tell me about the day you died." The man said, "Oh, it was awful. I was sure my wife was having an affair, so I came home early to catch her with him. I searched all over the apartment but couldn't find him anywhere. So I went out onto the balcony, we live on the 25th floor, and found this man hanging over the edge by his fingertips. I went inside, got a hammer, and started hitting his hands. He fell, but landed in some bushes. So, I got the refrigerator and pushed it over the balcony and it crushed him. The strain of the act gave me a heart attack, and I died." St. Peter couldn't deny that this was a pretty bad day, and since it was a crime of passion, he let the man in. He then asked the next man in line about the day he died. "Well, sir, it was awful," said the second man. "I was doing aerobics on the balcony of my 26th floor apartment when I twisted my ankle and slipped over the edge. I managed to grab the balcony of the apartment below, but some maniac came out and started pounding on my fingers with a hammer. Luckily I landed in some bushes. But, then the guy dropped a refrigerator on me!" St. Peter chuckled, let him into heaven and decided he could really start to enjoy this job. Finally he comes to Davey Boy standing in line. "Tell me about the day you died?", he said to Davey Boy. "OK, picture this, I'm naked, hiding inside a refrigerator...."
  8. Booche and Davey Boy are out drinking one night when Davey turns to Booche and says, "You know, I don't know what else to do. Whenever I go home after we've been out drinking, I turn the headlights off before I get to the driveway. I shut off the engine and coast into the garage. I take my shoes off before I go into the house, I sneak up the stairs, I get undressed in the bathroom. I ease into bed and my wife STILL wakes up and yells at me for staying out so late!" Booche looks at him and says, "Well, you're obviously taking the wrong approach. I screech into the driveway, slam the door, storm up the steps, throw my shoes into the closet, jump into bed, rub my hands on my wife's ass and say, 'How about a blowjob?' ... and she's always sound asleep."
  9. A Rich Old Bitty, aged 65, decided that it was time to get married. She put an ad in the local paper that read: HUSBAND WANTED, MUST BE IN MY AGE GROUP (60's), MUST NOT BEAT ME, MUST NOT RUN AROUND ON ME AND MUST STILL BE GOOD IN BED! ALL APPLICANTS PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON. On the second day she heard the doorbell. Much to her dismay, she opened the door to see a grey-haired Davey Boy sitting in a wheel chair. He had no arms or legs. The woman said, "You're not really asking me to consider you, are you? Just look at you...you have no legs!" Davey Boy smiled, "Therefore I cannot run around on you!" She snorted. "You don't have any hands either!" Again Davey Boy smiled, "Nor can I beat you!" She raised an eyebrow and gazed intently. "Are you still good in bed?" With that, Davey Boy beamed a broad smile and said, "I rang the doorbell didn't I? "
  10. how can mark be a guest if he was in the band for like 90 years? he is special though
  11. Davey Boy owns a horse farm and gets a call from a friend. "I know this midget with a speech impediment who wants to buy a horse and I'm sending him over." The midget arrives and Davey Boy asks him if he wants a male or female horse. "A female horth," the midget replies. So Davey Boy shows him one. "Nith looking horth, can I see her mouf?" So then Davey Boy picks up the midget and shows him the horse's teeth. "Nith mouf, can I see her eyeth?" So now Davey Boy picks up the midget and shows him her eyes. "OK, what about the earsth?" Now Davey is beginning to get a little pissed, but he picks up the midget one more time and shows him her ears. "OK, finally, I would like to see her twat." With that Davey Boy loses all patience, picks up the midget and shoves his head up the horse's twat, and then pulls him out. Shaking his wet head, the midget says, "perhapth I should rephrase that. I would like to thee the horth run.
  12. Schwa.


    ya gotta walk around the next village yelling: WHERE'S MY KIDS!?!?
  13. A lady went into a bar in Waco and saw Davey Boy with his feet propped up on a table. He had the biggest boots she'd ever seen. The woman asked Davey "Cow"Boy if it's true what they say about men with big feet are well endowed. Davey Boy grinned and said, "Shore is, little lady. Why don't you come on out to the bunkhouse and let me prove it to you?" The woman wanted to find out for herself, so she spent the night with him. The next morning she handed Davey Boy a $100 bill. Blushing, he said, "Well, thankee, ma'am. Ah'm real flattered. Ain't nobody ever paid me fer mah services before." "Don't be flattered. Take the money and buy yourself some boots that fit."
  14. One night Doctor Davey Boy and a woman are both at a bar knocking back a few beers. They start talking and come to realize that they're both doctors. After about an hour, Davey Boy says to the woman, "Hey. How about if we sleep together tonight. No strings attached. It'll just be one night of fun." The woman doctor agrees to it. So they go back to her place and he goes in the bedroom. She goes in the bathroom and starts scrubbing up like she's about to go into the operating room. She scrubs for a good 10 minutes. Finally she goes in the bedroom and they have sex for an hour or so. Afterwards, Davey Boy says to the woman, "You're a surgeon, aren't you?" "Yeah, how did you know?" Davey says, "I could tell by the way you scrubbed up before we started." "Oh, that makes sense", says the woman. " You're an anesthesiologist aren't you?" "Yeah", says Davey Boy , a bit surprised. "How did you know?" The woman answers, "Because I didn't feel a thing."
  15. this has been one hell of a week! thanks for putting on these wicked shows!!
  16. i gotta full car already chris. sorry man. give joni a shout.
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