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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. and fwiw, i'm a HUGE John Macdonald fan. He has to be top 3 fielders in all of baseball but his friggin bat brings him down every year. keep and eye on him because if the hitting coach (is it still cito?) gets him making contact he'll start, no doubt.
  2. How will a career .300 hitter' date=' who last year hit .298 be a disappointment? Not a home run guy, but he'll hit the percentages.[/quote'] ...with speed on the bases. Much much faster than Stairs. Healthy Reed Johnson is better than all of them though, total sparkplug and better than avg lead off guy imo.
  3. I hope the Sketcherson's show up, i miss them fellas! 'specially Danny the Sulphuric Acid guy!!
  4. Schwa.

    Stride Gum

    i think they call that cocksuckers cramp
  5. (((((memories of breakdancing at Willy's :) )))))
  6. Schwa.

    Stride Gum

    Had some in FLA last week, still chewing my first piece.....
  7. first good thing to come to Ottawa since the peipunk!!
  8. hockey + beer tonight = Happy? ...and if you really need some cheering up, i have a 60oz of Wiser's too
  9. Hehe, yeah. i quit this board 'bout once a year....keepin' it fresh ya know Just pushin' Andrea's buttons is all.
  10. hope to see ya at Nelson Ledges for Labour Day you guys!! Safe travels PS- Baj, i do about the same thing you do so if you hear of any heady jobs down your way lemme know!!!
  11. Watched it last night for the first time....good flick. And for the record, the source of all of Booche's grief is us. He hates all of us and wishes that his brother had never made him a moderator of so many things that he hates. We're all assholes.
  12. Cool, thanks for the heads up!
  13. how was the show last night mir??!!?? couldn't get in, damn this absent minded brain :mad:
  14. A good example of how this will help/hinder us is the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver. There will be U.S. troops on our soil, telling our citizens what to do. Now you may say it's for everyone's protection, but i say if we have the wherewithal to host a world event, we also have the ability to police said event. I have one big giant FUCK YOU to any US Military person instructing me in my own country.
  15. Hey Hal, I have beer! (now that should cheer him up )
  16. Good times Thanks for the show and hospitality Allison and Brent!!!
  17. 50 for sure. I always think of the term "the lower 48" and just add Hawaii and Alaska.
  19. There was some sketchiness and a few fights, but it was all within one group and they fought each other so it didn't affect our site or experience at all. The cops did indeed have NO CLUE what they were up against when the balloon parade began and one person commented that the staff had no idea why the kids were walking around with helium balloons. Eventually they clued in and the game of cat and mouse began. It was actually fun to watch 6 UP, 6 UP Ya'll!!!!
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