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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. a quad of queefs in a quaff. Quite.
  2. that , was mye first clue 'towns , as well. ,
  3. Great crowd out for the Birthday celebrations! Lots of faces I haven't seen in ages.....GO CHATHAM!
  4. I'm guessing that there was a computer Hijackage over at the Diesel after party this past weekend.
  5. "He called the shit, poop!" ~Billy Madison
  6. haha, looks like someone's getting punk'd.
  7. I've got your crash space StuDad!! Come on up!
  8. Gonna catch this act when they come through Waterloo in April. Looking forward to Collet, especially.
  9. The Phoenix is terrible for all artists if they like their shows to sound good.
  10. Bend Down Low seamless set trasition!?!?
  11. Ladies and Gentlemen (of NY) your tax dollars at work :flush:
  12. Whose more lame, the folks that took a second (literally) to remember a guy that died that was in a movie they liked when they were kids, or a grumpy old man that wrote an entire paragraph about how those people piss him off? :chug:
  13. ha! I'll mail that stinky shirt back to him if he likes....I've had that Balmy Beach shirt forever.
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