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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. I think once you've started dabbling in Donovan everything just becomes a C+, that's just how bright he shines.
  2. You should explain to her what a band-fucking-wagoneer is unless she plans on growing up to be a Leafs/Habs/Bruins fan like yourself in which case, kudos! While you're at it you should explain how daddy's smut pedalling on a message board led to Bouche's door getting kicked in by the Google police and subsequently dragged out onto his lawn and beaten in front of his wife and neighbours. Shame on both of you. (cute pics) You can tell they're Bruins fans because no one from Vancouver scored last night. (not my joke but I had to share).
  3. I may have, at one point, accused Dinghy of ejaculating into his own underpants but I posted no photographic evidence. Nonetheless, sorry for the hassle Mike, you put a lot of effort into this place, seems unfair.
  4. Here's a prediction for next year. I concur (about everything, though I actually think it's awesome the NBA has a villain, it's even more awesome that LeBron had no idea it was going to be him).
  5. You've definitely confused me but you've also killed almost an hour of my day so that's well worth it. We'll let the internet archaeologists of 3100AD sort it out. I was kind of hoping you'd go with a whole "LeBron didn't choke argument" because that'd kill the rest of the day. Either way I'm glad the expirement failed, for now. And really I more glad Dirk finally got his ring. Same with Kidd. And Terry. To a lesser extent Marion who's pretty hilarious to watch.
  6. Ooooooooooor the Heat galvinize during the playoffs, crush the fucking Bulls like paper cups with Lebron doing it on both ends and are poised to roll over Dallas, an older, slower team that has a huge reputation for not getting it done annnnnnnnnnd choked. How many games did you watch again? Did you see Wade standing in front of the Mavs bench holding his shooting hand up? Did you see them choke a 15 point late 4th quarter lead? Almost every game but game 6 the Heat choked, and I mean choked, a late lead away and Lebron was afraid to take open shots. Christ last night in the 4th he passed to Juwan Howard instead of shooting, twice. Juwan Howard! Twice! At least you got the impression A-rod was swinging hard. And if you had watched you'd know why.
  7. Who was acting like his career ended last night? Im pretty sure everyone thought the season ended and that's it. Also most experts I've read had Chicago getting out of the East. Go read the press after game 1 in the Chicago series.
  8. As soon as LeBron finds a team that's willing to put some talent around him he should be fine.
  9. With a kill or be killed attitude like that I'm shocked he doesnt have a ring on every finger.
  10. I never hated Bosh for leaving, I view the Raptors as a joke. I actually thought Bosh had a great playoffs. For someone that caught a lot of flack during the season he was pretty much the Heats 2nd best player for most of the playoffs.
  11. Stick to Phish hippie. That was great. Suck on that. I wish I could have had more camera angles to catch the Big 3s various expressions. Right around the 3 minute mark they started getting extra special. Anyway the better team won. Imagine having a defensive centre, a bench, two strong scorers and starters that know their role. You might win a championship or something. Glad Dirk solidified his legacy as one of the best shooting big men ever.
  12. Hey Hal, warning next B-ball game will be on Sunday, 8pm EST, that's the way the NBA likes it.
  13. Fuck yeah! That was a good night of shooting for the Mavs. Terry's rainbow dagger over 2 Heat players and Dirk was awesome. Hope they stay hot. LeBrick? Missses a three, Dirk dunks (he may have gotten a step again but whatever, Dirk is a game away from becoming a god), James gets a charging call and then misses a three on the next possession. And then Kidd drains another 3. Soooooooo good. Wade with a hip injury? Just hammer him in game 6. Don't even try to hide it. Kill the head.
  14. So much THIS! Carlisle coached a great game last night and I've got to admit I had a lot of man love going for Chandler last night. 15 boards (maybe? can't remember) and he got a huge rebound in a lot of traffic right at the end. I also like that he learned his lesson about not going hard enough to the rim and got to the line after get owned by that pretty fucking amazing Wade block. I've got to give credit where credit is due, Wade is a great player and he may be tossing up too many crappy threes at the end of games but at least he wants the ball. With the way Lebron's play has slide during the finals I'm pretty sure some ad execs at Nike are starting to sweat.
  15. 4th Quarter was a brickfest but Im glad the Mavs gutted it out. If the Mavs can ever hit all their easy looks they may be able to run away with a game.
  16. The house of cards that is NCAA Football is looking a little shakey these days. edit: I doubt the NFL will pay him nearly as well.
  17. 3 months until the start of the season, can't wait.
  18. Some people other than Dirk have to start hitting their shots (ie Barea and often Kidd). Not even the hard shots, let Terry and Dirk take those, just the wide open shots. Dirk was hot, Dallas should have won that. Damn.
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