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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. I'm with Booche, I think Barca still outplayed ManU. Barca’s goals may have seemed to have lacked build up but they still came from the result of some surprisingly shoddy defence by ManU. Eto’o got past Vidic easily (loved it). Once Barca was up they were more than happy to knock the ball around. Then up by two, more of the same. Barca had as many other chances to score as ManU. That little fucking bitch Ronaldo didn’t put one in, so I really couldn’t ask for more. Yellow cards to Ronaldo, Scholes and Vidic in the last ten minutes…classy. Even Sir RedFace conceded later they were beaten by a better team Really, the truly important thing, which we’ve ignored up to now, is the team Ollie backed obviously lost. How much is it going to cost to get you to support a different hockey team?
  2. Christ, Xavi almost did them in as well.
  3. Henry almost broke ManU's back there, aaaah well.
  4. Awesome, then it's Barcelona by 4.
  5. Jays Record: 27-21 Wins needed: 74 Win% so far: .563 Win% needed: .649 I'd prefer to see Booche humiliated but there wasn't an actual second that I thought he would be. Looking forward to the song Schwa.
  6. I'm going to go with........I don't think saying this team is fucking garbage is any worse than saying this team is playoff bound, the Jays have showed a little of both. Like I said wait until these "young guns" have made the rounds and then we'll see what the Jays are made of. A fair indicator of the team up to now would be how they faired against their division rivals and guess what, they stunk. Personally I just like hating on Vernon Wells. Despite his "bust out" game yesterday, if he manages to hang in there for 600 ab's (which he probably won't) he's on pace for a 66 RBI, 15 homer run season with a dignified 0.266 avg! MONSTER! (yeah I know he tends to hit better later but jesus christ, he's been around long enough to figure it out and maybe he should put a consistent season together). I fucking hate the guy.
  7. Caught the shot just after explaining to my girlfriend Lebron James had just taken the mantle of best player from Kobe but he still had to prove he's clutch in the playoffs and that this was his year to do it and then bam he nails the shot.
  8. Great hit, bad call. For someone made out of glass like Havlat I'm fairly certain he'll die from internal injuries in the next few hours.
  9. I hear you, I'm just saying I can understand how a fan might point out that a first place team isn't packing the place with the GTA having a +5 million population (pulled that number out of my ass, could be wrong) with the Leaves and Craptors long gone. I think the crowds will come eventually as well.
  10. They make a valid point about how a first place team should have better attendance but their point about moving the franchise is completely invalid if you just take a second and compare Jay attendance with that of the rest of league, unless, like Basher said, 10 other teams should be relocatted as well, 1 in Vegas, another in ............?
  11. Well the sheer craptitude of the game made it easy to avoid a potential controversy regarding the viewing of the Lost season finale with the girlfriend - turned the fucking game off without hesitation. Hopefully tonight's action will be more enjoyable - and when I say enjoyable I mean the teams I'm cheering for win because I'm sure last night was all sorts enojoyable for a Penguins fan.
  12. Yeah, I'm sure the Jays have a harder time luring in the free agent but it was basically a "if you play well" you're out of here contract so why would you ever sign it in the first place. They way over paid him for his potential not what he had actually done.... Best years 2002 FLA W:12 L:9 ERA:3.30 2005 FLA W:12 L:12 ERA:3.44 He was a pitcher with arm problems, I think they could have gotten him with the 55 million over five with a Blue Jay option on the fifth year. That still would have been a huge contract for him and I'm sure more than what anyone else offered. The Jays blew it. Maybe Management felt they had all the right pieces in 2006 and they were just a number 2 short so they let AJ's agent bend them over - I don't think the Jays were ready quite yet but I guess they did.
  13. Yeah, like I said, if the Jays had an option after three as well, it's not so bad but I honestly don't think they did - someone on here probably knows....Basher? But the way I currently understand it, it was a pathetic contract by Jays...unprofessional and potentially disastrous. They deserve what they got.
  14. I'll be cheering against him but I don't blame him for jack shit, he walked for a 5 year 82.5 million dollar contract - I would have as well. I'm way more pissed at Blue Jays management for the contract that they put together - a complete piece of crap. They took a pitcher with arm problems, gave him 10-12 million a year with a contract whose terms were basically if you pitch anywhere near the level you're supposed to for the bucks you're getting you can walk in three but if you suck it the fuck up and pitch the way you always pitched we'll continue to over pay for two more years at 12 million. I could be wrong, maybe the jays could opt out as well after three years but I don't think so.
  15. I think this has next to nothing to do with money.
  16. At what point will lobster be getting dirt cheap for me?
  17. They're the 8th seed that fucking crushed the 1st seed and every year there's always a low seed team that plays great in the playoffs. You yourself thought the series was going 6, why do you feel it should be over by Sunday. I'm not going Roller on your ass, I'm just trying to help you keep it real. Wings are taking the series in 6.
  18. Your team has the series at 2-2 going home for game 5 and chased the player that's been the thorn in their side. Why is it "somewhat depressing as a Wings fan"? Just curious.
  19. If the Jays play above 0.550% ball for the rest of the season I'll be surprised. Why? Because I'm jaded. Hal already took 92 so I'll take 93 wins. (If someone already has that, I'll take 91).
  20. What's purple and throws a lot of interceptions?
  21. Here's a link complete with Ribery looking like the hunchback of Notre Dame
  22. I hope he likes nitrous.
  23. It looked like two to me but I was watching from the office and couldn't pay complete attention.
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