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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Jokinen for Lombardi, Prust and a 1st rounder.
  2. Wilbon and Kornheiser ripped on Cherry yesterday for the remarks. I've been done with anything Cherry has to say for years.
  3. Only because you mentioned Boston.....Do you think the Bruins are going trade Fernandez? Pretty similar situation to the Habs last year. I'm going with no because it's fucking stupid to trade depth going to into the playoffs when things are going pretty well unless you're getting something that's absolutely key (which the Habs didn’t do). Now that I've put that in writing, Fernandez is as good as gone and Tissue Man will crush me. I also don't think Begin and the Huet trade are exact parallels (I still think the Huet trade was a big mistake).
  4. Well it's a little hard to say what the Habs would have or wouldn't have done with Huet in the playoffs. Price shat the bed (for the first of hopefully many times) and a good back up (who's really a starter) would have helped - that's that. The Caps did make a pretty unbelievable and surprising run into the playoffs with Huet and they were a goal shy in seven from making it to the 3rd round. But I do see your point about it being a nice move by Gainey.
  5. The 27th place team in hockey almost pulled in 18,000 fans late in season where the white flag was waved months ago, sold a bunch of jersies, hotdogs and beer for a non-divisional/conference rival that wears teal in a crushingly dissapointing season marred by poor managerial decisions and a lot of disgruntledness. Confirmed. When does the NFL start? PS Lee and Bell drive me fucking crazy (at least Bell was benched).
  6. There's no denying Crosby is a fucking whiner, he's good but he's jaws a lot. I like Ovechkin's game so much more. All in all I think Crosby will have the longer career and the higher point total but Ovechkin's style makes him my favorite by far.
  7. Uuuuuh, if you check out the link I posted it seems to cover a lot of bases including bonuses and IR. Checked out their numbers for a few other teams and they seem to be on top of it...... and really I'm just posting to help the picture MattyC posted off my screen.
  8. Damn, I have old school vans and pumas, plenty of trucker hats and tons of hoodies....hhhhhhmmm.
  9. That nhlnumbers.com site is pretty cool. They just adjusted the Habs salary cap again, now it's $641,000.
  10. Jesus Christ, I was going down the Habs free agents for next year.........wow! They look fucked. Komisarek is going to command around 4-5 mil easy. They're going to have to invest 15mil+ to keep Markhov, Hamrlik and Komisarek. Tough decisions await.
  11. The numbers I just dug up have the Habs with $358,000 of cap room with Schnieder. Here's the link, no clue how valid it all is. Habs Salary Cap Breakdown - nhlnumbers.com Not a lot of wiggle room. Dope!
  12. Everyone, including the goaltenders, should play without helmets during the 2nd.
  13. Oh Craptors, the turnstyle just keeps on spinning. Guess it couldn't hurt.
  14. Nice win by the Sens. You're right Booche, that Vermette play was great. Elliott made the big saves when he had to. 10th place overall here we come!
  15. Bah! He missed 6 games in 83-84....over-fucking-rated....if it was Brett Favre he would have played every game.
  16. Yeah the Favre/Jet era was ugly but he managed to get that squealing little rat shit bag Mangini fired so he still brought joy into my life even as he collapsed. God bless him. Paging Booche in 3......2......1
  17. I couldn't resist If he were black he'd be considered the best black quarterback ever. An unnecessary and meaningless label.
  18. Those good ole days like when the guy depicted in your avatar retired? *cough* 88-91 Rangers/Nordiques *cough*
  19. He faded like most stars, in the spotlight. Like you said, the nature of the NFL (and pro sports for that matter). Oh yeah, I never felt Brett was overhyped but that's just fandom and opinion.
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