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Everything posted by Velvet

  1. I did it after dinner last night. It took about five months of procrastination though.
  2. So I finally got around to editing together my Mexico gopro clips last night:
  3. Velvet

    Gord Downie

    Best of luck tomorrow everyone!
  4. Velvet

    Gord Downie

    Tomorrow? The regular onsale is Friday, right?
  5. Velvet

    Gord Downie

  6. 1) Loud 2) Louder than everyone else 3) Too loud 4) Offensively loud 5) Obnoxiously loud 6) Painfully loud I formulated this list last night at the Phil & Friends show at the Cap and wanted to commit it to pixels while it was still fresh. I think #2 and #3 can switch places depending on the situation. Offensively loud is when everyone but you knows you're too loud (though you may have your suspicions), obnoxiously loud is when you know it as well and you don't care, except for the occasional walk to your amp where you pretend to turn down. I've only experienced painfully loud a handful of times. Most notably at an Edgar Winter show in Ottawa. Warren hit level 4 last night.
  7. Velvet

    Gord Downie

    I doubt second shows will be added; I think they know these will be instant sellouts. My guess is the unpredictability of Downie's stamina/condition is the reason behind the days off, and is probably part of the reason the tour is short. I wonder if they tried booking something like Magnetic Hill in Moncton but were brushed off? I can see their booking guys saying stuff like: "Really, we can promise people will be really excited about the show but we can't tell you why."
  8. Velvet

    Gord Downie

    Damn, all the tickets go on sale at the same time.
  9. Velvet

    Gord Downie

    It's too bad they can't do anything out east. I'll be trying for Toronto/Ottawa/Kingston, but I might just try for everything from London to K-town.
  10. Velvet

    Gord Downie

    He's a Canadian icon and a musical hero. He's classy, unique, smart; a credit to his city, his country and his profession. That he'll use some of his remaining precious time preparing and performing a tour takes all of these accolades and lays them in front of us all. I feel privileged as a Canadian and as a music fan that they will do another tour. All summer plans are on hiatus until the tour is announced. I will clap and clap and clap. My applause will only stop when I wipe my eyes, and afterwards I will clap and clap and clap some more. I feel deflated.
  11. ...y'all are crazy not to be seeing the Bank Street Bonbons at Irene's on Sundays this month. Like, seriously crazy. Don't let the name mislead you, this is a very, very good band. Just one more Sunday left.
  12. https://player.vimeo.com/video/166684241
  13. Wow, wow, wow, this band is so damn good. The absolute pinnacle of Mike's brass band experiments. This is seriously good music. Do yourself a favour and catch one of the next two Sunday nights.
  14. Sounds like a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
  15. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/pearl-jam-superfan-birthday-duet-1.3580999
  16. I had no idea Joe Walsh was on tour. Too bad he's touring with Bad Company.
  17. I'm out, a tough decision made much easier by not getting tickets. One of the big deciding factors was imagining the crowd demographic. I was thinking there might be an unhealthy surge of people onsite that haven't been to a concert in years and are hell bent on them and their crew having the greatest time ever no matter what. Which could prove to be a pretty fun environment, but also has the potential for some real ugliness.
  18. In that it doesn't cost anything. It's not like we're trying to get Lanois out of the Don jail or anything. http://www.blogto.com/music/2016/05/theres_a_big_rooftop_concert_in_toronto_this_weekend/ http://www.torontowoofest.ca
  19. Sigh. He would have been 71 years old now. I wonder how many great songs we missed, how many tours, how many everything.
  20. Wouldn't this be great? Talking Heads to reform? The classic new wave band who emerged out of the CBGBs scene are rumoured to be regrouping. At the moment it’s hints and loose internet talk but also some curious omens.. DJ Joe Rock of the classic hits station WMMO posted today (3/25) on the station’s Facebook page: “Rumor has it Talking Heads are in the studio working on a new album and planning a tour for 2017.” The website mediamass.net also has a more detailed post(which, oddly, says it was updated tomorrow, 3/26). It says: “There have been strong rumors that the rock band is finally returning to the recording studio working on a what might be a back-to-roots album. [A]s many as eight songs having been put to tape. ‘It’s still in the early stages,’ ‘They got security on the doors to ensure no-one hears a whisper,’ a source said…. Talking Heads are rumoured to be planning a worldwide tour at the end of 2017.” Talking Heads drummer Chris Frantz for a comment, and he cryptically if encouragingly said, “It should be true.” He said in 2012 following the release of the band’s Chronology DVD, “I’m not holding my breath but I still have my hopes that maybe someday David will call and say, ‘You know, I should give Chris and Tina and Jerry a call and do something with them.’ And why not, you know? We make a pretty good team.”
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