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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. View Larger Map It's ok...Don't be afraid of your shadow
  2. Vagrant waiting outside the liquor store waiting for it to open, checking out the girl! http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=Richmond+Rd+%26+Churchill+Ave+N,+Ottawa,+Ottawa+Division,+Ontario&sll=45.397682,-75.741066&sspn=0.00342,0.006899&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FQ6htAIduhZ8-w&split=0&hq=&hnear=Richmond+Rd+&ll=45.394216,-75.74908&spn=0.006841,0.013797&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=45.394276,-75.748955&panoid=41aNzy3TG8M-6CVy8Scp-A&cbp=12,185.63,,2,8.07
  3. Check out King Edward and Murray...there's lots of street folk there...I looked closely but couldn't see any deals going down.
  4. If you make it to Antigonish...hit the Wheel for a donair...christ.
  5. hahhahaha! They blurred out the dog's ass in that second one!
  6. So..now that google has released it's street views for Canada...hoping to find some interesting stuff... Remember the stuff caught when they launched originally...Public Urinations etc. (check out urlesque.com search top 10 google street view) All I can see at my house is my car in the laneway.
  7. I'm part of the Gretzky/Lemieux era. Grew up lovin hockey more than ever during these years...
  8. On Rogers... Not working 27 sportsnet 30 tsn 36 fox, 406 tsn , just black screens. 407 tsn 2 working, and 526 FoxHD I don't understand All rogers wants to do is reset the box but we've got stuff PVR'ed. What a pain in my ass.
  9. Anyone else having problems with TSN?
  10. I'm sure someone did...and is embarassed to post about it.... Roller? he's got lots of time on his hands
  11. I think things are going to come together tonight. 4-1, Leclaire will win it. Speaking of bad games...Habs/Flames... That'll be a sleeper. Price is going to crash and BURN!
  12. Well, whomever is responsible...I'd like the details. I sent an email, with my details, and never even received a "Thanks for entering our contest" Anyhoo...the show is this Saturday. Also...I would have assumed anything posted in the "News" section would have been sponsored by jambands.ca. Just saying is all...I'd like some information!
  13. There's a few...you know...the usual suspects. I was hoping I'd have free tix...but it's looking a little late for voodoo and I to go....
  14. It would be nice if people that posted about contests would return inquiries regarding their contests, especially if they don't post rules/regs, including cut off dates, and when winners will be announced. See moe. in Toronto ticket contest, in the News section. I have a feeling a may get "Nissan Cube'd"
  15. Got a lot of work to catch up to bouche...
  16. 2 Papa burgers...6 bucks...best deal out there
  17. Rough game to watch. Nobody clicked...Leclaire had some beauty saves but was hung out to dry most of the night. Hopefully they can get some chemistry going.
  18. Wicked...I wish I had something I could put a gelaskin on!
  19. http://www.tsn.ca/mlb/story/?id=293395 One player said there was simply "constant negativity" coming from the manager's office, while another noted that Gaston once said "there aren't any good players in here." Also at issue is Gaston's hands-off, in-game decision making -- a criticism that dates back to his first tenure as manager from 1989-97
  20. I agree whole heartedly....the lack of depth up front the last couple of years has not done him well.
  21. The only thing I like about shubs was his shot. He had a cannon from the point and I don't think he was used there enough.
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