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Everything posted by Hux

  1. Ripped'er over da Scotters'n tied da Honda to da Teal wid abouwt 3-feet a rope'r so, no luck wid dat, had do try'n pap da pin oud-a da hitch on da Teal as she was slippin' too, Shaner had da leave so fugit we said, cut'er, and re-tied 'er wid aboud 5 feet, doubled'er up'n looped 'er inta da steel hook belew da bumper, still no luck till I started just reeefin on er while given'er aboud a foot a slack each haul, boom - just reefin' on 'er eh? gave'er about five good hauls, snow just a f'in flyin' eh, den boom she comes loose and I haul'er down da drive, free'n'easy bitches.
  2. I heard it was tofu and a rimjob day?
  3. $79.00!?!?!? Is Cohen playing drums for Ratdog now or something??
  4. They guys are doing the complete opposite, blowing through the contingency and prudence reserves (established by Liberal Govts), spending more than any Gov't in Canadian history and putting the country one "SARS" away from a deficit. To get the Govt you want I think you're either gonna have to relocate to Texas or vote Liberal.
  5. So who just did this: Investing in the country’s manufacturing heartland. In February 2008, Parliament passed the Government’s $1-billion Community Development Trust to support communities and workers. Budget 2008 builds on this investment by providing $250 million for an Automotive Innovation Fund to help Canada’s automotive sector adapt to the challenges of the future. Oh yeah - Conservative Budget 2008
  6. But the last Conservative Budgets have been biggest spending budgets in Canadian history - more than any Liberal government ever - who's really throwing money at it?
  7. Trey doesn't really sing, he more talks the lyrics. Funkin' blows.
  8. :::calls Whaaaa-ambulance::: The guys's a legend, never tours and likely actually needs the payday due to getting screwed by his Manager a few years back.
  9. Got 10th row for Friday in TO! woohooo!
  10. Hux

    Obama Rockstar

    Not sure about that, didn't he help design the voting machines in Ohio?
  11. Gotta love the Harris boys club running Ottawa! Tax cuts by Conservatives leave government hamstrung: Critics; Shrinking surplus limits ability to respond to crises, former finance ministers say The Toronto Star Thursday, March 13, 2008 Page: A23 Section: News Byline: Richard brennan and Bruce Campion-Smith Source: Toronto Star The Conservatives today will attempt to kill a Liberal-sponsored bill that would make education savings tax deductible, a plan they say is unaffordable and would plunge Canada into deficit. But federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty's worries about the program's costs highlight a fundamental change in the country's finances - coffers emptied by Tory tax cuts that leave the current government with little cash to spend, and do the same to future governments. If a future government wanted to boost funding to cities or dramatically hike spending on the environment, it would be hard-pressed to find the money without cutting other programs or raising taxes. The shrinking surplus is in line with Prime Minister Stephen Harper's long- held belief that the federal government should "stick to its own knitting," said Nelson Wiseman, a political scientist at the University of Toronto. "It's not interested in launching programs in areas of provincial jurisdiction. It likes tax cuts, it wants to reduce the size of government," Wiseman said of Harper's Conservative government. Liberal MP Ralph Goodale, a former finance minister, called it "ideology run amok." "They have obviously taken the view ... that you should have severe handcuffs on the federal fiscal framework in order to curtail and ultimately diminish the value and the effectiveness of the government," Goodale (Wascana) said in an interview. When the Tories took over in February 2006 they inherited a surplus that topped $13 billion. After trimming the goods and services tax by two percentage points, which meant lost revenue of more than $11 billion a year, and cuts to corporate and individual taxes, the Conservatives are left with a surplus of just $2.3 billion in the coming year. Flaherty cites it as an example of prudent financial planning. But critics say the razor-thin margin leaves little ability to implement new programs or cope with emergencies or a slowing economy. Thanks to the Liberal policy of keeping a $3 billion contingency, the country weathered two currency crises, the 1998 ice storm, the 2003 SARS crisis and the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Goodale said. But now that the Tories are eating into that contingency fund, Canada has "no wiggle room left" and is perilously close to going into the red should any little "hiccup" in the economy come along, he said. "Even a rounding error could push them into deficit again. If there is a 1- per-cent variation on either revenue coming in or on expenditures going out they will be back into deficit once again. It is grossly irresponsible to run that close to the line." Former Ontario Liberal finance minister Greg Sorbara said if Canadians want to see where the Conservative government is taking them, they only have to look into Ontario's recent history. "This is exactly the agenda the Conservatives followed in Ontario under Mike Harris and Jim Flaherty and Ernie Eves. Their intention, as we heard later, was to cut the revenue base to the bone so as to prohibit future governments from (undertaking new programs)," Sorbara said in an interview. Sorbara said the SARS outbreak and the blackout in August 2003 put the province in trouble. "With that we went from a province that had been moving more toward balancing to a province that was almost $6 billion in debt." It's because of Canada's slim surplus that Flaherty says the government will torpedo the federal Liberal proposal that would let parents make a $5,000 tax deductible contribution to a child's registered education savings plan. While Liberals say the proposal - now before the Senate - would be a popular incentive to encourage education savings, Flaherty says it's a costly scheme that means $900 million in lost tax revenue. That's why today's ways and means motion on the budget includes a clause to nullify it, if it becomes law. Flaherty defended his budget plan, saying the days of "March madness" - with the Liberals awash in excess funds - are over. "Every March all of a sudden there'd be $10 billion or $15 billion. .. . They'd just go spend the money on pet projects," he said. "We're not doing that anymore."
  12. If you have an AMEX you can get them at 10 I hear...
  13. Ah, that 4th date certainly helps, I hope he gets rich - he deserves it, could be tough though as these Canadian dates are only 3000-seat venues...
  14. Yup...on sale tomorrow! Festival International de Jazz de Montréal On sale Thursday, March 13, 2008 at noon Price From $151.35 to $226.35
  15. I'm so in. 23-Jun-08 Montreal Montreal Jazz Festival / Place des Arts 24-Jun-08 Montreal Montreal Jazz Festival / Place des Arts 25-Jun-08 Montreal Montreal Jazz Festival / Place des Arts Anyone know how the tickets work for this? ie. do you buy separate tics for individual shows at the MTL Jazz Festival? C'mon brad help me here buddy...
  16. GD 6.9.77 Winterland It really doesn't get any better... Mississippi Half-Step Jack Straw They Love Each Other Cassidy Sunrise Deal Looks Like Rain Loser Music Never Stopped Samson and Delilah Funiculi Funicula Help on the Way Slipknot! Franklin's Tower Estimated Prophet St. Stephen Not Fade Away drums St. Stephen Terrapin Station Sugar Magnolia U.S. Blues One More Saturday Night
  17. Ok, so what is so terrible about Mickey? ....oh yeah, he wouldn't sign an autograph mentioning 'ol jerk liver...one of the reasons I love him.
  18. How about this: In 2000, Mickey Hart became a member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to seek to establish new knowledge and develop more effective therapies which awaken, stimulate and heal through the extraordinary power of music - continuing his investigation into the connection between healing and rhythm, and the neural basis of rhythm. In 2003, he was honored with the organization’s Music Has Power Award, recognizing his advocacy and continuous commitment to raising public awareness of the positive effect of music.
  19. This typifies why I think she's a total phony...
  20. Won't you continue to regale us with your erudite repartee, it is de rigeur among the Booche-set.
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