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Everything posted by Hux

  1. Barlow makes a quick turnaround after discovering his 57 year old body is 80. Lots of time to turn it around folks! Great vid **Barlow will be a guest on the Colbert Report tonight**
  2. Civil servants don't lose their jobs when Canadian voters kick the Liberals in the nuts. A civil servant I am not.
  3. I heard White Soul did a blistering acoustic set, with a sick Love The One Your With->Kumbaya->Love The One Your With.... :::hoping I spelled everything right:::
  4. Just kidding. But check out this pic: Jim Irsay, the Colts' owner, on the performance stage at his home with guitars from his collection: George Harrison's 1964 Gibson, left, and Jerry Garcia's Tiger. Wonder if he knows any bar-chords...
  5. Afghanistan Aruba Barbados Belgium Bonaire British Virgin Islands (is it a country of it's own?) Brunei Cambodia Canada China Colombia Costa Rica Cuba England France Germany Guelph India Italy Jamaica Japan Kenya Laos Luxembourg Malaysia Mexico Monaco Morocco Myanmar Netherlands Pakistan Panama Portugal Rwanda Saudi Arabia Scotland Singapore South Korea Spain St.Kitts/Nevis Switzerland Thailand USA Vatican City Venezuala Vietnam Wales
  6. Wouldn't the sad state of the country/society they are fleeing from not be the source of the problem? Canada's immigration laws are among the most compassionate in the world. If everyone derseves "a fair shot at a decent life", then the 98% of people in the world who live in countries with lesser standards of living should be allowed to become Canadian citizens. The focus of our immigration system/laws is to identify people who should be allowed to enter Canada on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. The people who cheat or break the law are only preventing resources from going to refugees who legitimately need help or to get out of a truly life threatening situation. Getting the kiddos to write a multicolour penciled letter to the PM will now be a standard part of immigration paperwork.
  7. Hux

    Levon Helm Sues

    Legal action? :::golf clap:::
  8. You don't need a miracle - you need $42.50. (pretty lame publicity grab, keep changing the world by waiting outside of buses wooks)
  9. Opinions are one thing, but you constantly pushing your Radiohead/NDP agenda down everyone's throat is a bit much.
  11. Saw it live!!! It was classic!! It was a big moment, I'd say my life is now divided into two sections kinda like BC/AD, but in this case BEAPS (Before Easy Answers Power Slide) and AEAPS.
  12. Comparing the issue of WMD’s in Iraq with the science of climate change is a stretch. The case that there were WMD’s in Iraq was argued by a small select cadre of individuals of the same political stripe and motivation. They alone held all the "evidence" and discouraged doubt or due process. In the case of global warming, thousands of scientists have independently arrived at the same conclusion over many years with all evidence completely public. Very different IMO.
  13. Look Booche - all these people ^^^^ are as a misguided as me!
  14. Maybe they could ride there with you in the Whaaambulance? I'd go. The "More cutting edge-ier than thou" crowd can stay home and listen to Tom Yorke whine.
  15. Hux


    What did it cost you?
  16. Was out with the lads late last night and sent a shot of JD over to Mayor O'Brien, he declined and gave it to the person next to him. Isn't he Irish? the fuck? That is all.
  17. Figure out what you're going to spend the cash you're making on!
  18. Happy Birthday bro! We gots some drinkin' to do.
  19. Hux

    Oh, Bev Oda!

    John Williamson of the "CTF" is a douchebag of epic proportions. There are few people involved in Canadian politics who I have less respect for. (It's not just this stuff)*actually it's not this stuff at all.
  20. Hux

    Oh, Bev Oda!

    Also - Blane could probably tell us how long the conference was? likely not a few hours in one evening.
  21. Hux

    Oh, Bev Oda!

    Actually she billed $5500 then returned just over $2000 when she realized that having an assortment of limos ferrying her around – or on standby – for up to seven hours, and billing it to the public wouldn't fly. The hotel (where she stayed) is one-tenth of a kilometre from the Metro Centre where the Juno event took place. But back up for a minute - I thought Conservatives were going to do things differently ya know? Liberals = corrupt pigs at the trough Conservativse = accountable etc. etc? Shouldn't they be going out of their way to prove this? is hiding expenses then only paying $$ back when it becomes public really any different than the corrupt dirty Liberals? talk the talk....
  22. Hux

    Oh, Bev Oda!

    Also to clarify, Ministers of the Crown are given a car and driver, it is not a limo, in Dion's case I believe the expenses in question related to his driver (of course conveniently referred to as a "chauffeur") who was in Mtl driving Dion (in his Ministerial car) and it's his hotel expenses, etc. (and I guess Dion's for staying downtown as per the details Blane provided) In Oda's case it was actually a few stretched limos that she rented from what I've gathered as she wouldn't drive to Halifax in her Ministerial car, whereas Dion would likely from Ottawa->Montreal - dig?
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