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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. Try the Western Cavern. You might have better luck.
  2. 229 Songs with titles that have nothing to do with the lyrics themselves 1. The Who - Baba O'Reily 2. Bob Dylan - Rainy Day Women #12 and 35 3. Grateful Dead - Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks) 4. Joy Division - The Sound Of Music 5. The Grateful Dead - New Potato Caboose 6. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit 7. Broken Social Scene - Ibi Dreams of Pavement 8. Grand Theft Bus - Methuo 9. Frank Zappa - Toads of the Short Forest 10. DMB - #36 11. Ween - Ode to Rene 12
  3. A friend of mine is about to release his second book. His first book was an amazing collection of short stories, called "The Ascent of Eli Israel". The message below is from my friend, Jon Papernick, to his listserv. He is releasing his next book in Canada only, at first. His goal, though, is to sell 1001 copies of the book in Canada before it is released. Help him out, by purchasing! This is his new book: You'll end up with a great book, and helping out a great guy.
  4. Anyone else try these? Addictive and amazing! Sunflower Food Company Website
  5. "What We Do" by Roots Roundup I wish the lyrics to this song weren't as accurate as they are.
  6. I paid more both times I've seen him, and I would have paid twice as much. Go. Actually, here's a review of the first time I saw him. (As an aside, I asked my now-wife to marry me right after that same show.)
  7. p.p. your boat cruise post is not on the calendar, yet. You have to use the "Manage Event" function to actually get it onto the calendar.
  8. This is great! (Safe enough for where I work. Less offensive than half the actions I'm working on, truth be told. )
  9. D'oh! (Although, I am pleased to finally learn that.) Okay, mine doesn't qualify. 229 Songs with titles that have nothing to do with the lyrics themselves 1. The Who - Baba O'Reily 2. Bob Dylan - Rainy Day Women #12 and 35 3. Grateful Dead - Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks) 4. Joy Division - The Sound Of Music 5. The Grateful Dead - New Potato Caboose 6. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit 7. Broken Social Scene - Ibi Dreams of Pavement 8. Grand Theft Bus - Methuo 9. Frank Zappa - Toads of the Short Forest 10. 11. 12
  10. 229 Songs with titles that have nothing to do with the lyrics themselves 1. The Who - Baba O'Reily 2. Bob Dylan - Rainy Day Women #12 and 35 3. Grateful Dead - Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks) 4. Joy Division - The Sound Of Music 5. The Grateful Dead - New Potato Caboose 6. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit 7. Broken Social Scene - Ibi Dreams of Pavement 8. Grand Theft Bus - Methuo 9. Frank Zappa - Toads of the Short Forest 10. Cream - Swlabr 11. 12
  11. Coincidentally, I have written on this area of law; although my work is somewhat outdated as Internet Law develops quickly. If any of you are interested, however, you're welcome to check out this article, which I presented to a large group of Canada's media lawyers a number of years ago.
  12. Dude, I see that you posted a comment in the Western Canada calendar area, but are you aware that you did not post the actual dates of the shows in the calendar, itself? It will take some time to do, as you have to input each date individually, but I think it will be worthwhile for you to do it. (Just trying to help.) ~sm.
  13. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act is American. To my knowledge there is no Canadian equivalent.
  14. [color:purple]I've always dug T.S.O.L. "True Sounds of Liberty"; fantastic 80s punk band. (Ya, ya ... I know ... "The Soundtrack of Our Lives"... T.S.O.L. deserves a plug, though.)
  15. This happens because they are trying to run these sites legally; i.e. without breaching copyright laws, etc. In the case of Pandora, they have contracts with relevant parties, presumably the RIAA in the US and others, and I believe that the contract allowing them to broadcast to Canada is no longer (or may have never existed and they are only now aware that they did not have a license to broadcast to Canada).
  16. I just tried to log in to listen at work, as I often do, and found this:
  17. I recommend adding these to the Western Canada calendar as well, but I have no time to do it myself. The band would be smart to do so, though.
  18. I agree with Phishtaper. I just caught a free show of his in Whistler. Fun stuff! That kid really inherited Daddy's vocal chords.
  19. Okay, it's pretty cumbersome, but this is what I just did, and it worked: I went to the calendar. I clicked on a date in May that was highlighted, and that took me to a screen with drop-down menus, and I changed May to June, and then clicked on "Jump to". That took me to a particular date in June. After that, I then clicked on "Calendar Index", and the screen re-loaded showing all of June. I agree, though, that this interface sux.
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