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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. Yes. I believe someone did. It went something like... Thanks for the links, both of you.
  2. A SCUBA diving friend of mine from BC is encouraging me to keep at my diving even though I'm pretty much land-locked here in Ontario. I can dive lakes in this province, but it doesn't sound too exciting ... or at least it didn't until I heard about this: He tells me there is a town in Ontario that was completely flooded, and rather than moving the town or anything, they just left it and it is now underwater in what I assume is now a lake. Does anyone have any clue what he's talking about? My friend is a pretty hardcore SCUBA diver with many equally hardcore diver friends who are instructors, etc., so I'm willing to bet he is correct, but I want to find out where this place is and check out the diving scene around there. Anyone?
  3. This is pretty cool, stuff. Who is this band?
  4. Essentially, they are gourmet pancakes, with every type of topping you can imagine. I vehemently second Phorbesie's recommendation!
  5. You can also buy directly from Redbell Systems in Toronto. They are really in the computer business, but they will sell blank CDs if asked, and cheap. www.redbell.ca
  6. Personally, I was just waiting for the end of this topic before I chimed back in. I don't get this one, really.
  7. i can't wait to go there in a little over 3 weeks!! sasquatchfestival.com AD do you happen to rockclimb? If so, definitely bring your gear. There is some adequate sport climbing nearby at a crag called Vantage. As long as you stay on the 3 star routes, it's pretty decent climbing. (Although, I guess you'll be at a festival, so you probably have your whole day booked up. Usually when I'm there I have my days free, and a show at night.) Camping by the crag is cool, too. Five minutes from the venue, but on its own, if you want to get away.
  8. The Gorge at George in Washington.
  9. I thought of another "hidden gem". If you don't know where you are staying in Vancouver, you should absolutely stay at the Sylvia Hotel, at least for a night or two. I believe it is older than Vancouver itself, and it's all freaky inside because it was renovated three times in three different eras, so the furniture is craziliy mismatched (but opulent). Also, the floors are all weird, going up and down like ramps, but I think it happened because the building settled over the years. Check it out. http://www.sylviahotel.com/
  10. I was there for a while up until last Monday. I actually got a 20-centimetre powder day; in April! (300 cm base, too.)
  11. I see you figured out the menu. Re Whistler, though, if you are going to go there make sure to let me know. I'll have a friend of mine be your tourguide (if you want). You can probably still snowboard, too, but I think the Mountain may be closed at that time and reopening June 2. You should check, though.
  12. You have to eat at a restaurant in Dunbar called "Baru". The food is incredible. (Their scallops taste like lobster.) It's Peruvian food, and the owner is there 7 days a week. If you even appear to not be having the greatest meal of your life he will run over to ask what is wrong. It is casual, and fairly inexpensive. Otherwise ... go to Whistler.
  13. Sea to Sky Ocean Sports in Squamish, BC. The owner is a bit of a flake, so don't expect too much input from her, but she may have a good staff-member working that day. In any event, the place is pretty inexpensive, and you can kayak in various places near Squamish.
  14. I have a disc much like this. I can't remember where I bought it, but I think it's from Vancouver. Wherever it was from, it's songs written and performed by the homeless from that city, with the funds going to them.
  15. I believe they are officially registered in some way, but I don't know much about it; truth be told.
  16. In some municipal elections small "parties" do exist, but they're called "slates", and have different names than the parties with which we are familiar. This is the case in Vancouver, and a few people tried to get that to happen in Whistler (without success).
  17. I had heard that before. No worries; I didn't get too close...
  18. So? Where's the bird's diary? (Good one, BTW!)
  19. I think I should also comment that this thread should really be a DEM/Calamity Jane appreciation thread. CJ made as much effort as DEM to help me out this weekend, apart from actually playing an instrument. CJ, in case you are wondering, you too are greatly appreciated.
  20. Happy Birthday. PS. Hux sux.
  21. I had never actually met that evil mouse in "real life" before Friday night. I met him (and Calamity Jane) on Friday, though, when the two of them drove all the way from Ottawa in order to play for free at an event being organized by my wife (aka "Lassie") on Saturday morning. The event was a running-race, which was a benefit for physiotherapy research and generally promoting physiotherapy to the public. This meant little sleep for the mouse before putting on a fantastic little show, with a percussionist from Toronto named Nate. I felt I should publicly acknowledge this magnanimous gesture. My wife's event would have been a lot less exciting if it had been run in silence, as opposed to the rockin' good-time-music that Evil Mouse and Nate played for us. Calamity Jane, however, is a whole other story. After she finished her pyramid of tequila shots, and was chased by security out of the men's locker room ... well ... let's just say that things really got wild after that. Thanks soooooo much for coming out, guys. It was great to meet you and I can't wait to do it again. SM / Lassie
  22. http://p206.ezboard.com/bupstreamdiscussiongroup
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