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Everything posted by livingstoned

  1. Happy Birthday Girl - Enjoy your day!
  2. Congratulations guys!!! All the best... Love the pic above hope to see some more!
  3. one step at a time elemeno, one step at a time.
  4. this just in ricky neu is off the smokes....you heard it here first!
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a fantastic day!
  6. ok so who`s got an extra for me
  7. same here I`m not missing this....Missed him once caught him once....don`t want to miss him again.
  8. ...I was sitting waiting staring at the computer from 12:46 on scared to touch anything work related or answer the phone and I still didn`t get tickets! refreshed like mad from 12;57 on....the page was reloading at 1:00 and didn`t actually appear until 1:04!!
  9. YATS - where were you when I lived in TO....got a squash racquet for free a while back and no one to play with. Though I never played in my life I figured I should since I fell into this free gift.
  10. 1:01pm and there are no more tickets left!!! that`s horrible.........I was online at 12:58 logging on....crap crap crap.
  11. I'm thinking I'd like to catch this show....but I need some people to travel with....any takers?
  12. in!!* *for the boat cruise that is not the dog sitting...sorry captain S
  14. ahh mamapink you are too fast for me....I tripped over your mind in the gutter as I was trying to get to this post to type just that!
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