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Everything posted by livingstoned

  1. DONE! ...thanks mousepad for stopping by today and reminding me.... woohooo
  2. WOW that is quite the b-day run - happy belated!
  3. I think must make Rochester happen for me!!
  4. a guy at work just told me about http://www.lostpedia.com/wiki/Main_Page gonna check out the other sites too I guess I didn't realize there was so much chatter out there on the web... I've been reading it at work today since about 5:00 with only a few breaks when work has the nerve to pop up here (Sunday's are slow)...anyway pretty cool site with recaps and extended explaination but I love the "theories" part for basicaly any questions you could think of. I love the show - I watched the first two seasons when it started and really like it - then got away from it for various reasons (and I think it was season 2 that I feared it was slipping) Anyway we rented it last fall from season one on and timing worked out so that we just finished before this season started. I love it even more now then the first season!
  5. Happy belated Keri - sorry to have missed you this weekend 2 keri/carrie's are better than one especially to celebrate b-day's with! Come to Collingwood!!!
  6. thank you everyone - I had a fantastic b-day party on Saturday despite the weather - Yes tomorrow is the actual day Sat was "part" of the celebration so Blurry since you suggested it - I am perfectly OK with celebrating again this Friday in Collingwood woohoo good times!
  7. i left work at 2:30am in the middle of it all didn't get home until about 4am had to reroute off the highway and detour through parts of cambridge which I'm not 100% familar with - my drive from work should take 25mins door to door booooo I'm ready for the snow to be over
  8. levon I'm so jealous!!! I was actually supposed to be in NYC for my b-day but the plans fell through and at planning time I didn't know he was gonna be there. Have fun!!! Say hi to levon for me
  9. nooooooooooo I was sooo looking forward to seeing you
  10. go see them - I plan to catch them next week again in Kitchener they're fun for sure!!
  11. I will indeed be celebrating my b-day on this night you will be missed langarado traders I mean goers....ha! have fun I know I will!!!
  12. Looks like I'm heading down for Saturday only as much as I'd love to do both I don't think a double night is in the cards for me I'm super excited and glad that I'm coming at all so I'm not gonna complain so yeah - woohoo can't wait!
  13. Saw these guys last night as well as a couple of other times this month. Go check them out for sure they're sooo much fun!
  14. hehehe I heard stories about the hot dog guy last weekend....too funny
  15. Great news indeed. Anyone for the starlight show?
  16. I miss the all you can eat japanese place we went for lunch a couple of times when I used to work near you. what about that create your own stirfry place just west of woodbine I never did make it there in my 5 years working for GT
  17. my horoscope today says I'm at a point of self reflection or something of the sort and I should avoid crowds of people and loud music....hehehe.. I'm just saying. Good thing I don't really buy into that stuff...because I fully intend to surround myself with a crowd of people and some music this Friday. woohoo
  18. good answer slippery let them dig their own and you worry about you - oh and ps I miss you
  19. last year we booked the albert on bay through priceline and got a two bdrm suite down the hall from Jay for 170 or close to that rather than the 250 they quote me on the phone the same day we booked it on priceline so if anyone is booking anything I strongly recommend doing it through priceline as for the noise we were pretty loud we had three rooms on that floor between the 8 or 9 of us and the three of them in Jays room......
  20. leaving today for NS...so excited... 'tis the season to be... drunk and greedy? oh no wait I mean Jolly - that's right Jolly...silly me. Hope everyone has a safe and happy holidays!!!
  21. happy happy day!! hope to see you soon!
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