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Everything posted by livingstoned

  1. YESSSSSS!!!!! My excitement level just went up, waaaay up.
  2. True story, I work in Imaging Services for Individual Life Insurance right now. They have in the application smoker information (including both pot and cigarettes) ie: "smokes xxx a day" or "did smoke xxx a day for xxx years." If you do not lie at this time you can apply for a policy change later down the road to get a better premium if you quit. I see those all the time "smoker to non-smoker, health style change" Rates continue to go down the longer you are a non-smoker starting with 1 year I think. I do not know how long you have to complete medicals or what's involved in the medical for a basic life policy but I can probably find out for you if you tell me the type of policy(s) your looking at. I did see a medical report today for some sort of Healty Life style policy which included results for kidney function, blood work, cholesterol, presence of white/red blood cells in urine, blood pressure and a few other things. I believe that line of testing though was specific to that "healthy living" policy and not for a basic life insurance policy.
  3. stumbleweed kicks ass!!!!!! Wish I didn't have to miss this one too. Hope you guys have more lined up soon!!!
  4. Happy Belated Laurie! Wish I coulda made it out on Saturday to say that in person. Hope you had a blast!!!
  5. IDIOTS! (not you Swifty, you're cool)
  6. Wish I could make it out for this!!! Happy early Birthday Laurie hope you have a blast!
  7. I could skate when I started but same thing I hadn't skated in years. I was a bit nervous on my feet at first but it definitely helped that I had roller skated before. The first thing we learned was how to fall so once I got that down I had a lot more confidence on the skates. Always fall forward!!! The more you keep your weight forward and yourself low the better ie: "derby stance" I started in the fall which was the end of season, minimums weren't scheduled again until Feb/Mar but some girls just started in January and were tested and passed. For me the hardest part of testing was laps...you need 25 laps in 5 minutes. The rest of the stuff you're tested on (jumping, hitting, weaving, etc) is stuff you'll most likely be working on every practice and testing aside from laps was done at a pretty slow pace focusing on technique rather than speed. The hardest thing about Derby for me overall is getting timing down for hitting. It took a few months to get insurance so while we practice 3 times a week and I was learning everything else I couldn't participate in a lot of drills since majority of them are contact. I've been insured since January now but I still find it tough to throw a really powerful hit everytime I should be hitting someone. It is so much fun!!! I love it!!! As for gear, not sure what options you have in your area but look for a "Fresh Meat Package" if you can find one works out to be a bit cheaper than buying everything seperate. Here's a great site for stuff too. www.rollergirl.ca Customer service is awesome. I ordered a few things from them and was super impressed.
  8. Here's one for ya... *FAMILY FEUD* VICIOUS DISHES VS. VENUS FLY TRAMPS These two teams have been training together all winter and are ready to unleash their skills in the ultimate expression of sibling rivalry. Don't miss it! Saturday April 10 Doors: 6 pm First whistle: 7pm New Hamburg Arena 251 Jacob st. New Hamburg (at the fairgrounds) $10 advance $12 at the door *kids 12 and under FREE* Tickets available NOW! Kitchener: Encore Records Waterloo: Wordsworth Books Delirium Clothing Generation X videos New Hamburg: Upper Case Books Join us for the after party!! @ Chainsaw 28 King st. w. Waterloo TCRG Lots of Derby action for you to find in TO, Hamilton and almost every other city too but I'm a wee bit biased since I skate in KW! Come check it out, it's pretty freaking awesome! Bit closer than KW Updates please when you start skating....love to hear all about it...also you should visit here...lots of info for you...rules, testing, etc etc.
  9. AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I joined the Tri-City Roller Girls in September. I Just passed my minimums this month. DERBY ROCKS. Unfortunately I missed the first round draft for this season but I did get a spot on the "Smash Squad" for now which is still awesome because we will get to play other "Smash Squad" teams in the area until the next draft. I just went through the whole thing with 2evils and it's tough...so many names are already taken. I had a long list but really wanted to be Ann Killbiter. (I'm a bit on the short side.) Anyway Ankle Biter was taken by a girl in Dallas but turns out if you get written permission from the person with the similar name..as long as its not identical you're good to go. So if you really like a name but it comes up with high probablility of rejection there is the option to contact the team. I basically just googled the Dallas teams and emailed the general manager. I just received permission this week from the Dallas Derby Devils GM I could go ahead and use Ann Killbiter. WOOOHOO!!! Most of my names that made my short list were just that - play on being short (ie: tyn-o-mite, bitty biter, etc.) Not very threatening which is what you said you were hoping for so my suggestions probably aren't what you're looking for. One priceless suggestion I had was LIQUORFACE. Good luck with everything....I cannot believe how fun and amazing Derby is. Anyway, not much help here in the name suggesting department but I will say....AWESOME again...good luck and perhaps I'll see you on the track sometime soon!
  10. Bicycle...we'll call him Bike for short. It's all the rage in Europe as far as baby names go. It's like the new Michael/Mike.
  11. Tonight's the night! Wooohoo, pretty darn excited!!!
  12. Thanks everybody!!! :cheers: Ahaha! Nice Marge. Wanna bet I miss roller derby tomorrow. Hmmm, knowing you and your sense of humour I'm wondering if I should be scared. I do love surprises though....oh the suspense.
  13. Love it. Have many I'm sure but the first one that popped into my head right away was Jeff Buckley's cover of Hallelujah. Bee-u-tiful.
  14. ...go SHORTY, it's your birthday we gon' party like it's your birthday...
  15. Saturday March 13th. Diesel Dog at the Lanc in KW. w/The Baudelaires Hope to see a bunch of folks out to boogie the night away. Been a little while since the dog have come to town.
  16. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!! HA!HA! Ok, might as well go with C-Towns then.
  17. I missed the show and I'm not sorry but I just read Levon Helm won again this year (2nd in a row) for Electric Dirt which is nice.
  18. Talk about really freaking weird happenings...as I'm reading the list I get to Ingrid Michaelson and at the exact same time I read it I hear her name announced on TV. She is on Ellen right now. Just had to share that. Crazy.
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