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Everything posted by Ms.Huxtable

  1. Hey Guigsy, there is some beautiful stuff on there. Congrats on the launch. A couple suggestions from an end user: It would be nice to see prices before adding things to the cart. Plus, I would hesitate to order anything without first knowing the size. Is that there? Am I just missing it? Some pretty nice folks in the profiles. I likey.
  2. This thread inspired me to boost up my collection. I just ordered: Memoirs of a Super Freak - Rick James Heroin Diaries - Nicky Sixx Scar Tissue - Anthony Kiedis Shakey - Neil Young Life - Keith Richards (pre-order comes out in October) Should get me through the summer. I'm so excited!
  3. Yes NW, Scar Tissue is definitely one of the next three. Great suggestion. I loved "Love is a Mixed Tape" as well.
  4. I just don't buy into the soul thing in a sense that when we are born we are inhabited by a soul and when we die our soul keeps going and is passed onto another living thing. I don't believe souls were given to humans by a higher power. The things that give people their spirit IMHO, are chemical and electrical reactions, DNA, etc. James Brown had a soul, I know that, so maybe I should reconsider?
  5. I preface this by saying that I am an athiest. When I was a child, just like many of you, it was mandatory to recite the Lord's prayer every morning. Did it impact me in any way? Absolutely not. It was an exercise in memorization more than messaging. I also had to go to Sunday school with my grandmothers and was exposed to the fundamental principles of religion at a very young age and I'm grateful for it. I think exposure to religion is a good thing. Afterall, much of the world's politics still revolves around religion and to make informed decisions, we must be educated. I would support a class on religion, but not from a singular stand-point the way it was for me growing up. I'd love to see kids learn about all different kinds of religions and be able to relate to one in particular or none at all. And if they choose not to follow a religion, at least they approach it in a knowledgable way, unlike so many ignorant people do, which can be dangerous and discriminatory.
  6. Gentle Monkey, we should be glad Billy Bob's band isn't on the lineup.
  7. I've really enjoyed rock bios as of late and am in search of my next one. So far I've read (in order from my favorite to least favorite) Motley Crue's - Dirt Slash I am Ozzy On A Cold Road (not knowing the band affected my enjoyment, not the writing). Kiss and Make Up - Gene Simmons
  8. Ms.Huxtable


    But I want THAT sandwich!
  9. Ms.Huxtable


    Thanks to Costa Rica I am now desparately addicted to avocado sandwiches and raw yellowfin tuna. And although I have access to both avocados and yellowfin tuna, neither of those ingredients taste as good as they do there.
  10. Ms.Huxtable


    Mmmmm, I love focaccia. I was wondering why we never get it.
  11. We didn't really have a first dance, but Kevin Breit played two great songs at our wedding that we clung to each other during: 1. Hang On - His own song 2. God Only Knows What I'd Be Without You - Beach Boys.
  12. Happy belated Eric. Much love to you. Booche, you can keep our weedwacker. I don't want it anymore.
  13. Think you've already done it. CTMF 2006?
  14. Good call on Yres AD. I had forgotten about that place. I like Horn of Africa in that area as well. (on Rideau). Cheap and delicious food, cheap and boozy wine.
  15. Ms.Huxtable


    Dito MamaPink. The amount of money we save BY FAR makes up for any minor glitches. We've saved thousands over the past few years. There's no better argument than that IMO.
  16. Don't know how many of you watch Chuck, but Plants and Animals' song Bye Bye Bye was in this week's episode in a pretty major way. Awesome!
  17. There are now three threads on jambands about this. Must be big news!
  18. Agreed Dinghy. WTF Dave?
  19. I can't listen to Bob Marley at any other time, than when the sun is shining bright. It just seems to suit a sunny day. The Dead and summer for me is a natural fit as well. I guess it's the lazy, informalness of it. I enjoy the cheese of classic rock and bands like Wings, Peter Frampton, etc. more in the summer as well. Oh and when I am just hanging outside by the pool with adrink in my hand, I like to put on Cuban music as well. Very tropical.
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