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Posts posted by Lazlo

  1. My former employer claimed that I was unsafe when it came to forklift operation. However, they could not provide circumstances as to when these violations took place, nor could they produce the supposed videotape. All they had was hearsay. I could also point out that I was 1 of 8 full-time, "permanent" employees fired over a 2 week period.

    Obviously more than enough reason to render me destitute.

  2. When I was about 14 I delivered papers for my buddy when he went on vacation. Pretty much the same thing happened to me. I was running late and when I got to the church I was met by a very drunk Father Murphy(10 am). He yeld and screamed about his paper being late, I tried to apologise and he got louder so I told him to fuck off. He grabbed for me(no doubt so he could take me down to his chamber of scecrets and show me his tootsie roll) so I threw the paper at him. Later that night I returned and pissed in his foyer.

  3. My claim was denied back in November and now I'm in the process of an appeal. They don't give a shit if you're in dire need or not. EI told me to go on Welfare and Welfare said they won't help until I definitely can't get EI. So far my grand parents have paid my rent twice and I've managed to scrounge up 390 for next. I'm thinking of knocking over a convenience store so I can get caught, go to jail and not have to worry about it anymore.

  4. I think the woman who used to live in my apartment died there, presumably from a heroine overdose. When I moved in I found a burnt spoon in a drawer and a 2L bottle filled with unused hypodermic needles. I asked my landlord about it and he said she was a great tennant. I asked my friend Shannon about it who apparently knew her and she burst into tears. Now I sometimes get the feeling I'm being watched. Shadows across the walls that shouldn't be there, figures out of the corners of my eyes, shit like that. I just make fun of her.

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