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Posts posted by Lazlo

  1. There must be a way to split my molecules into 2 so that I can be in two places at once.

    It's called dismemberment.

    And hey. If you're not going to show why the fuck should any of the money go to you? Backbacon could finish his hormone shots and Tonin could get a clue with all that cash.

    Hey watch your tongue there young man!!

    Why? Is it doing tricks you old bat.

  2. DMT is the most hallucinogenic drug known to man

    Stop, try again. Diemethyltryptamine is NOT the most hallucinogenic drug known to man however you were correct on mimosa as its synthetic source. LSD (ergo to be more precise) is the strongest hallucinogenic when UNCUT, providing intence hallucinations for hours rather than minutes. DMT is a 30 minute high at best, like crack or heroine only trippy. It's been argued that mescaline is the strongest hallucinogen however, mescaline only produces the effects experienced during a peyote trip when combined with the other 9 alkaloids present in the cactus.

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