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Posts posted by Lazlo

  1. Seriously? You're talkin' to the wrong person if you want serious, but I'll give it a shot. I don't think that it will be worth your time and money to persue this in court. But, take this opportunity to let them know that any further infringement will not be tolerated.

  2. You can thank Esau for the new avatar, he's far more creepier and sillier than I could ever dream of being.

    **Life expectancy update**

    62 more minutes added, which makes a grand total 273,820 minutes or .520966514 years deducted from my time on this miserable rock.

  3. ha ha working at a doughnut store ha ha ,small doughnutsholes if you make them with your dingy doughnut maker

    go get some ed. and get a real job

    work for paul martin, yak yak yak

    If you can find me a job where I can make almost 60 grand a year for sitting on a forklift and eating pastry, I'm all ears. Speaking of education, atleast I can tell the difference between an apostrophe and a comma.

  4. Something tells me that I'll have the pleasure of dieing first. But incase I don't, I'll eat yours if you eat mine. You can smoke my freeze dried ground up lungs aswell. Just make sure you're able to take a week off work. You'll need that time to contemplate your existence.

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