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Posts posted by Lazlo

  1. Agreed. I hear Brantford is full of cracked out Indians from the reserve, uneployment and pregnant teenagers. I also know the malls are rammed the first Saturday of every month, 'cause that's when the welfare checks roll in.

    Other than that I'm sure it's a garden spot.

    Sorry to hate on your hometown! ;)

    Just the type of broads you could use in your stable.

  2. Well enviroment Canada says no tornado, but straightline winds instead, which do pretty much the exact same damage and are just as bad apparently.

    Thats what they say right now anyway, they are going to assess things furthur.

    Environement Canada doesn't know shit. The weather station in Hamilton is located at the airport so how the fuck would they know what the fuck went down on the east mountain. Eye witness accounts say that the tornado touched down at Lawfield Elementary, ripped it to shit and then dissipated. The rest of the damage was caused by high winds of about 70 kph, well below the wind speeds produced by a tornado.


    did you know its illegal to dump flu vaccine down the drain into the sewer? its because it has so much mercury in it as a preservative YUM YUM

    for serious

    Holy shit hippie. You are a fuckin' lunatic. Do you get up in the morning and believe your dreams to be fact? Someone's been building models. The preservative in the vaccine is sodium citrate, very similar to the saline solution found in IVs. Mercury is not nor has it ever been used as a preservative because it's poisonous. The reason you can't dispose of it down the sewer is because it contains a consentrated form of the flu virus which could spread into the water supply.

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