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Posts posted by Lazlo

  1. Martha Stewart has or had a apprentice TV show? News to me. What sorta wingnut would watch that? (aside from Lazlo)

    I watched it twice just to get an impression of when it might hit the wall. The apprentices are all self-important douches and Martha is simply a bitch.

  2. Hey Esau...

    Erich and I went hunting for good peices of wood for basking this weekend while we were in Muskoka. I know that I have to boil the wood in a bleach solution and then bake it but I was wondering if you knew if Poplar wood is okay for reptiles?? Also it is super hard to get the bark off so if we sand it well before we boil and bake do you know if the bark would harm him?

    DO NOT BOIL OR BAKE THE BLEACH unless very diluded or you have an assortment of gas-masks.

    Fuck it. What do I care. Boil away and add some ammonia while your at it.

  3. Hey Lazlo,

    I'm personally way less offended when you use your hands for what they were designed for -- wanking yourself off; why deny yourself the [color:purple]'love' during the time it takes to search for and post such offensive images????

    If those pictures are so offensive then why are we forced to learn about such historical events at some point in our education? The shit happened and is happening, you gonna hide in your magic bubble and pretend it's not and didn't? P-shaw!

    And hey. I did after all put it to music.

    And what makes you think I can't jerk my gerkin and surf the web at the same time?

    Actually I just dip my nards in chocolate sauce and let the dog go to town.

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