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Everything posted by larry_llama

  1. i am looking for this. lost it a long time ago. does anyone have a copy they can sell or otherwise *gulp* trade to me? i have the rest of the odds but i need this one! thanks :-)
  2. can't see/hear it. but i found this embedded link which i am downloading and it will hopefully work - cause it sounds cool http://ia300137.us.archive.org/2/items/NateHarrisonCanIGetAnAmen/NateHarrisonCanIGetAnAmen.mov
  3. it's a warehouse. it sucks. lee's would be good though!
  4. why does it have to be at stupid crappy kool haus!
  5. i am in hamilton and i can try a few things and it wont be $1000 per hour, i can promise you that. if you wanted to bring it by, i could take a look and if i can help, we can work out something nice. if it's beyond my skills, no charge, no harm trying. just be careful (physically) with the drive. no bumps, no bruises, no accidental mis-connections!
  6. anyone know where i can download the English debate?
  7. illustrator is $$$$ but inkscape is free and i find it to be awesome and really easy to pick up if you are a beginner. that's for drawing. for photo editing, you'll want the gimp .
  8. can i get a woo WOOOOOOOOO!
  9. No, but I ordered it from that seller and it came fast and friendly. Regarding drivers, USB speakers have absolutely nothing to do with whatever sound card/driver you currently have. They completely bypass it as long as they are officially a "USB Audio" device. They have the soundcard essentially built into them. But I highly recommend that USB transmitter. I have a radio in every room-and in the back yard-and I just turn it on in whatever room I'm in, all being fed from a single computer. And it covers all 3 floors of the house...
  10. usb audio devices are very reliable and very "plug and play". Never had an issue with them, ever. They seem to run "driver free" on windows mac and even most linux installs. I say go for it. If all else fails, you can smash them out of frustration which should be at least slightly fun and worth part of the purchase price. edit: or get one of these and then you can broadcast to a house full of radios. I have one and it is freaking awesome. http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330268385783
  11. the big snit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBeLt2S35G4
  12. now's our chance to download the entire thing just in case. i was suffering from serious withdrawal for a while there
  13. i heard we are getting new providers next year so hang in there -- and dont sign any contracts yet!
  14. Did I miss the thread about this? Sorry if I did. If I didn't, I can't believe the sanctuary totally dropped the ball on providing me with the news! take a look at the cop's report before the video surfaced: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2008/0729081bike1.html "... Deponent [cop] further states that upon instructing the defendant to cease the above-described conduct [riding in the middle of a lane], the defendant steered the defendant's bicycle in the direction of the deponent [cop] and drove defendant's bicycle directly into deponent [cop]'s body, causing deponent [cop] to fall to the ground and causing deponent [cop] to suffer lacerations on deponent [cop]'s forearms." Talk about living in an alternate reality! How about: "Deponent rammed deponent's forearms into defendant's body, knocking defendant to the ground whereupon deponent got angry that defendant caused deponent's arms to hurt, so deponent used excessive force to illegally detain defendant and deponent lied on report to cover deponent's ass. Deponent now works at the desk, until deponent is found guilty of assault at which point deponent will no longer be employed by the police force."
  15. Why is that ridiculous? We all pay taxes to cover basic needs such as roads, water service, transit etc... What is actually ridiculous is how much of your taxes go toward road maintenance and expansion so that people can live the single-occupancy-vehicle lifestyle and avoid the icky bus at any cost...
  16. That's exactly what I thought. If you are going to publicly defend yourself, and you can't write worth shit, at least have someone proofread your work.
  17. If anyone has an extra, please let me know. Despite two of us lining up for hours in the rain to get passes, we ended up one short for our crew :-( Thanks guys!
  18. iriver ihp-120 (h120) off ebay. optical in/out and awesome recording features through rockbox (www.rockbox.org) plus possibility if upgrading to 32gig compactflash memory to eliminate hard drive power/failure issues down the road.
  19. i think the real bandwidth issue is email chain letters and facebook notifications, plus replying to emails and leaving a years worth of quoted text in the body every time. if only people stopped doing those things we could download all of the americas next top model episodes we want
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